
Forget Me Not



Expert Fighter (191)

Expert Intellectual (137)

3 Years
Extra large
Dragon Mod

OverachieverLoserUnderachieverCritical Fail!Samhain 2022Statue 5 Worship
03-16-2024, 02:01 AM (This post was last modified: 03-16-2024, 02:04 AM by Diablo. Edited 3 times in total.)

He had not been to Auster since the raid on Tojo, but he knew that pack was further into Auster than he was going. He had mostly stayed within the bounds of Raiders Hollow since his little scuffle with that random pup whose tail he had stolen, but he was growing tired of feeling locked up (even though it was his own decision). If someone came after him, so be it. He wasn't afraid. He could fight his own battles, but also...he didn't even really think about it a whole lot, either. That pup had been nobody to him. Not worth wasting thoughts over. She was nothing but a forgotten memory, and doubted he'd even remember her should they ever cross paths again.

The young male made the swim to the island, stepping on the sands and shaking out his coat as he looked first at the abandoned ship that sat docked against the pier, and then the crumbling buildings just beyond the trees. What kind of place was this? He couldn't imagine it being a place once full of hustle and bustle from whatever creatures used to inhabit the was unfathomable to him. Snorting, he made his way quietly toward the cruise ship first, curious to see if there was anything worth finding in there.


Diablo has three Doberman companions named Roscoe, DeSoto, & Cujo. Assume they are with him at all times unless otherwise mentioned!
Diablo is a rated M character! He is unpredictable and may become violent with or without cause. Consider this your warning!

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1. Forget Me Not The Forgotten Isle 02:01 AM, 03-16-2024 04:17 PM, 06-20-2024