
A promise kept




Advanced Fighter (60)

Advanced Navigator (80)

5 Years

Pride - DemisexualThe Ooze ParticipantWordy
03-17-2024, 09:40 PM (This post was last modified: 04-08-2024, 04:35 PM by Kumiho. Edited 1 time in total.)

Life had been a tumultuous swell of rising and crashing waves in Ashen since Venom had abdicated her throne to Chimera. He knew Kitsune had been most displeased by the turn of events, and following the dissolving of Ashen, her upset brought him upset as well. He did not know what the future held in store for the Klein wolves, or the rest of Ashen, or Boreas as a whole without one of its longest standing packs, but the anguish it had brought to Kit had broken his heart. Her home was gone, her family scattered across the world, and everything they knew was unraveling before their eyes and they were powerless to stop it. Now more than ever in the wake of devastation, Iho decided it was time to keep a long overdue promise…

Early fall felt more like late summer than an actual transition of the seasons in southern Boreas. Kumiho was taking advantage of the warm sunny days to complete work on his latest project: a newly reconstructed raft that he had promised to take Kitsune sailing on. It had been nearing its completion the last couple of weeks and was just about seaworthy and ready for its maiden voyage. The arctic wolf stood on the deck of the vessel, gazing up at the mast and stowed sails in the late morning sun. He walked the deck a couple of times, testing the sturdiness of the planks. It had been a lot of work to rebuild again, but Kitsune was worth it. Once he was pleased with his work, Iho stepped off the raft and onto the soft sands of the estuary where his meager possessions lay packed in a rucksack ready to go, giving a short call for his princess to find him, wherever she may be. It was time for them to take the next step in their life journey together.


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1. A promise kept Avian Estuary 09:40 PM, 03-17-2024 08:13 AM, 05-06-2024