
You've Gotta Be Lion



Intermediate Healer (30)

Advanced Intellectual (60)

Extra small
04-14-2024, 08:46 PM

Fever, one of the newest members of the Elysium pack, ventured beyond the safety of her family den for the first time, her small frame trembling with a mixture of excitement and apprehension. Her parents didn't exactly know that she was sneaking out, but she imagined that they wouldn't get too mad. Especially since she was just going right down the mountain to that bright, yellow place below. With her heart pounding in her chest, Fever set out into the unknown, her senses tingling with the unfamiliar sights, sounds, and scents of the mountain.

As she padded cautiously through the undergrowth, the dappled sunlight spattering the rocks and crags, Fever's keen senses led her to a clearing bathed in golden light. In the center of the clearing, a vast field of dandelions swayed gently in the breeze, their vibrant yellow petals like a beacon drawing Fever closer.

Intrigued by the sight, Fever approached the field with cautious curiosity. She sniffed tentatively at the golden blooms, her nose twitching at their sweet, earthy scent. With a small exclamation of approval, she began to pluck the dandelions one by one, her movements careful and deliberate. It was a good thing that she brought a little bag with her. No, it wasn't her bag, but surely her mom wouldn't mind if she borrowed it, right?

As she gathered the flowers in her stolen sack, Fever's mind buzzed with thoughts of their many uses. She knew that dandelions were not just pretty flowers—they were also incredibly versatile, capable of being used in a variety of ways. They could be brewed into teas to soothe upset stomachs, tossed into salads to add a burst of color and flavor, or even used to create vibrant yellow dyes for coloring fabrics. She'd learned a lot of that from the healers in the pack. Elysium was full of very intelligent wolves.

More than anything, Fever longed for her parents to be proud of her for her resourcefulness and ingenuity. She imagined their smiles of approval, their tails wagging in admiration as she presented them with her bounty. There would be many words of praise. They would tell her just how smart and clever she was. Fever could hear it now.

As the sun climbed higher in the sky, casting long shadows across the clearing, Fever continued to gather dandelions with single-minded determination. She lost herself in the rhythm of her task, her senses attuned to the natural world around her. Not once did she hear the voices of anyone calling for her. Puppies often had one track minds and, in this regard, Fever was no different. The only thing that mattered was her task.

Hours passed, and Fever's collection grew larger and larger until she could barely carry any more. The heads of the dandelions were squashed within the sack, more mush than flower at this point. With a satisfied sigh, she surveyed her haul, a sense of accomplishment swelling in her chest. She had proven herself capable of surviving in the wilderness, of thriving even in the face of uncertainty and challenge. Fever had never thought any different. She knew that she was a capable child. Even if there had been danger down the mountain, would anything have dared touch an Elysium princess?

As she made her way back to the den, her pack filled with dandelions to the point that a seam had split, Fever felt a newfound sense of confidence coursing through her veins. She knew that no matter what obstacles lay ahead, she had the strength, the resourcefulness, and the determination to overcome them. She was smarter than the average puppy. She was smarter than her brothers for sure. She was probably the smartest wolf in the entire pack if you asked her at that moment. They hadn't been clever enough to go off on their own, had they?

With sneaky little steps, the girl made her way back into the family den. She deposited the split sack of dandelions on the floor near the entrance. She'd been excited about her conquest initially, but a day of plucking flowers had made her quite tired. With dirt in her fur and her paws stained green and yellow, Fever made her way to the big bed of furs that she shared with her family. Her stomach rumbled, but it didn't matter. She was exhausted. Had she even eaten today?

As Fever drifted off to sleep beneath the furs, no sign of her little body visible, it never even dawned on her that she might be in trouble. How could her parents yell at her for taking the initiative? She was helping by bringing flowers back for the healers. She was a contributing member of the pack. Right? Right? Well, she'd deal with the backlash after she woke up. With a little sigh of content, Fever took a well deserved nap.


"Fever Mendacium"

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1. You've Gotta Be Lion Alias Island 08:46 PM, 04-14-2024 06:37 AM, 06-24-2024