

Application to Join


1 Year
05-25-2024, 06:11 PM (This post was last modified: 05-25-2024, 07:02 PM by Diesel. Edited 2 times in total.)
Out-of-Character Name: LyknScribe
Age: 36

Character's Name: Diesel
Character Age: 1
Biological Sex: M
Year of Birth Winter, Year 19
Season of Birth: Winter
Adult Height: 36" all legs
Size and Build: Large , Light
Appearance Description: A lanky young male maned wolf stands tall on his slender legs, his body covered in a coat of rich, reddish-brown fur. The long, black-tipped ears atop his head are keen and alert, constantly swiveling to catch the faintest of sounds. His legs, disproportionately long compared to other canids, give him a graceful, almost ethereal appearance as he moves through the grasslands. He is almost disproportion incarnate. His body is small to medium at best, but his long legs bring him to the extent of the heigh abilities.

His face, though marked by a natural elegance, has a distinct feature that sets him apart: his right eye is malformed. The eye is smaller than its counterpart, and the lid droops slightly, giving it a partially closed appearance. The iris, though a deep amber like his left eye, is clouded, hinting at impaired vision or blindness on that side. Despite this, his gaze remains sharp and intelligent, the left eye compensating for its partner’s deficiency. The deformation around his eye also draws the lip on the same size upwards into a unintentional twisted smile - likely the indications of a near formed clef pallet in the womb.

The mane wolf’s slender snout tapers to a black nose, always twitching as he sniffs the air. His mane, a thick, dark ridge of fur running from the back of his head down his neck, bristles slightly, adding to his striking and somewhat exotic silhouette. His tail, bushy and tipped with a splash of white, sways gently as he moves, a subtle indicator of his mood and intentions.

Overall, the young maned wolf carries himself with a quiet confidence, his slight facial defect only adding to the unique charm and character that define him.

Personality:Beneath his confident exterior lies a devious and tricksterish nature. He's a master of cunning, often using his wits to outsmart others, whether they be rivals, prey, or even potential threats. His malformed eye, far from being a hindrance, often becomes a tool in his arsenal, adding an unexpected element to his ploys. He knows how to use his unique appearance to evoke sympathy or lower the guard of others, only to reveal his true clever intentions when the time is right.

This maned wolf enjoys playing tricks and pranks, finding amusement in the reactions of those around him. His tricks are rarely malicious, more often aimed at stirring up a bit of chaos for his own entertainment and to keep his mind sharp. His deviousness is tempered by a certain charm; those who know him can't help but be drawn to his mischievous spirit, even if they've been the target of his antics.

He is resourceful, always thinking several steps ahead, planning and strategizing in ways that showcase his intellect. In the wild, this often means he's able to find food and shelter where others might struggle, using his cunning to survive and thrive. His tricksterish nature also means he's incredibly adaptable, able to think on his feet and turn situations to his advantage with remarkable agility.

Overall, this young maned wolf is a fascinating blend of confidence, cunning, and playfulness. His unique personality, paired with his striking appearance, makes him a truly memorable and formidable presence in his world.

History: The young male maned wolf with the malformed eye had a difficult start in life. Born into a pack that valued strength and physical perfection, his defect quickly set him apart. His right eye, smaller and clouded, made him an easy target for the other pups. They would tease and harass him, pushing him around and mocking his appearance. Despite this, he held his head high, determined not to let their taunts break his spirit.

As he grew older, the harassment only intensified. The dominant male of the pack, a powerful and imposing figure, saw his malformed eye as a sign of weakness, a blemish that threatened the pack's reputation. This alpha male, intolerant of any perceived flaw, often singled him out for rough treatment, reinforcing the idea that he was less than the others. The young wolf learned to navigate these challenges with a blend of quiet resilience and clever avoidance, using his wits to stay out of the alpha's way and finding small victories in the shadows.

However, his cunning and resilience weren't enough to secure his place in the pack. One harsh winter, resources became scarce, and tensions rose. The alpha male, seeking to eliminate any perceived weaknesses, turned on him with a new ferocity. In a brutal confrontation, he was forced out, chased away from the only home he had ever known. His mother's sorrowful eyes were the last thing he saw as he fled, her mournful howl echoing in his ears.

Now alone, the young maned wolf had to rely entirely on himself. He roamed the vast grasslands, his solitary figure a stark contrast to the communal life he once knew. At first, the loneliness was overwhelming, but necessity forged him into a creature of remarkable resourcefulness. He honed his natural cunning, learning to outsmart potential predators and competitors. His malformed eye, once a source of ridicule, became a symbol of his survival, a constant reminder of his ability to adapt and overcome.

He became a master of stealth and strategy, using his lanky frame to slip through narrow spaces and his keen left eye to spot opportunities others might miss. He developed a reputation among the other wildlife for his tricksterish ways, often stealing food from right under the noses of more powerful predators or setting traps to catch elusive prey. His devious nature became his greatest asset, allowing him to thrive where others might fail.

Over time, the young maned wolf transformed his vulnerability into a strength. He became a lone wanderer, feared and respected for his intelligence and cunning. No longer the harassed and overlooked pup, he was now a formidable presence, navigating the wilds with confidence and an indomitable spirit. His journey was a testament to his resilience and the power of relying on one's own wits to survive and thrive.

Skills:Fighting and intellect

Proof of Purchases:Pending purchase from store for pass
NEW MEMBERS ONLY!: Gemstone store item worth 400 gems or less.



13+ Years

Easter Egg Hunt 2023Rapid Poster - RainbowRapid Poster - GoldCoder - RainbowEaster 2022Toys for Tots
05-25-2024, 06:36 PM (This post was last modified: 05-25-2024, 07:00 PM by Seadragoness. Edited 3 times in total.)
Hello and welcome to ardent,
Please set the thread title as your characters name, you can read the guidebook here to see what's needed for size and build click
You can find the current in character year in the front page
A maned wolf would be covered under a canine pass at 250 gems
The 400 gems for a new member is for the first character only and can not be held in reserve. You'll need to decide if you want to use it on Diesel or nuka,
Feel free to reach out if you have any questions.
Thanks! Seadragoness
[Image: DJR1fLh.png]


1 Year
05-25-2024, 07:03 PM
Edited. Thanks for your patience, please let me know if I need to fix anything else.



13+ Years

Easter Egg Hunt 2023Rapid Poster - RainbowRapid Poster - GoldCoder - RainbowEaster 2022Toys for Tots
05-25-2024, 07:26 PM
Hello! Just a heads up that the bright red on your avatar would not be a free color. We also have rules on using AI art: you can only have one AI reference image per character, and an avatar wouldn't be covered by that
[Image: DJR1fLh.png]


1 Year
05-25-2024, 07:57 PM (This post was last modified: 05-25-2024, 08:10 PM by Diesel. Edited 1 time in total.)
(05-25-2024, 07:26 PM)Seadragoness Wrote: Hello! Just a heads up that the bright red on your avatar would not be a free color. We also have rules on using AI art: you can only have one AI reference image per character, and an avatar wouldn't be covered by that

Please clarify, what should I use for the avatar image of my character? The rules said one A.I. Image - I thought by using an A.I. Image it would meet the terms of your rule. With no option of art or photos by outside sources, and the A.I. image not acceptable for the avatar, how can I meet the requirements of this website and still provide an image for my character? Also, I do not want bright red - It was the closest I could find through A.I options to that of the mane wolf's natural color. I am happy for another option but not sure what those options are. In previous rpg's I would simply pull an image from google and tie it to the photographer's name but I am trying to meet the expectations of this page. I do not have the funds for commissions at the moment. I cleared it back to the default. If that was not the correct approach please let me know.



13+ Years

Easter Egg Hunt 2023Rapid Poster - RainbowRapid Poster - GoldCoder - RainbowEaster 2022Toys for Tots
05-25-2024, 08:16 PM
We would prefer the use of AI wasn't utilized at all, but understand that it's a growing new thing that people want to explore. It's for this reason that we allow one reference image. You can leave the avatar blank, or you could search for maned wolves in places that allow free stock use of their images (simply googling an image, it's hard to prove you have the rights to use the image) for example you could try castlegraphics on deviantart. You could also ask on ardent discord what other people use as well :)
[Image: DJR1fLh.png]


1 Year
05-25-2024, 08:21 PM
I actually HATE A.I, but wasn't sure stock photos would be allowed since I couldn't trace back to the original source. Thanks for being so patient with me while I learn the new site set up. After 20 years with the same group, trying to find a new place to post outside of that has been a bit of a gamut.

Thread Move Log
Thread Forum From To
1. Diesel Approvals 06:11 PM, 05-25-2024 06:46 PM, 05-31-2024