
Trial by Fire



Master Intellectual (240)

Master Navigator (244)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

An icon representing the specialty Fleet-footed Fleet-footed

2 Years

Critical Attack!Double MasterStudentSamhain 20221K
06-15-2024, 02:02 AM
In the midst of a moonlit evening, Talyssa guided Quill through the darkened Plains towards the crackling bonfire. Its leaping flames danced and swirled, casting a warm, inviting glow against the warm summer night that engulfed them. The Plains flickered dully beneath the celestial expanse, every blade of grass shimmering under the starlight. She felt a flutter in her chest at the sight before her - her father at ease, laughing and jesting. It had been too long. Approaching cautiously, not wishing to interrupt him mid-story, Talyssa waited until he caught sight of her before approaching. But of course, when he did, and the floor was her’s for the taking, a broadened affectionate grin lit her features as she quickly closed the distance between them. "Tati! She exclaimed as she moved in to offer an embrace. Tati, mi-a fost dor de tine! Her voice was light and breathy as she spoke her family's tongue, her chin resting gently on his shoulder. The weight of her worries lifted from her shoulders as she found solace in his embrace. It was a feeling she hadn't realized she had been missing until now, this simple act of physical closeness bringing a sense of longing nostalgia that she was all too happy to indulge in.

"Talyssa Carpathius"


"I will shield you from the darkness"

The Hallows
Lord of Cinder

Master Fighter (837)

Master Navigator (1030)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Fleet-footed Fleet-footed

5 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Running on EmptyRapid Poster - SilverBest BudsSocialiteOverachiever
Auster ExplorerPride - BisexualFestival OrganizerDream WeaverLoserGlobetrotter
UnderachieverThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3HomebodyWealthyHow many times do I have to teach you a lesson?!
Critical Dodge!Ooh La LaLegendaryExplorerWordyIce Bridge Explorer
WinnerVengeanceSnake EyesDouble MasterMammoth HunterCritical Hit!
06-17-2024, 05:45 AM
With the exclusion of the momentary disturbance from the Raiders, this year's bonfire had been a rousing success! More wolves than ever had turned up to celebrate in the spirit of familial bonds and camaraderie. It did Artorias' heart such good to see the love shared between their guests, as well as new bonds and friendships starting, especially in a time when darkness lingered in Ardent. Now more than ever, the world needed friendship and love. But as glad as his heart was for the bonfire, it could never be full—not so long as his family was still not whole. Ember had returned from Hemlock, and Nelu was on the road to recovery, but Talyssa was still gone, off on her adventures exploring the world. Artorias was glad he'd given her the opportunity to grow and discover herself, but gods, did he miss her so much. Realizing that this was the first bonfire they were going to have with their daughter gone had been a blow to his heart. He just hoped wherever she was, she was happy, safe, and healthy.

Finishing up a conversation with some of their guests, Artorias continued making the rounds and chatting with everyone when his gaze lifted to meet the golden fawn form of a wolf near and dear to his heart. Her sire's eyes lit up with such a light that they rivaled the glow of the bonfire, his shocked expression swiftly evolving into uncontainable joy. She smiled back at him, and then both wolves were hurrying toward each other until Artorias was scooping up Talyssa in his powerful forearms, practically hoisting her off her paws as he embraced her like she'd been gone for years and not seasons. "Taly! Oh, fiica mea dulce și minunată! Mi-a fost foarte dor de tine!" he cheered, responding in their tongue to her. All of his children knew Carpathian, but none of them had embraced it like Talyssa had. It felt like something special between them when they spoke it regularly to one another.

Artorias held Talyssa close in a tight embrace, nuzzling the side of her neck and forehead while he took in her familiar scent. She was here; she was really here! Art didn't even care if it was just for the bonfire, he was overjoyed just to see her again! A couple glowing teal tears spilled from his eyes while his happiness overwhelmed him, a smile so wide on his muzzle it hurt. He'd underestimated how much her absence would impact him until he felt the relief of seeing her again. "I'm so glad you could make it home for the bonfire," he spoke softly to her alone, squeezing her again in his arms while his bushy tail thumped on the ground and wagged so fast it was flattening the grass. "You're looking well, Taly! How have your travels been?" The last Artorias had heard of Talyssa was when Chimera had sent a raven informing him his daughter was teaching lessons in Ashen. When Ashen fell, he lost all track of Talyssa and could only hope she was okay.

"Artorias" | "Carpathian"

One big happy family

Artorias has two ravens named Corbin and Eira and a fox named Argent. Assume they are within calling distance at all times.
As his mate, Briar may enter Artorias' threads unless marked Private.



Master Intellectual (240)

Master Navigator (244)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

An icon representing the specialty Fleet-footed Fleet-footed

2 Years

Critical Attack!Double MasterStudentSamhain 20221K
06-20-2024, 04:23 AM
The embrace was like coming home after a long journey, warm and familiar. Talyssa's sire enveloped her in his comforting scent of pine and earth, like a soothing balm for her weary soul. As she blinked back joyful tears, she managed to tease out the words in Carpathian in return. “E bine să fii acasă.” she murmured, feeling a sense of belonging flood through her veins once again. The familiarity and love that resided here was something she had yearned for during her travels, and now she was finally able to bask in its warmth once more- and happy to do so.

With a soft sigh, she relaxed further into her father's protective hold, her own tail wagging in rhythm with his. The scent of bonfire and roasted meat intertwined with Artorias' comforting aroma, creating a sensory tapestry of homecoming that warmed her heart. "Tati, my travels..." she began, her voice trailing off as she pondered the right words to convey her experiences. “They've been... enlightening, challenging, amazing. I've met wolves from different walks of life, and learned so much about myself and the world. I’ll tell you all about them," She pulled back slightly, her pale steel blue-grey eyes meeting her father's warm gaze. "But first there is someone special to me that I want you and Mami to meet.” Talyssa paused, pulling away in order to take a glance behind her. The warmth of her gaze found Quill where he lingered behind. She gestured for him to join them, and when he got to a conversational distance. She cleared her throat before continuing. Tati, this is Quill Klein.” She offered lightly, introducing him with an affectionate glance towards the light-grey coated brute.

"Talyssa Carpathius"



Advanced Fighter (105)

Master Intellectual (240)

4 Years
Dire wolf
06-21-2024, 03:56 AM

Quill had situated himself off to the side, giving Talyssa and her father a moment alone together. Grey and white ears stayed on alert, however, so when she introduced him, the giant, marbled brute stepped forward. Pink and aqua eyes met fire opal and Quill gave a polite nod, the thick braids in his made swaying with the action. "Good to officially meet you," the man spoke in low rumbles very akin to his father's vocals. "I've heard good things from my father and I do believe that we may have met when I was a pup, though I can't rightly remember."

The brute fixed the golden fae with a smile and seated himself beside her, rather close, actually. He made no effort to hide his affection for the smaller wolf, his hip touching her own. Quill directed his gaze back towards Artorias, one brow lifting slightly. "I've taken quite a liking to your daughter. I think she might like me a bit as well." There was humor in his tone as he cast Talyssa a side-eye. Would she admit to her father how she felt about him? Would she admit to him how she felt about him?

"The bonfire has been quite interesting," Quill continued conversationally. "A fascinating notion." He wouldn't have thought about burning things in memory of the dead. Not that he knew too many dead wolves. A few siblings, perhaps.

"Quill Klein"


"I will shield you from the darkness"

The Hallows
Lord of Cinder

Master Fighter (837)

Master Navigator (1030)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Fleet-footed Fleet-footed

5 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Running on EmptyRapid Poster - SilverBest BudsSocialiteOverachiever
Auster ExplorerPride - BisexualFestival OrganizerDream WeaverLoserGlobetrotter
UnderachieverThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3HomebodyWealthyHow many times do I have to teach you a lesson?!
Critical Dodge!Ooh La LaLegendaryExplorerWordyIce Bridge Explorer
WinnerVengeanceSnake EyesDouble MasterMammoth HunterCritical Hit!
06-24-2024, 03:01 AM
This moment almost felt like a dream to the overjoyed Artorias. Oh, how he'd missed Talyssa since he last saw her disappearing past their borders to explore the vast world for herself. It had been such a proud and bittersweet moment to the wolf who loved his family so dearly. But seeing her here now, holding her and knowing she was real and not some happy dream, it filled his heart with love all the more for her presence. He nuzzled her forehead, he breathed in her scent, he gripped her fur in his digits, he reveled in having his daughter home once more, even if it was only for a little while. He didn't even care if anyone saw the teal glow of his tears cutting down his cheeks, he was the happiest father in the world right now to have all his family back together again.

When prompted about her travels, Talyssa seemed to practically glow with enthusiasm. It was a life and zeal he hadn't seen in his child for some time and it instantly made him glad he'd allowed her to go experience the world and life for herself. Talyssa was his pride and joy, but a flower kept away from the sun would always wither and die. She had not only blossomed, but flourished in her experiences! She told him the brief details of what she'd experienced, all the wolves she'd met, and everything she'd learned. "I can't wait to hear all about them! Your mother will want to hear your stories too!" Oh, right, Briar! He should get Briar over so she could get her love in on Talyssa too! But before he could call for her, Taly was once more pulling his attention back to her, which he happily gave her. The smile on his face grew when their eyes met, amber fire and blue steel aglow in the firelight.

She had someone she wanted him to meet. Artorias was a little surprised, but that surprise multiplied tenfold when he looked up to follow Talyssa's gaze over to the large monochrome brute who came over at her gesture. Talyssa introduced him, but Artorias had already placed that fur pattern with the family, and his name sealed the deal. "Quill! Well, I'll be damned! I haven't seen you since you were a pup being carted around by Chimera!" remarked the Lord of Cinder with a hearty laugh. Talyssa must've met him in Ashen when she'd been there and Chimera had been in charge, he reckoned. Quill spoke politely and reverently, reminding Artorias of Chimera in many ways. "Your father and family have always been good friends to us. How is he doing?" Art had heard of the relapse in the Klein patriarch's health after the fall of Ashen. It worried him to think his friend's days might be numbered. He really should make a trip up to Elysium to see him soon...

When Quill moved to sit beside Talyssa—right beside her with their hips touching—Artorias suddenly made the connection as to why Talyssa had brought him to the festival. The dawning realization lit up in his fiery eyes, and then there was a flash of something else while Quill spoke of taking a liking to Talyssa. Art gave a little nod of understanding and followed Quill's gaze to Taly, wordlessly inquiring for her response. When Quill mentioned the bonfire, Artorias glanced back at the massive fire rising into the dark night sky with a proud smile. "Thank you! It's been a Hallows tradition since our first summer in Auster. It's a way of bringing wolves together to celebrate the lives of loved ones, as well as to serve as a reminder of the light in the dark that the Hallows stands for. Plus it's the one night the pups get to stay up past bedtime so they love that." Artorias chuckled, remembering the first bonfire Talyssa had been to, how fascinated she'd been by it, and how all his children had loved the festival. "So! Tell me about those travels now, Taly! I'd love to hear about how you two met as well." Artorias was all smiles, eager to hear what his daughter had been up to while she'd been away from home—but equally or more eager to hear about the brute she'd brought home. Artorias had some concerns about Quill Klein. But his jubilant expression betrayed none of them.

"Artorias" | "Carpathian"

One big happy family

Artorias has two ravens named Corbin and Eira and a fox named Argent. Assume they are within calling distance at all times.
As his mate, Briar may enter Artorias' threads unless marked Private.



Master Intellectual (240)

Master Navigator (244)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

An icon representing the specialty Fleet-footed Fleet-footed

2 Years

Critical Attack!Double MasterStudentSamhain 20221K
06-24-2024, 09:46 AM (This post was last modified: 06-24-2024, 12:23 PM by Talyssa. Edited 1 time in total.)
She could feel the warmth of her father's affection, and it brought an unbridled joy to Talyssa's heart. Her steel-blue eyes softened as she nuzzled Artorias back, feeling the comforting roughness of his fur against her cheek. He seemed to want to go get her mother right away, but a deeper conversation had already been set in motion. Talyssa brightened a bit at her father’s recognition of Quill. Seemingly remembering who the younger brute was from a time long ago. But as Quill drew nearer, she could feel a subtle shift in their conversation. Something akin to acknowledgment from the Aegis. Talyssa couldn’t help the warmth that spread across her ivory and matte-gold face as Quill rested his hip against her own. His words hung in the air, posed as a challenge, and though she was one for adventure, this was uncharted territory. Yet, she was not one to back away. With a quick brush of her tail against Quill's flank, she turned her gaze back to her father and spoke. "Well, that might not be too far from the truth," she admitted, her tone light with pleased laughter rippling through it. Yet there was a look of unyielding certainty in her pale steel blue-grey eyes as she held her father's gaze, "I do care for him, Tati."

Talyssa's pale blue eyes sparkled in the light of the bonfire as she glanced between her father and Quill. The muscles on her lean frame rippled with anticipation, her paw lightly brushing against Quill's. With a deep breath, she began to recount her adventures in lands far from the Hallows. "I first met Quill a year ago as a yearling when he protected me from a bear in Faller’s Fjord.” She began, a little sheepish as she had specifically not mentioned her bear encounter to her parents around the time that it happened. But she was quick to gloss over it with a playful grin. “But when I left in the winter time, I went to survey southern Boreas- where I found Ashen. I made a deal with Chimera to map his pack land, in trade for some lessons for his youngest daughters, which Quill had chaperoned.” That was the first time she had really spent an extended period of time with Quill, and each subsequent time after that. Or at least, until Ashen had been no more. “When Ashen disbanded, I went with Quill and his family toward Elysium, but we made the decision to split off on our own.” she trailed off, allowing her gaze to linger on Quill for a moment, her steel blue-grey eyes softening with an affectionate warmth. Then, turning her attention back to her father, she went on.

“Since then, I’ve had the better part of 20 or so students. Wolves I’ve encountered who have shown similar interests in the world as I- or at least interested enough to stick around and hear me drone on about my interests.” Talyssa explained, her tail swaying gently as she spoke, a light-hearted chuckle punctuating her words. “And through it all, Quill has been a pretty good sport. He’s sat through quite a few lectures himself.” She added with a teasing grin, while glancing up at the monochromatic brute. But of course, it hadn’t all been just lectures. “In between lessons, we’ve done some sightseeing. Not too long ago I realized what time it was, and we decided to head this way. I’m glad we made it in time.” She finished, casting a quick glance around the bonfire, before falling on her father’s amber gaze once more. “How are you Tati? How are things here?” She inquired lightly, wondering what had happened while she had been away.

"Talyssa Carpathius"



Advanced Fighter (105)

Master Intellectual (240)

4 Years
Dire wolf
07-01-2024, 01:04 PM

Artorias was a jovial fellow and Quill cracked a grin as the blue brute laughed, reminiscing about remembering Quill being small. The marbled man nodded. He remembered it as well. When asked about his father, Quill sobered, giving his maned head a shake. "Not well. He may die this time. The same illness that struck him during The Long Night." It wasn't that he wouldn't care if his father died, but Quill just wasn't one for showing emotion in front of others. Perhaps he came off as cold, but... that was just his way.

Talyssa launched into the explanation of how they met and the Klein giant was content to be silent, allowing her to tell the tale of their initial meeting so long ago, then their reunion. As she spoke, Quill's gaze was only for her, the blue and pink orbs resting on her face, enjoying how happy and animated she was as she regaled her father of their adventurous exploits.

When Talyssa shifted the subject, asking how things were on the homefront, Quill pulled his gaze from her, shifting it to Artorias instead. He was curious to learn about the mechanics of his woman's home. What would her father deem the most important news to share with her? Quiet as ever, Quill simply stayed seated beside her, enjoying the back and forth between father and daughter. This was more their moment than his and he was content to observe.
