
Oh poo



Expert Fighter (135)

Beginner Intellectual (0)

2 Years
05-17-2024, 03:23 AM
Reaper enter the cedar forest on a casual exploration. So far the continent had some beautiful and mesmerizing places to explore. In the middle of the cedar forest was a giant waterfall that bleed into a river. Reaper admired it from afar, Moloch flying above the trees swiftly. That's when a new smell came into the airx cussing his hackles to raise immediately. A mountain lion. Reaper immediately remembered when he was child and was being stalked by one in the night of fall. He had prayed to his patron Zarren, unknowing of the danger that lurked. The beast was smited by the God, blinded, and ran off. Reaper knew instinctively that this time would be different. Moloch let out an alarming caw, swooping down to grab Reaper's attention. There it was, now fully in sight and dedicated to a fight. Reaper nodded and prepped himself. A fight it would get. For it didn't seem keen on negotiating.

The mountain lion charged forwards, swiping it's paw at Reaper's face. Reaper pulled back, mere inches from behind missed. The Bloodjaw charges forwards, his white maws splayed open and seeking the mountain lion's face. He was going for the eyes. He was going to blind the thing as Zarren had done, perhaps allowing him to gain an advantage in the process. His teeth sunk down on the side of the face and he tore into it violently, blood spilling into his maws. He spat it out directly into the cat's eyes, a frustrated yowl coming from the beast.

Gavroche II


Expert Fighter (160)

Advanced Healer (85)

1 Year
Toy size
05-19-2024, 01:32 PM

Traveling beyond pack lands was something Gavroche shouldn’t have been doing. After following the Raiders home in an attempt to offer them herbs, he hadn’t understood why things had gone so poorly. His heart hurt knowing that he had failed to give them the herbs, that his aunt had gotten hurt… but he hadn’t stayed behind to see what had happened. Gavroche didn’t want to believe that the other pack was as bad as the adults were making it sound… surely there was some sort of big misunderstanding going on? It made his heart hurt, not knowing how to help… so instead the boy was staying out of the way, trying to support his friend Bellatrix while she went for a pack.

That was part of why he was out here in the territory of the other falls. This had once been Trixy’s home, and the last time he had met up with her had been here. He walked alongside his companions Arachne and Dawn, the monkey keeping an eye out for his friend while Gav and the kitten talked. Dawn had been happy living with him, the small thing bouncing by his side with an amount of energy he was envious of. He was about to comment on that energy when the stink of a big cat invaded his nose. Gavroche’s words died on his lips and he lifted his head up. Big cats had been a thorn in the pack’s side… He narrowed his eyes, debating if he should engage.

That was when he noticed the scent of a wolf. It was unfamiliar to him and, from what he could tell, there was no pack scent mingling with it. Then he heard the fighting begin… and Gavroche made his decision with the yowl of the beast. He was going to help the other wolf.

Breaking into a run, Gavroche charged in the direction of the fight. After breaking through some undergrowth he saw the back end of the feline and dove forth. The tiny winged wolf snarled, sinking teeth into the back left leg of the cat when he grabbed hold of it with his dexterous left forepaw. Arachne screeched, leaping for the lion’s tail and grabbing hold. The spider monkey would yank it off to the side, hoping to serve as an additional distraction of pain for the cat. Finally Dawn came up, attacking the big cat’s other paw with a pounce. They were a small team, but they were mighty!

"Speech," 'Thought.'

table coding by bunni ♥



Expert Fighter (135)

Beginner Intellectual (0)

2 Years
05-21-2024, 11:26 AM
Just when he thought he was alone, reinforcements came bathing into help aid in the big cat's defeat! Reaper's head snapped in the direction to see a much smaller winged wolf came out of trees, charging at the big cat and attacking its hind legs. What appeared to be a monkey joined in on the fray. Reaper took this direction and went for the mountain lion's scruff. His fangs latched on and he started to shred the area brutally. Moloch, hearing and seeing the commotion from above, swooped down in attempt to aid Reaper. The Raven's claws extended forwards as he went to scratch at the face of the mountain lion, flapping his wings furiously. With all the combined animals suddenly attacking, the mountain lion was desperate and confused on who to attack. It swiped it's free front paw at whoever was nearest.
Reaper has a black raven named Moloch who is with him 24/7. Reaper will send this bird to stalk and report on his love one's well beings.

Reaper also ALWAYS smells of dead, rotten, corpses. He rolls in them daily to preserve his signature scent.

Reaper's voice claim is Stolas from Helluva Boss.

Mae Torres may enter any of Reaper's threads at any given time.

Gavroche II


Expert Fighter (160)

Advanced Healer (85)

1 Year
Toy size
05-23-2024, 07:36 AM

The lion became desperate. It thrashed and growled, swiping its paw aat Reaper near its scruff, then back at Gavroche, then began trying to side step to pull away. The beast ran on adrenaline now as blood was spilled, confusion at so many attackers keeping it from being able to successfully attack any creature in particular. The bird came for his face and the mountain lion would switch its attention to that to avoid risking the loss of another eye. Meanwhile it would appear none of the others would give up their assaults, making sure the cat was going to bleed as much as possible. If it lost too much blood it would pass out or even more likely the different attackers would cause it to succumb to its injuries.

Arachne had been shredding into the beast’s tail. Holding on and biting the thing was looking more like a well loved chew toy from a dog… just with more gore. Dawn had taken to climbing the other cat's leg and biting into the flesh, the kitten growling as back legs peddled and thrashed downward to shred skin. And Gavroche? He was going for a tried and true method to really get the beast where it hurt.

Climbing up the cat’s leg - with some difficulty due to its movement, the winged wolf had brought his tiny body closer to the cat's underbelly. Jaws snapped inward and took hold of delicate belly flesh next to the cat’s private bit. Gavroche growled and ripped his head back, tearing the flesh and between his efforts there and the man on his scruff the cat was really screaming and desperately trying to pull away from its attackers.

"Speech," 'Thought.'

table coding by bunni ♥



Expert Fighter (135)

Beginner Intellectual (0)

2 Years
05-28-2024, 06:26 PM
Reaper could feel the mountain lion struggle beneath his harsh grasp. He let out and spat out a mixture of blood and fur from his white maws. He could see the mountain lion tiring, it's eyelids fluttering. "It's going to pass out!" He called to the other wolf and his companions. It was up to them what would happen next. Moloch flew up into the air, circling the group. Reaper watch with curiosity as the large feline was starting to struggle to even stand, blood pouring from its multiple wounds. He was ready in case it got another bout of strength but for now, he stepped away only a foot back to wait for the winged wolf's reply.
Reaper has a black raven named Moloch who is with him 24/7. Reaper will send this bird to stalk and report on his love one's well beings.

Reaper also ALWAYS smells of dead, rotten, corpses. He rolls in them daily to preserve his signature scent.

Reaper's voice claim is Stolas from Helluva Boss.

Mae Torres may enter any of Reaper's threads at any given time.

Gavroche II


Expert Fighter (160)

Advanced Healer (85)

1 Year
Toy size
06-19-2024, 07:53 AM

The mountain lion continued to struggle but the beast was tiring it. The blood it had lost during the fight and the energy expelled was taking its toll. The cat stopped thrashing, struggling to even hold itself upright. Blood slipped from its injuries and the cat’s breathing was labored. It could no longer fight on. Its body swayed as both Gavroche and his companions released it. Despite his anger toward the large cats that had been harassing his family, the winged male could feel his resolve waver at seeing the beast in such a state. He dropped to the earth and drew away from it with his ears pinned against his skull. The cat had learned its lesson in messing with a wolf… but killing it now, when it could barely fight felt wrong.

Gavroche stood with Arachne and Dawn as the mountain lion teetered and fell to the earth. He watched its chest rise and fall as feelings of guilt washed over him. He was supposed to be a healer too, wasn’t he? Shouldn’t he be trying to diffuse fights, or chase off opponents, before resorting to taking their lives? His ears pinned against his skull and he looked away from the mountain lion to focus on the wolf it had been attacking.

The young man before him had a rather interesting look to him, to say the least. His colors and patterns seemed almost sporadic, as if the colors were not working in harmony. But that wasn’t the most notable thing about this wolf. The smell that Gavroche had been able to ignore during the fight now hit him in the face like a charging buffalo. The winged male wrinkled his nose but decided he wasn’t going to bring the smell up. Why the wolf smelled like a rotting carcass wasn’t really his business. He had jumped in to aid him, not to insult him.

“I doubt that it is going to go after another wolf anytime soon.” Gavroche said, referring to the mountain lion. From what he could see the other wolf was unharmed. He dipped his head to the stranger. “Glad you’re alright.” Dawn rumbled a purr as she rubbed against Gavroche’s legs. The tiny kitten was proud of herself for helping, even if the damage she could provide was more minimal. Arachne, the spider monkey would rest beside his smaller wolf companion as he fixed his gaze on the other wolf and the raven that hung near him.

“You seem unharmed, which is fortunate. You should be cautious of the big cats in this land - They tend to be pretty ballsy.” He explained as he glanced over at the mountain lion. “Gavroche’s pack has dealt with their fair share of them.”

"Speech," 'Thought.'

table coding by bunni ♥

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1. Oh poo Cedar Falls 03:23 AM, 05-17-2024 11:57 PM, 07-11-2024