
Part Fish, Part Wolf

Cricket! <3



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1 Year
03-04-2024, 06:25 PM
The days pass with warmth and sunshine and Coho loses herself in the routine of a puppy, sleeping and eating take up much of her waking hours. Growing is an extremely difficult job and she often feels like her bones and teeth are hurting which can make the pink girl really grumpy and not very much fun to be around. That is why, today, the pink salmon has decided to wander away from her little family group; not to get into trouble but to keep herself from getting annoyed and accidently (on purpose) biting anyone.

As she walks underneath the canopy that the great willows offer, their long, weeping branches reach down to tickle her small back as the breeze pushes at them and a smile manages to find its way onto her lips as a giggle slips out. There is something here, within the grove that has been calling to the young pup since the moment she set paw outside the den and now, as she slowly meanders along, that familiar call pulls her onward. Coho only stops when her paws touch the edge of the large pond, the water lazily greeting her as a stray leaf flutters down to touch the glassy surface and send ripples gently rolling away.

Fish dart from here to there in the cool depths, drawing her curious eyes as their colorful forms appear only to disappear underneath the shadows of the lily pads. Vibrant green eyes are wide with curiosity as the pup leans far over the water, trying to spy what the fish are doing in the hopes of unraveling the secrets of the watery depths and, with it, the reasons that she keeps being drawn here. Jaw hangs open as Coho silently watches, a breeze tickling her ears and ruffling her fur as the limbs of the willow behind her dance, seeming to reach toward the pink form before falling still once more as the wind dies down.

"Coho Klein"
As her parents, Cricket and Ghoul may crash any threads that they see fit to, while Coho is a pup

Thread Move Log
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1. Part Fish, Part Wolf Whistling Willows 06:25 PM, 03-04-2024 12:46 PM, 07-16-2024