
I Have a Need for Mead


The Hallows

Master Intellectual (240)

Master Fighter (245)

An icon representing the specialty Tactician Tactician

1 Year
Dire wolf
03-30-2024, 03:07 PM

Nelu busied himself about the courtyard as he attempted to make mead for the first time. The hallows had a number of fine drinks and he wished to help add to their stores in his own way by introducing his own mead into the mix. Now that he had everything set and ready to go Nelu wasted no time in getting his honey stores ready to be made into mead. While he could ferment it for a week or so he preferred the finer taste that came from a month, or even a season, of fermentation. That meant getting started now.

Samiri had worked hard for the honey and the little spider monkey was eager for a taste of mead. Both his companions had assisted in the gathering of firewood while Nelu gathered stones to prop up the metal vessel they'd use for making the brew. Samiri started pouring in cups of honey, seeking to add about a gallon of the precious substance while Nelu added water from the castle stores. It took a few trips but he had his mind set on the task and the crispness of the spring air made it all the more enjoyable to be outside.

Nelu filled the pot with water and set about looking for a good stick while he waited for it to warm. Samiri sat perched in a nearby bush, a satchel of honey comb grasped in her little hands as she eagerly waited to add it. Aster soon settling in by her side. Nelu placed a paw upon a good sized stick about four feet long. He examined it, noting that most of the bark had fallen from it and he set to removing the rest to minimize contamination of his work.

When he had the water ready he nodded to Samiri who added her honey comb to the mix. Taking the stick in his mouth he started to stir. Every so often he paused to grab a strainer to clear off the scum that rose to the top. While he worked Samiri began to remove coals and sticks from the base of the fire seeking to regulate the temperature. It would take awhile now but Nelu was patient and worked without complaint. He passed the strainer to Samiri and while he continued to stir she worked at removing the unwanted residue from the mead mixture.

After awhile, Nelu let his paw hover above the surface of the cauldron for a moment, testing the temperature. When he was satisfied he moved over to the lid for the vessel and carefully put it into place so the mixture could begin to ferment.

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1. I Have a Need for Mead Amron's Castle 03:07 PM, 03-30-2024 08:23 AM, 04-19-2024