
The "There is only one bed" Trope




Advanced Fighter (90)

Advanced Intellectual (85)

4 Years
Dire wolf

Pride - Bisexual
06-08-2024, 02:25 AM
Boreas. It seemed like more and more frequently the wayward brute's path kept leading him back to the lands of his home—or close enough, anyway. It wasn't quite the island paradise he had been born into down in Auster, but Revenant had been back in Boreas for a spell a year ago to see his parents and their new dozen little rugrats she'd popped out for their lecherous old man. Fun times. But Revenant hadn't been keen to stick around and put down roots in Ashen at the time. There was still too much fun to be had out in the world. Predators to fight, lands to explore, faes to bed... oodles of opportunity for a young brute like himself! But news had reached him on his journeys of the fall of Ashen, of Chimera's failing health, and from the sounds of it the old king didn't have much time left for this world. So Revenant would return to say his farewells to his father, then to see where fortune might let his chips land this time around in familiar territories.

The only downside was returning to Boreas in the thick of winter. Snow covered the lands, even the dormant volcano he was now crossing to get north to Elysium. Apparently his family had ended up all the way across the continent somehow, guests of one of Ashen's and formerly Fenmyre's allies. That meant Revenant had one hell of a journey slogging through the snow to get to the northern island pack. Oh, and did he mention it was also amidst a blizzard? The wind and snow whipped around his face, almost blinding him with its intensity. Revenant grit his teeth and growled against the effort every step took, the dire brute forcing his way forward one step at a time. It was slow going and the cold was already seeping through his coat and flesh down to his bones. Night had already begun to creep over the land, and soon it would be pitch black outside. He knew he couldn't stay out in this storm; he had to find shelter to hunker down and wait it out.

Fortunately, the old volcano had a number of tunnels blown out of its side from its past eruption. All Revenant had to do was find one of these tunnels. With the snow-blindness, it was a struggle to see much of anything, but eventually he was able to spy an opening in the dark rock face of the mountainside. Trudging forward through the piling snow, Rev stumbled into the mouth of the tunnel with a sigh of relief as soon as the wind was no longer rocking his body. He took a moment to shake the layers of snow and ice off of his fur, taking a cursory sniff about before venturing too far in. There were no other scents around, which spelled good news for the vagabond prince. Revenant walked deeper into the tunnel, finding the cave surprisingly warm. Though dormant, the natural geothermic energy from the inert volcano continued to keep the earth warm, making this the perfect refuge for a winter storm.

Not far in from the mouth of the cave, Revenant found a pile of old furs, left behind to collect dust. Someone had sheltered in here some time ago, but was long gone by now. Hey, all the better for him! The chimeric brute shook off the dust and igneous residue from the furs, fluffing them up a bit to make himself a temporary bed so he could rest while waiting out the weather. Satisfied with his current situation, Rev curled up on the furs, just able to fit on them with his massive size, and began to relax while he listened to the howling of the wind outside.


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1. The "There is only one bed" Trope Mount Volkan 02:25 AM, 06-08-2024 12:32 PM, 07-16-2024