
I'm bad at title so stick one here

solo seasonal



Master Fighter (280)

Advanced Hunter (65)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

2 Years
Toy size

Pride - Bisexual
09-08-2024, 09:53 PM (This post was last modified: 09-08-2024, 09:55 PM by Bellatrix. Edited 1 time in total.)

Find me where the wild things are

The season turned and while Trixy had been busying herself around Auster she seemed to have almost missed the turning of time. Though the first snows had brought the girl, now turned woman a sense of joy that other seasons seemed to lack. She had turned two now, and with that turning of the seasons she had seemed to also settle into her full adult form. Beauregard still had not been returned to her, but she would go after him herself if she had to after she had settled things and Norad has risen once more.

She had wondered if she might ask if Gav wanted to join her in Norad. Would he turn her down? Would he be upset that she had even thought about asking? It was a worry for her in the moment as she padded across the Bifrost. Her little triangles were perked as she had her nose to the ground. A herd was on the move making for Boreas and she was trailing after it. Frank was close behind, and as weird as it likely was he was ready to help her. It might help by confusing her prey that a reindeer was working with a wolf enough to give the pint sized woman a upper paw. Seeing as she was alone otherwise, she might need it.

It did not take long for her to catch up to the herd. It was small, and held a few antelope and looked like a Gazelle, the perfect opportunity. She drew in a deep breath and let it out as she lowered herself into a crouch. The snow below would not help her camouflage past her white spots but she still would try. Luckily the wind was to her face as well today. She nodded when she was ready at Frank. He took the signal and moved at a trot after the herd. His job was easy, catch up to them, figure out the target, and split it from the herd. Bellatrix would take care of the rest. She kept her eyes on the piebald reindeer as he moved. Her paws worked to pull her closer. her belly dragging on the ground.

It took Frank a few moments to reach the herd and for him to integrate himself but once he had she knew it was in the bag. He had the smarts to pick a good target and she trusted him. She waited with baited breath as he moved amongst them and looked each member over closely. Once he had picked a target she knew. He lowered his antlers and shoved at the little Gazelle in the herd. A small target but she definitely could agree with his choice, as it would be the easiest and least likely to injure her. She tensed her muscles and as soon as it was splitting with a worried bleat she launched the attack. Her paws ate up ground and with her explosion came the spooking of the herd. Frank kept his stern position, aiming to keep the antelope from running in the wrong direction. Towards the ocean was preferred, as Trixy was a strong swimmer and in the water it would have less opportunities to kick her.

Though it took only a moment to realize the plan was going awry. The gazelle gave a snorting call and everything happened fast as Trixy ate up the ground as fast as she could. A bounce and it had leaped over Frank. A shit passing her lips and the shock on Frank's face apparent. He hadn't expected it. She wouldn't fault him either. She burst forward as fast as possible, snow and slush under paw creating a slippery surface. She needed to catch it now.

She was much to late to catch the gazelle though, once it had bounced she had likely lost it. They were one of the fastest land prey she knew of. That and the antelope were all loping down the beach already at the fastest paces they could. She would go hungry tonight maybe, unless she caught one of them. Frank took off at a brisk trot, following after her. By the time they made it to pace the gazelle was well out of sight and trixy was panting with the exertion of the moment. Cold and hot were meeting on the bifrost and she cursed under her breath at the crunch of the snow. She had failed today. She slowed to a stop and flopped on her butt. A look was thrown over her shoulder as Frank came up and she gave him a tired smile. "Maybe next time buddy, I fucked up our timing, sorry. You were great though." She gave him praise and giggled as he nibbled at her ear in his own apology to her. Maybe next time. She cast her eyes in the direction of the now tiny dots of the herd and nodded. They would come back to Auster and when they did she would have another shot.

"Come on buddy." She stood and turned back to Auster with a grumble in her belly. She would have to find something else.

Walk, "Talk", Think

Bellatrix Ravenwood
Art by SterlingRaven

words: 858 total