
Fire In Our Eyes




Master Fighter (240)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Blessed Blessed

3 Years
Extra large

1KPride - BisexualHomebodyStudentSamhain 2022
06-25-2024, 03:33 PM

It had been a long time since she wandered the lands outside her home, but even then she was quite the homebody when she was younger. She was pretty pampered at least. Doing patrols, sometimes hunting. Responsibilities were more demanding now. With threats and all that. She couldn't be daddy's little girl anymore, that was sure. Fia always knew she was capable but she did miss the days where she didn't have to worry about a thing. And it's probably why it was so difficult to get back in line with what was expected of her.

She ventured out to the iced redbuds as evening fell with still some daylight left. Really anything to get her away from home with how she was feeling emotionally since her return. Not feeling at all as she tried to put it. As she walked under the trees and through a new trail of snow she made herself, she was wondering why she had come without any wine. Giving herself a little huff to how she could be so careless. She stopped in her tracks for a moment before looking around at the branches above and taking a seat. She sure wasn't feeling like going back for the drink, but was she feeling like staying here for the night without it? It was a hard decision to come by.


Fiametta is an !M rated! character for highly Sexual themes. Please Discord me if you have concerns and please read at your own risk.



Master Fighter (260)

Master Hunter (245)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

5 Years
Dire wolf

Dream Weaver1KThe Ooze Participant
06-27-2024, 11:11 AM

The nearby nook had become a frequent haunt of his. It was a good place to hunt so he at least felt useful, but it was still close enough that if he wandered off for a little while he was still pretty easy to find. The cluster of usually pink-bloomed trees was peaceful and gave him some space without making him feel like he was running away. Being in the territory where he had spent so much time near and with Vanille still pulled and tugged at him despite the fact that Vanille had decided to leave. As much as he avoided their old den sometimes it was impossible not to pass by it for one reason or another and seeing it empty and noticing how her scent had begun to fade was both a relief and a heartache all at once.

It was nearing evening even though he knew he'd still have a bit of daylight ahead of him, but he didn't feel like he would be able to settle for a while so he ventured out, hoping a walk would help clear his mind. Instead, as he walked into the partial shade of the mostly naked trees, he caught the scent of a wolf from Elysium. It was very fresh so he knew they were either still here or recently passed through. Curious, he followed the trail a bit until he spotted the red, flame marked woman that was sitting among the spotted layer of snow, peering up through the trees above her. He had never seen anyone with such interesting markings like hers and it caught his attention for a moment. Still, he figured there had to be a reason she was out here on her own so he probably shouldn't disturb her.

Just as he was turning around to go back to his den, he stopped and thought about how he had been doing much the same thing when Juniper had approached him. He had originally wanted the solitude and the silence, but after she joined him he realized what he had really needed was that company–among other things–she had provided. Maybe this woman would be the same way. Gathering up a bit of courage, he turned back toward where she was sitting, but made sure to crunch his paws through some patches of snow along the way so she would know he was approaching her. The last thing he wanted to do was startle her. He knew how imposing his stature could be despite the fact that he hardly wanted to hurt a fly. "Hey there," he said with a grin as he walked up from behind her, coming around to her side where she could see him easily. "Sorry to intrude, it just looked like you might be a little lonely out here. Do you mind if I join you?"

"Arcturus Indarra"



Master Fighter (240)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Blessed Blessed

3 Years
Extra large

1KPride - BisexualHomebodyStudentSamhain 2022
06-30-2024, 04:22 PM

As the sounds of crunching came from behind her, Fia was quick to turn her head to the stranger who approached. She didn't jump up in fear to his presence, or even his appearance. But she was caught off guard by it. She had been a little on edge these days, but she felt she didn't have anything to be afraid of. She at first only got that quick flick of her head to face him, ease after seeing who it was, or maybe more accurately who it wasn't.

He seemed kind enough, not that it really mattered to Fia. But he asked her permission to join her here under the snow covered redbud trees. "I suppose not." Maybe a little rough at first, but she showed a light smile his way afterwards. She had grown to know she liked the company of men, wanted the company of men. And as he offered to sit here with her even just a moment, it had her wondering how she could get him to play her game.

"Are you from around here?" She asked, telling he was from the nearby pack, but how else would she spark conversation? She had a feeling that this man would have been more fun to test the waters with. Rather than to lift her tail and jump all over him. She hoped, but almost assumed it would be ending the way she expected. But she was eager to know how different she would have to play.


Fiametta is an !M rated! character for highly Sexual themes. Please Discord me if you have concerns and please read at your own risk.



Master Fighter (260)

Master Hunter (245)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

5 Years
Dire wolf

Dream Weaver1KThe Ooze Participant
07-08-2024, 10:46 PM

Her response to his presence seemed pretty neutral or maybe even a bit cold at first until she offered him a smile that assured him he wasn't stepping on her toes too much by interrupting her solitude. With her permission given he settled onto his haunches beside her, looking down toward her with a little smile in return. He didn't have any expectations or assumptions about what their meeting might lead to, but it was as much feeling like he could help keep her from being alone if she could use the company and help himself get more used to approaching others more often. She asked if he was from around here and he gave a little nod, replying, "I am. I live just over that way in Obscura." He gestured back the way he came toward the Sunset Falls. "Well, it used to be Valta... The Obscura thing is kid of new."

He gave a little shrug and refocused his gaze back on her once more. The changes and politics of packs wasn't exactly the most fun topics of conversation so he quickly let it go. He couldn't even begin to keep track of it all anyway. As long as he had somewhere to live and he could stay close to his sister that was all he really cared about. "I'm Arcturus, by the way," he mentioned with a lopsided grin, figuring they should probably know each other's names if nothing else. "Or Arc, if you prefer." He knew his full name could be a little bit of a mouthful and he certainly didn't care what she called him. He waited till she introduced herself before he went on to ask, "You're from Elysium, right? I've been near yall's borders a number of times when I hunt in the thicket so I'm pretty familiar with the scent."

"Arcturus Indarra"