
got dam zebras man

solo fighting seasonal



Advanced Fighter (75)

Intermediate Intellectual (30)

2 Years
Dire wolf
08-31-2024, 12:08 PM

It's not sin
He moved quietly as he passed through the lands. Atreyu had been found and he followed her at distances. He had no intent to allow her to run about unguarded. The demon king as far as he knew had never fell, and he wouldn't allow her to fall to the fangs of some false ruler. She was key in so much and his loyalty to the crown ran deep, so deep he would not let her even argue against his guard. Though he was not stupid enough to think he could do it alone. In fact he was already planning how he could build a personal guard for her.

A sound had his ear twitching, a tinkle of jewelry following the motion. Not quite a pounding nor a thud. It was not lupine in its origins which meant the male cared little. Should he have cared more? Probably. But he was on a different kind of mission right now. His life mattered little in the scheme of things. Atreyu mattered more. He kept his eyes forward and nose to the ground as he tracked his betrothed, disregarding the noise.

It was not but a few moments more and more noise had finally caught his attention. His ears pivoting in the direction of the steading thumping. His eyes narrowed and he lifted his head in the direction the noise came from. The fuck was it? Something was following him. He at first had thought maybe he had scared something, but now it was more apparent, whatever this was was following him and was not showing signs of letting up. His eyes caught on the form in the distance, horse like but not quite right to be called a horse. He gave a harrumph of annoyance at the creature as it seemed set on him. He could just ignore it perhaps. Or he could get dinner for him and his companions. The striped beast must taste good he figured. And he for a second wondered if Atreyu had ever tasted such a beast. It looked like it could be useful for crafting goods as well. It looked sturdy and well built.

He moved now with the thought that every step he took was mirrored. He would need to get against the water or something so that if the beast decided to run it would have few options on where to go. It would be easier if there was a canyon in sight but all he could see was water ways and flat plains right now. A hum of thought was given. Such a nuisance today was becoming. It took him only a few moments to make his way to a spot with deep water on its side and he found thankfully that there was a stream to is right. He could use that to trap the beast here if it wasn't intelligent enough to realize the stream was likely shallow enough to be manageable.

With his location picked he turned and waited. Sure enough the creature had tailed him here as well. He pressed his ears and gave the beast a rumbling growl, peeling his lips back and narrowing his eyes on it. Did it not have self preservation? Whatever, let it come at him. It's own ears were pressed back as it gave a sound somewhere between a bray and a yelping noise. Odd sounds for a horse like beast, he mused to himself. He would have to see if Atreyu or Oath knew what this thing was later. He had never seen one before now.

As it stamped its hoof and he did not budge the creature finally charged. Azriel braced himself for it in that moment, defenses coming to him naturally. Legs bunched and as it came upon him with intents to trample him he leaped at it, teeth grabbing at its face as he aimed to use his full weight and body mass to unsteady the creature. Which seemed to work decently well. Perhaps the thing had not thought him ready or capable enough of fighting back and had thought him an easy target, it seemed startled that he had even come back at it. But he cared less. It was a mere obstacle. It's hide was thin unlike the buffalo before, this fight would be easier.

It tried rearing to throw him off but he only smirked. He allowed it to try to throw him, but let his own mass unbalance the beast holding even more firmly to its face. It ended up with the beast flailing on its back and Azriel on his paws once more. His jaws left its face before he lunged forward. Jaws clamped upon it's throat and he hunkered down, awaiting the beast's death as he attempted to keep from getting more than just bruises. It was over quickly, the flailing stopping and his prize handed to him easily. Atreyu and Oath would eat well tonight and he would make use of its parts on a later date. He released it and looked over the thing. It's pelt, while thin would make a pretty blanket for Atreyu and its tail could make a good paint brush or too.

With that he set to work on getting what he could from the still fleshed creature.

Walk, "Talk", Think

or a murder for carnal disgrace
Art by Asena; lines by Bio-Zev

Words: 882

Azriel can be a mature and volatile character, please proceed with caution. His threads can contain triggers and mature content please be aware of this when threading with him.