
as twisted as I am, twist me more

pls rhazien or saph, or like both cause a train is nice.


04-08-2024, 03:06 AM
rated m for sexual & graphic themes.

soleste strode like the world belonged to her, in it's place forever beneath her paws. her aura of confidence was an unmistakable one.. expansive & consuming wherever she went. as she moved with sensual grace, her muscles danced by her fluid motion. & without shame, she follows her primal urges- possessed by the syndicate's stench that filled the scenery. she gravitated towards the stronger aromas of dominant musk, it's delicious to her greedy snout that flared it with abuse. she tasted it, relished in it, & even rubbed it into herself, bathing in his colognes that marked the ground. matured urine pleased her senses furthermore, telling her the information she so dearly needed. "mm.." she nearly moaned, noting his size and age.
she grows closer, finally coming upon the borders of a pack she knew nothing about. their scent markers are potent and tease her. they threaten her even. she hums, silently intrigued as she paces down into a full halt just before the invisible line that draws her out. she cannot help but growl, envious of the other's who dwelled here without her. many scents laid here, but amongst them were two that interested her.
soleste remains in her stand, cocking her head up for only a brief moment to release a melodic howl for the packs tyrants.

"talk" 'think'
table by scarlet, art by ashon


The Syndicate
Effendi- Dhaka

Master Fighter (360)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Gambler Gambler

5 Years
Extra large

Ooh La La
04-08-2024, 01:33 PM

Rhazien had just leaned down to drink from a pool of mountainside water, enjoying the backdrop symphony of the roaring waterfall when Zemir and Zemra emerged from the forest. Their large, rounded ears perked towards their master, vertical pupils narrowed into slits in the bright light of the midday sun. While quenching his thirst, the brute listened to their complaints- noting the searing jealousy that wept from their bodies, demeanors shifting between flashes of fierce possessiveness and scrutiny. A woman at their borders, rolling around in their scent markers like a gluttonous whore. Oh, Rhazien was more than intrigued- captivated, even. He’d soothe his girls over, grooming their heads with his tongue, caressing their fur with the tiny papilla that gave it that velvety texture. And once they’d calmed down, he would usher them back into the underbrush, commanding them to lay low until he needed their assistance.

Traveling beneath the canopy pines, sunlight filtering through the foliage in shafts of golden light, Rhazien is silent in his approach. Emerging from the treeline just as the girl finishes her song, and already his salacious gaze is eating her alive. Eyes lingering on every contour, tracing each supple curve, noting the way a cream and ebony pallet drapes across her frame. As he takes her in, there is a flicker of curiosity in his gaze, mischief evident in his smirk that carries a hint of charm. “My dear girl, ”  He croons, chin tilting subtly, eyes shamelessly taking her in before he aligns his intense gaze with those pools of shimmering periwinkle. "You’ve just arrived, and already you smell like me. Lips pull back tighter, revealing more of those insidious, serrated fangs inside of his mouth.  His nostrils quivering, as he drinks in her scent- pheromones weeping from her pores, interweaving with the masculine musk she’d rolled herself in.

Taking a step forward, his head tilts ever so slightly to the side- boasting his curiosity, demanding her attention with his magnetism. "Have we met before?" He asks, expression exuding an unmistakable sense of anticipation, urging the girl to explain why she was here, dancing along the borders of hell with such ease.  Was she a whore he'd fucked and forgotten about?

Caution: Rhazien is a rated M character. Viewer discretion is advised.
Assume his companions, Zemir and Zemra, are present in his threads unless specified otherwise.


04-08-2024, 03:20 PM
s o l e s t e

her previous preconceptions proved true; he was older and huge, hung at his girth with a barrel wide chest. a massive male with all the right looks, wearing a dark pelt that suited him exceptionally well. up close, he was irresistible to her sense; she was insatiably hungry for more as her pale eyes watched him emerge and step forward. it beckons her own body forward by a step, her body bubbling up with a mix of adrenaline and heat. it's then his words drip into their atmosphere, taking over like oil that hit water: fucking her through and ruining her world with just that. tainting her, she would meet his existence readily.
"i will take anything that comes from you." she spoke with an effeminate tone, giving him something of a threat and promise. her possessivness thus began, imprinting on him now and forever. his aura was haughty, mischievous and something of sophisticated. & it furthermore attracted her like a moth to a light; hypnotizing her with shameful ease. and she did not care. swooned already it would seem, as she bit her lip and watched him stare like a pervert, obviously enjoying his greedy gaze as she basked in his undivided attention. "only in my wet dreams." she spoke with a sultry tone laced with subtle growls: her innards churning with the heating tension of wanting to harm him and taste him. she barks, reckoning he approach closer. "claim me." she was a daring woman, demanding the brute accept her within the pack. her pink eyes glinting a fiery intent within the voids of her pupils, loud with the secrets of her carnal whims that only he could sedate at this time. she was a devilry who knew what she was doing.
continuously, she watches him. the air tight between them as she awaited his actions. soleste sombre was on a mission, and it was hers to tell in due time. a primal & womanly thing with nothing to lose, she was no doubt a valuable asset with the right cards played. she wanted things in her life and right now.. it was him.

"talk" "think"
table by scarlet/art by nelsa


The Syndicate
Effendi- Dhaka

Master Fighter (360)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Gambler Gambler

5 Years
Extra large

Ooh La La
04-16-2024, 11:03 PM

My, was this woman something. They’d only just met - at least, Rhazien couldn’t remember her from anywhere - and she was melting in the palm of his paw. Those pale eyes focused on him and unwavering, flickering with fervor as she salaciously writhed before him. The step she took in his direction signaled her disregard for boundaries, her body aching for physical touch, as she begged him to ravage her. Rhazien can’t help but cock a brow at her, lips pulling back into a tighter sneer. “Anything that comes from me? My, you're a hungry one, aren't you.”  He croons, echoing her words, dominating the space between them with his guttural voice. That palpable sense of confidence dominates his demeanor, as he continues to explore every inch of her body with his wandering gaze.

And at her comment, Rhazien would laugh; the sound resonating from his chest, deep and melodic, reverberating off the pines surrounding them. “Claim you?” His lips curled into a tight, self-assured smirk, head cocking slightly as he considered her request. But something about this was just too… easy. A beautiful woman appearing suddenly, mewling and begging to be taken into his paws, if only to satiate his depravity. His mind thought of Medulla, who'd approached him with a similar request; but she'd wanted companionship and protection, while this woman wanted a good, nasty fuck. At least, that’s the aura she’s been exuding. The perversions running ramped in her mind shimmering in her eyes- licentious and greedy as she ate him up, inch by inch.

“Mmmm,” He hums, squaring his shoulders and taking a few steps towards her, crossing the border of The Polar Sound to enter the neutral grounds. There is a sense of purpose in his stride, an intensity that hinted at the ferality that threatened to consume him. “Why?” He’d stop suddenly, leaving but a tail’s length between them- blunt and unyielding in his questioning, as he begins to inspect her up close. "As beautiful as you are," A short pause. “We have no use for whores in our kingdom.” It wasn’t meant to be a jab at her; but it was an observation, nonetheless. “And if you’re looking for a quick fuck, you’d have to earn it.” The air between them is charged with his commanding demeanor, his expression morphed into one of anticipation. Would she meet his noncompliance with aggression? Or would she impress him, earning herself a night full of wonder, as he'd bend her over at the borders, fuck her into submission, and send her on her way?

Questions, questions.  

Caution: Rhazien is a rated M character. Viewer discretion is advised.
Assume his companions, Zemir and Zemra, are present in his threads unless specified otherwise.


04-26-2024, 07:43 PM
s o l e s t e

he fell, like a angel from the sky. resentment flooding through he veins for the fucker. what a shame, her mind hissed. she spoke nothing until he was done wasting his breath. tsk.. "you.. underestimate me." she remained where she stood, though her hackles rose in apparent offense. her nares flared as her breathing became paced with intent, pale pink gaze piercing him with a newfound hardness. "you dangle it in front of me, while I offered myself freely." her ears pressed against her cream skull, flattening back as her features became slick and sharp; threatening. "my feelings.. are hurt," she played. toying with the lack of meaning and sympathy in her words. every accented syllable emerging with thorny coldness that bit at him. a taunt if you will, but she learned her lesson nonetheless. he liked it this way, perhaps. sick bastard. her type indeed.
his laugh was an unattractive one- a deep cackle that was out of place in their encounter. he didn't wish to claim her.. fine. but he made fatal mistakes of observation. perhaps some could not see the potential that brewed before them. thus, annoyance shifted her previously sweeter aroma, spiking with adrenaline as her visage turned stoic and empty. like switch, she was off in seconds. as if the air around them darkened with the magnitude of her change. no fucking needed.
she is passionate, and lashes out in an instant; her body a blur of deliberation as she charged forward with a pure titanium mask sliding over her face and titanium talons capping over her claws when she throws her body forward & up; her frontal arms rising in attempting to hug the large brute with a tenacious grip near his neck, along with an opened maw that greedily searched for flesh to bite down on. if he wanted to make her fight for it, she would.. only to refuse him altogether later for the mistakes he made. she was not one who forgave.

"talk" "think"
table by scarlet/art by nelsa
Soleste versus Rhazien for Dominance
Round: 1/2
Age: over 1yr
Size: Extra large
Build: Light
Offensive Battle Accessory: Pure titanium sharpened claw covers
Defensive Battle Accessory: Pure titanum wolf skull mask
Companion 1: Female sharp shinned hawk - Battle
Skills: beginner fight & beginner intellectual
Specialty: n/a


The Syndicate
Effendi- Dhaka

Master Fighter (360)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Gambler Gambler

5 Years
Extra large

Ooh La La
04-29-2024, 07:10 PM

My, he’d certainly struck a cord of anger inside of the woman. The glimmer of lust faded from her rosy eyes, replaced with a sharp narrow of malice as she glared at him. Her pelt bristled, standing erect down a curvaceous frame, her lips pulling back into a sneer that made her aggravation known. Not one for rejection, it seems. Still, Rhazien would not falter in his stance, his shoulders still rolled forward, that charming smile pulling at his lips exuding his confidence. Even with the tension building between them, palpable and thick in the air, he possesses a magnetic charisma that is meant to captivate the woman.

And she was hurt alright; she voiced it aloud, hissing at him through clenched teeth, venomous words meant to pierce his flesh and straight into his heart. So much hatred over something so meaningless. Rhazien’s head cocks slightly, his eyes tracing her movements, focusing his gaze on her admits a blur of their surroundings. He’s noticing the subtle changes in her body language; the tensing of muscles, coiled with power, every fiber taut with anticipation and keenly attuned with the anger coursing through her. He may have been a playboy, but Rhazien was also a warrior. He wouldn’t miss the opportunity to partake in bloodshed, and he knew the signs of an impending attack well.

Still, there is a flash of doubt in his mind. Will this woman really attack him? The internal musing has just echoed in his mind, when the woman suddenly erupts from her position, crossing the border and entering the domain of heathens. She’s pulling a mask over her face, front limbs raising and extending forward and Rhazien only has a few seconds to react. Her paws are wrapping around him, hugging him while her claws dig into the thick grizzly bear hide he wears over his coat for battle. In the same breath, he throws his shoulder forward, trying to meet the force of her attack head-on, wanting to disrupt her balance given she’d wavering on her two back legs. He's aiming for the center of her chest, to knock the wind from her lungs.

And as her jaws splay, his follow in sync, countering her by snapping at her face as he attempts to clash their mouths together. His fangs are plated with serrated obsidian steel; it protects them from breaking or chipping in the assault. But the woman? She’s got a mask concealing her face, but her jaws and fangs are fair game.  


Rhazien vs Soleste for Dominance
Round 1/2
Age: >1 year
Size: Extra large
Build: Heavy
Offensive Battle Accessory: Steel Fang Caps
Defensive Battle Accessory: Grizzly Cape
Companion 1: Female Black Serval, 22" - Battle
Companion 2: Female Black Serval, 22" - Battle
Skills: Master Fighter & Master Intellectual
Specialty: Knight & Gambler
Caution: Rhazien is a rated M character. Viewer discretion is advised.
Assume his companions, Zemir and Zemra, are present in his threads unless specified otherwise.

Thread Move Log
Thread Forum From To
1. as twisted as I am, twist me more The Polar Sound 03:06 AM, 04-08-2024 04:45 PM, 07-18-2024