
I think there's a flaw in our code

Shroom getting and maybe some meet and greet?



Intermediate Healer (30)

Beginner Intellectual (0)

2 Years
Dire wolf
06-30-2024, 11:49 PM

I'll use you as a warning sign

Her paws met stone, nails clicking as she moved. At her heels was her ever faithful friend and companion. Jack was a oddity as much as she. A glowing wolf with antlers and sabers, and a jack rabbit with antlers. Who would guess the predator would be best friends with prey, or vice versa. She knew they were odd to see. Not that she felt like she was the oddest in Polaris. No that belonged to the boy who was her brother, gavaroche.

Her ears were held forward as blind eyes focused forward. Her nose was her friend as a healer. But her interests were likely different and possibly dangerous for her patients. Jack couldn't dissuade her from the interest either.

A ear flick gave away her flaw though to an outside source it might look different. "Amd what were we doing again? Going to poison that fat brother of yours this time?" voice had her ear and she snorted and gave a laugh. "Told you we are going to find a couple more mushrooms. And Iki would eat my entire store, I wouldn't dare let the fat ass anywhere near my edible stuff." of course there was no one else anyone would see, just her and her rabbit that looked worried over the girl but stayed silent.

Her words came off mean likely as well but like many of her siblings, only they were allowed to bully their siblings, if someone else spoke like that about iki she'd likely shove an entire Amanita down their throat. Such was the luck and fortune of her brother to have been born into a large litter though. Though she also doubted she needed to lift a single paw and dirty them if she got Jer or Gav or Sou involved. Manipulate them into murdering the cur that would bully iki. Not that Iki would realize he was being bullied anyway.

She shook the thoughts and feelings from her pelt though and moved with her nose lowering. She needed to find something worthwhile here. She was looking for something to help her with her "visions" or rather enhance her senses, and she remembered this in her mother's stores. Maybe she should see some other healers from auster and figure out what they might use for a hypothetical patient. Most mushrooms were good for what she needed, though this plant would be better maybe. She would try anything once anyway.

Walk, "talk", Think

That if you talk enough sense then you'll lose your mind

Art and code by Asena; lines by Cassarts

1/3 herb gathering(Salvia)

Vitani is completely blind, and as such will compulsively taste and feel anything or anyone new. This is your warning.

As her parents Lucette and Bae-Syl are allowed in any of her threads regardless of how they are marked. As her Alpha and grandmother, Bellamy is also allowed to intervene in her threads where she sees the need.

She has a jackalope companion named Jack, assume he is nearby even if not mentioned.



Advanced Healer (105)

Advanced Intellectual (80)

1 Year
07-01-2024, 01:35 PM

A smallish girl, 10 months old, left the borders of Polaris towards the caves on an adventure! One she could do on her own! She wanted to know what was in these caves she had seen from far away. And she watched as an older member of Polaris she hadn't quite met yet wandered away and toward the caves! What luck!

With a bounce and a bound, the girl bolted forward and followed the other girl inside a few moments after she had disappeared.

She quietly walked inside, wondering if there were any herbs to find in there. It smelled kind of funny though...

Her nails clicked clicked clicked over the stones, her movements quick and darting and young. She paused as she heard a voice, the other must be meeting someone here!

Alexa the nosy girl bounded onward until she came to the cavern where the other woman was walking. Alexa didn't see anyone else. And for some reason, she felt like she had to wave away some dark moths out of her face that wouldn't leave her alone but whenever she waved at them she never felt them and they never left her vision.

"Who- who you talking to?" She asked boldly. She felt more comfortable with the other girl knowing they were from the same pack.


[Image: 20Rva1y.png]



Intermediate Healer (30)

Beginner Intellectual (0)

2 Years
Dire wolf
07-08-2024, 04:04 AM

I'll use you as a warning sign

Did Tani know she was followed? No. That was until she heard the click clacking behind her. She didn't care though. With the jackalope at her heels and a friend in her ears she gave a grin.

She kept her nose to the ground for a second, a herb was someplace near. She could smell it. The biggest problem was finding it and she enjoyed that challenge. The pace she kept was slowed though. The sound of the nails weren't as solid as an adult's nor as quick as a yearlings, which left the owner to be a pup.

And she wasn't disappointed as the other caught up. A pup who after a sniff or two to the rear of Vitani's heading was determined to be a Polaris youngster. Good good. Least they had enough sense to make sure she knew they were there. Last thing she needed was some kid following her, Saga thinking she was supposed to baby sit them and then the kid falling into some hole someplace and not returning with her.

Though the question had her laughing. How silly was the child? Wasn't her friend obvious enough? "To my friend, Shiva." it was stated matter of factly. Like it was common knowledge that these spirits were always around. Her mom and dad had never seemed to see them so that was the logical conclusion the girl had made.

She went back to sniffing, her goal was closer. And once her nose bumped a leaf she stopped. Her hips lowered and she lifted her antlered head, a motion made to the girl. "T
You like plants? Or are you into that useless fighting like most of my brothers?"
she let her finally get that glimpse of those gazeless eyes. She was hopeful the girl would catch on fast, before Tani had to explain everything.

Jack was already moving though as she spoke to the younger girl. His littler paws and claws were better for this, she was going to attempt to transfer a few of these plants to her own cave, hopeful she could cultivate them. The mushrooms she wanted also probably grew here. Though that wouldn't be able to be transplanted.

Walk, "talk", Think

That if you talk enough sense then you'll lose your mind

Art and code by Asena; lines by Cassarts

2/3 gathering Salvia

Vitani is completely blind, and as such will compulsively taste and feel anything or anyone new. This is your warning.

As her parents Lucette and Bae-Syl are allowed in any of her threads regardless of how they are marked. As her Alpha and grandmother, Bellamy is also allowed to intervene in her threads where she sees the need.

She has a jackalope companion named Jack, assume he is nearby even if not mentioned.



Advanced Healer (105)

Advanced Intellectual (80)

1 Year
07-25-2024, 07:45 PM

The other laughed as if Alexa was being stupid or silly. The little girl turned her nose shamefully down. She had not seen the little... rabbit-deer? Beside the other. In the darkness, her eyes could see the other's colorful markings glow! It was easy to see HER in the dark! She was temporarily awed by the other's glowing markings until shadows flitted about in the corner of her eye and she quickly turned to face it. But nothing was there.

She turned back to the other, wondering if she had seen the shadows too but saw that the other bumped into a leaf as if she hadn't seen it herself first.

"I-I like plants... A lot. My brother is all fight-y like yours I think." Alexa mentioned. Did she find a plant? What was it? Could she take some home to show her dad, Fenix? She met the other's eyes and tilted her head at the silvery... nothingness in them. Was that why she bumped into the plant? She couldn't see?

"You can't see? What's your name? Is the rabbit Shiva? What's the plant?" She asked rapid-fire like. Was the plat something they could gather and use for medicine? It kind of smelled like it. A flash of light made her gasp suddenly! It came out of nowhere and she suddenly pressed her body against the older girl's.
"There'ss s-something in here... There's a shadow! And then there was light and -" She was scared. Were her eyes tricking her?


[Image: 20Rva1y.png]