
It’s not that difficult to wrap your head around

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Beginner Intellectual (5)

Master Fighter (245)

10 Years

Pride - PolysexualHalloween 2020 - Haunted House
05-16-2024, 06:19 PM
“Watch your step there Eraithus.” Kespie hooted fluttering next to him while he pressed his paw into an emerald deposit. The seemingly glowing green substance sank against his blue paws. He laughed at the owl, looking over at her. This dirt was not dangerous not if you didn’t eat it anyway. That’s what he thought and he knew nothing about plants and what not. Still it was a good idea to come out here in the middle of the night. There was a pale crescent moon waning in the sky, providing limited light if not for the illuminated emerald spots in the sand here not to mention the bright colors in the sky. Considering he didn’t get out much anymore a nice walk had sounded like the perfect idea. Gotta keep his health up and all.

“Stop you’ll tempt me more.” He said to the owl, as she landed on his shoulders. Eraithus continued his walk down the sands. Relishing in the silence of the night, but for a moment it almost felt like it was far too quiet. His ears twitched eyes scanning the empty surrounding area. There were a few outcrops of rock and stone, not to mention dotted trees away from the actual shore. The island was a mystery and Eraithus had every intention of having himself an explorative time.

The further they walked in silence, the more uneasy he seemed to feel. Listening closely to the waves as they lapped onto the shore. Taking some of the glow with it before vanishing within the dark depths. Was that… the feeling of eyes on him. He looked behind his shoulder Kespie flapping her wings to the sudden movement. She didn’t question him though, he saw nothing for now and opted to continue. He was being too jumpy this island wasn’t populated and he hadn’t smelt any recent scents when he entered, but still that uneasy feeling just wouldn’t go away.

“I think something’s following us Eraithus.” Kespie clicked her beak, taking off before Eraithus could ask her what she meant. Then again she could get a better look from the sky.  Eraithus looked across the island, he still couldn’t see what it was but with the combination of their instincts he definitely thought he was being followed now. Getting closer to some of the shrubs he began to inspect around.

This couldn’t be a wolf. The scent didn’t match but it felt like it was trying to hide its scent. A broken twig, then Eraithus stopped to see some tracks in a heap of soft soil near a hill. Approaching the prints he lowered his head and got his nose up close. It was kind of earthy, wrapping his head around the memory it appeared it was a feline of some sort. It had to be a cougar or something similar. Stalking him right now?! Don’t make him laugh, he grinned, fine it was a challenge then.
Eraithus began following the tracks. Although a few times he lost them, the creature turned around evident by the fact it was following him. He growled in frustration, turning to see if he could catch its scent again. When suddenly Kespie let out a cry and was skydiving right towards him. Ears alert he looked up and she screeched at him again flying right past him.

“PANTHER!” She yelled before Eraithus could react when the large cat was ramming into his right side. With the air knocked out of him Eraithus went tumbling down the small hill. Righting himself as a large paw swiped at his face and he was able to back his head up in time to avoid those claws. A gods forsaken panther had been stalking him? How did it even get on this island? Well he didn’t have time to think about it now, he needed to take down this stalker!

He thrust his head forward with a loud growl raising his hackles while he tried a bite for the panther's head. The cat quickly dodged, slapping him with a clawed paw on his shoulder. He winced, feeling claws rake down his skin, but it wasn’t too deep and it gave him a chance to get a bite into the animals side. The panther yowled in pain thrashing its tail wildly while Eraithus tried to deal with its ear splitting cries. He let go shoving the beast with his shoulder so it fell into the water beyond the shore. The panther writhed in the water crawling out the soaked creature hissed at Eraithus.

“You wanna die, actually your skull would be nice for my collection.” Sure it might take a few months but that was the fun part. Fear was clear on the panthers face as it turned to run but Eraithus was already on top of the cat. His teeth came crashing down on the back of its neck. Throwing the cat on its back it yowled which was cut off by Eraithus wrapping his jaws around the cats throat until it stopped moving. Just one final soft twitch of its tail. Kespie came flying down after it was all over. Now he just had to find a way to deal with the body, maybe he should skin it here on the island.

Word count; 878
Eraithus has a permanant bend in his tail, giving it a crooked appearance. Some of his art does not depict this.
he has a female snowy owl by the name kespie, it is assumed shes around regardless of mention.

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1. It’s not that difficult to wrap your head around Emerald Island 06:19 PM, 05-16-2024 12:57 PM, 07-16-2024