
Just lose it! Go crazy!

Solo Hunt



Intermediate Fighter (30)

Intermediate Hunter (30)

Extra large
07-23-2024, 06:33 PM (This post was last modified: 07-23-2024, 06:34 PM by Inferna. Edited 1 time in total.)

Inferna's pink eyes glowed with determination as she gazed across the tranquil waters of Firefly Lake. The sun was setting, casting a warm orange hue over the serene landscape. The albino wolfdog's pristine white fur, tinged with a soft pink, shimmered in the fading light. She moved with purpose, each step a silent testament to her innate grace and agility. Today was special - her first solo hunt, and she intended to make it count. Her heart pounded with excitement and a hint of nervousness, but she was resolute. She had a baby wolverine to feed, a tiny albino creature she had recently found and taken under her care.

As she approached the lake, the air grew cooler, and the sounds of nature enveloped her. The gentle lapping of the water against the shore, the rustling of leaves in the breeze, and the occasional croak of a frog created a symphony that was both calming and invigorating. Inferna took a deep breath, her keen senses picking up every detail around her. She knew she had to stay focused. The hunt was a delicate balance of patience and precision.

Her eyes scanned the area, searching for any signs of small prey. The lake was teeming with life, and she was confident she could find something suitable. Her baby wolverine needed nourishment, and she was determined to provide. She moved slowly, her paws barely making a sound as she navigated the terrain. Her ears perked up at the slightest noise, her body tensed and ready to spring into action.

Suddenly, she spotted movement near the edge of the lake. A small rabbit was nibbling on some grass, completely unaware of the predator lurking nearby. Inferna's heart raced as she dropped into a crouch, her eyes locked onto her target. She knew she had to be careful. The slightest misstep could alert the rabbit and ruin her chances.

She inched closer, her body low to the ground, muscles coiled like a spring. The rabbit continued to feed, oblivious to the danger. Inferna's breathing was steady, her focus unwavering. She was within striking distance now, and she knew it was time to make her move.

With a sudden burst of speed, Inferna lunged forward, her powerful legs propelling her towards the rabbit. The prey barely had time to react before she was upon it. In a swift, fluid motion, she clamped her jaws around the rabbit's neck. But instead of delivering a quick, clean kill, she felt a surge of exhilaration. The rabbit struggled frantically, and she found herself thrashing it about, the thrill of the hunt overtaking her instincts.

The rabbit's desperate kicks and squeals only fueled her excitement. She played with her prey, tossing it into the air and catching it again, her eyes gleaming with a wild intensity. The taste of fresh blood in her mouth and the scent of fear in the air made her heart race faster. It was as if the primal part of her nature had taken over, and she reveled in the power she held over the small creature.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity but was only a few moments, Inferna bit down harder, ending the rabbit's life. The forest around her seemed to grow quiet, as if holding its breath in the aftermath of the violent display. She stood there, panting, the rabbit limp in her jaws, feeling a mix of triumph and a touch of dread that the hunt was over.

She shook herself, clearing her mind of the lingering adrenaline. The baby wolverine was waiting, and she couldn't afford to waste any more time. She picked up the rabbit, her grip firm but gentle now, and began the journey back to her den.

The path back was peaceful, the sky now a deep indigo speckled with stars. Inferna moved with purpose, her mind focused on the tiny creature waiting for her. She had found the baby wolverine abandoned and alone, its small body shivering with cold and hunger. From that moment, she had taken on the role of protector and provider, a responsibility she took very seriously.

As she approached her den, nestled among the roots of a large tree, she heard the faint whimpering of the baby wolverine. It was a sound that tugged at her heart, filling her with a fierce determination to care for the helpless creature. She entered the den, her eyes softening as she saw the tiny bundle of fur curled up in the corner.

Gently, she placed the rabbit down and nudged it towards the baby wolverine. The little creature sniffed at the offering, its eyes widening with hunger and curiosity. Inferna watched with a sense of pride as the baby began to eat, its small jaws working diligently to tear at the meat. She lay down beside it, her body a warm, protective shield.

[ word count: 809/800 ]