
First things first




Advanced Fighter (75)

Intermediate Intellectual (30)

2 Years
Dire wolf
09-12-2024, 05:42 AM
As soon as he had the chance the day after the meeting Azriel had decided Alaric would be his second to seek out. He needed to figure this shit out and to meet this man who had gotten close to Atreyu. He rose with the morning sun and uncurled from the place he had taken up in the open outside Atreyu's temporary den. A stretch as he dipped his head into the space and made certain Biggs knew he was stepping away and that he expected the dog to watch and summon him if anything happened. He needed to act more like the king he was, but that wasn't him. He was a soldier first and a king second.

He was off then, moving to the place the meeting the day previous had taken place. His eyes were hardened now, the pain from the day before masked and hidden. Only his jealousy would taint this meeting he felt, but even that he wanted to ensure would not happen. He made it there in a short amount of time and shook his pelt, the quills mixed in his nape laying flat in his relaxed state. He took his seat and gave a short but hollowed howl for Alaric in case the male had made it far. He didnt want him to think this was some game to Azriel. He had been serious and as Atreyu's second in command Azriel had to make sure the stranger was aware of him and that they both knew each other by more than just name. After all if he was as good at fighting as Atreyu suggested he might make him a general when they found more permanent digs. He cast his eyes out past the shrine until Alaric appeared though.

"Atreyu" || "Azriel"
code by bird, art by asena

Azriel can be a mature and volatile character, please proceed with caution. His threads can contain triggers and mature content please be aware of this when threading with him.



Master Fighter (305)

Beginner Hunter (0)

An icon representing the specialty Berserker Berserker

4 Years
09-12-2024, 05:48 AM
It was an early morning stroll that Alaric was on, looking for game for her cane corsos to help him hunt down, when the summoning call rang through the air. The call certainly did not sound like it was from Atreyu. Alaric let out a sigh and his gaze flickered to his hounds. "I guess that's for us." He muttered to them, motioning the large dogs to follow him as they tracked down the source of the howl. It wasn't a long trek back to the meeting grounds where he had once been before. Once he arrived in the area, his gaze landed on Atreyu's betrothed. Azriel. He dipped his head to show respect towards the male as he stopped within a respectful distance between him and the male. "Need something?" He called out, flicking his tail. Although Alaric wasn't one for dishing out favors, he would help if the reason was good enough. Although, he had no clue what this male had in mind or why he was summoned here.



Advanced Fighter (75)

Intermediate Intellectual (30)

2 Years
Dire wolf
09-12-2024, 06:10 AM
It didn't take long for Alaric to show himself, which was good. It was an indicator that mayhaps all of them would come to understand how he and Atreyu worked in tandem right now. His eyes cut to the man, black and blue meeting golden oranges. The dip of a head given as the man dipped his at Azriel. Respect was going to be a key. He'd been given respect so he would give it back. His gaze cut to the corsos for a moment before setting back on Alaric as he asked if Azriel needed something. His mask split into a small grin as he offered a rumbling vocal in response. "Atreyu claims you as her friend, I seek to get to know you and meet you for myself. As well as to offer to answer any questions you have about me or Judalia. I was once an outsider to them myself, so I'm aware there is things you won't know and questions about their customs." He knew alot of questions might arise. But he also wanted to get to know the male.

"First proper introductions are in order. I am Azriel Zohar. I was a royal guard in training upon the fall of Judalia, and as Atreyu said at our meeting yesterday, the betrothed of Atreyu." His Jealousy was swallowed for the moment as he waited to get the man's introduction of himself as well as any questions he had. He had been in Judalia long enough to know the answer to just about any question the man asked. Their religion, their gods, their laws, all of it. He also knew that to an outsider they may seem strange, after all he had once been that outsider.

"Atreyu" || "Azriel"
code by bird, art by asena

Azriel can be a mature and volatile character, please proceed with caution. His threads can contain triggers and mature content please be aware of this when threading with him.



Master Fighter (305)

Beginner Hunter (0)

An icon representing the specialty Berserker Berserker

4 Years
09-12-2024, 06:21 AM
Alaric would let the man speak, taking in his words. So this would be the man to explain what Judalia was, what it stood for, what it believed in. That was fine by him. When Azriel introduced himself, Alaric returned the favor. "I am Alaric Warmaw." What else could he say? He could tell Azriel of his past ties with the Freeman's Guild, but he doubted it would hold much weight. "I congratulate you on your betrothal." He rumbled with a nod of his head. Truly, he was happy that Atreyu had found someone to love her. "Just know if you hurt her," He paused for a moment. "I'll have to maul you myself." He was serious, too. He wouldn't allow Atreyu to be treated like some toy to a male. "However," he cleared his throat. "I have doubt that you'll do such a thing. So it's all good." He reminded the male calmly.

"As for Judalia..." Alaric paused for a moment, thinking of what to ask. "What are it's core views? What does it stand for? Any... particular faiths I should know about?" He asked. He wanted to know what he would be helping build. What he would be giving his purpose to.



Advanced Fighter (75)

Intermediate Intellectual (30)

2 Years
Dire wolf
09-12-2024, 11:21 AM
The alabaster male introduced himself but gave nothing more than a name, perhaps he had no titles or past to speak of that he was proud of. Azriel took note of that and filed that away for memory for later. He could definitely foresee giving the male something to be proud of, that was part of what his job was in his mind. And if he was as good at fighting as Atreyu seemed to believe then Azriel would have to ensure the male made general and worked closely with him to keep their soldiers fighting ready.

His next words started well which received a nod. The betrothal had not been either's idea until they had found each other again, no it was their mother's but he didn't mind it so much now. He was experienced enough to know what he liked and if he really thought about it every woman he enjoyed in the past had been in some way or form like Atreyu. Guess he had a type, happy and bubbly. Could make a man smile if he thought too hard on it. But the threat that dropped had his eyes narrowing. "I assure you, if any try to harm her, or any Morningstar for that matter, that they have to get through me and I would sooner die than harm my queen and the royal family myself." His voice dropped to dangerous levels. This male had no idea what he was willing to do to ensure the safety of Atreyu. He would kill a man before they hurt her.

He straightened back up when the male asked for information on Judalia, clearing his throat. So Atreyu hadn't told him much then. He would amend that then. "Judalia has been traditionally a peaceful pack, rooted in providing sanctuary and healing to those that need it. Though I seek to change a few things such as the fact that their military had been lacking when we were being raised there. I believe Atreyu has a wish to try to rid the world of evils, which I seek to further by providing her the military for. As for faith, you will find we are polytheistic with a belief in a few major gods." He stopped there to let that sink in. He wanted to gauge the male's reaction and see how he took that bit. It could determine how to proceed further with him, though he wouldn't preach the gods like Oath would, he wasn't about to try to force his religion on the male either. "We are more than aware not all will share our views either, but we do ask for respect for our ways. Just as we would respect any religion or belief you have." he had to make sure the male knew that he wasn't about to shove his beliefs on someone and tell them to believe or get out. He'd be small minded and unfit for the role Atreyu wanted him to play if he did so.

"Atreyu" || "Azriel"
code by bird, art by asena

Azriel can be a mature and volatile character, please proceed with caution. His threads can contain triggers and mature content please be aware of this when threading with him.



Master Fighter (305)

Beginner Hunter (0)

An icon representing the specialty Berserker Berserker

4 Years
09-12-2024, 03:58 PM
Alaric's ears swiveled to catch the low tone of Azriel's promise. A smirk formed on his maws, a satisfied one. Not a mocking one. "We're on the same page then." He nodded, going back to listen as the black male began explaining the inner working of Judalia to him. He listened carefully, taking in every word and racking it through his mind. It wasn't until Azriel was finished speaking did Alaric finally respond. "What Atreyu is trying to do is a noble cause." He began, taking a moment to pause. "Although I'm no saint, I believe I can help her in her endeavors." He responded. He had done many wrongdoings. He had murdered, thieved, but never lied. Alaric despised liars. Although he was willing to get his hands dirty, Alaric did have some sense of morals. He refused to enslave another, he refused to outright bully another outside of his own version of tough love, he refused to rape, he refused to harm children even if he did scare them to an extent. "I appreciate what you're doing for her. She needs a strong military." He could agree on that much. "Otherwise, if she didn't have one, Judalia would be harmless, not peaceful. A grave distinction in this world." He nodded. He took a breath and switch his mind to the topic of religion, one that had always been a sore spot for him. He wanted scoff at the idea of the multiple gods that Azriel had, but the way Azriel had presented it did not seem forceful. So it was a poison he could swallow. He did give a dry, bitter laugh. "I am a man of little faith in the divine." He left it at that. He did not trust Azriel to spill over why, his past, or much else. Atreyu would possibly get more of the story, but that was for another day. "I can respect your beliefs from afar, but that's all I can do." He told Azriel with some firmness. He would be the last show any God any sliver of kindness or respect, only the followers. His respect would be for them, not the God itself.



Advanced Fighter (75)

Intermediate Intellectual (30)

2 Years
Dire wolf
09-12-2024, 10:47 PM

Don't you know I'm not the same

Azriel considered the tones as well as everything else about the man. His scars spoke of survival and even an experience that he could appreciate, though that jealousy still reared its ugly head when he thought of how much the man might of been close to Atreyu. He wouldn't say he was in love with Atreyu yet, but she was still his betrothed. The words Alaric had were met with a nod and a guaging look. He wanted to help which was admirable. "Indeed a weak military is the last thing I want for us, I was told you are the one who has been helping Atreyu learn to fight.... what can you speak of to your skill set? Do you see yourself as nothing more than a soldier or do you have ambition?" he wouldn't let the offer show yet.. he would need to see how this man felt about things and how his skills were first.

To his answers about having little faith Azriel could only nod. He didn't care if a man believed in his gods or not. What mattered to Azriel was his own faith and that he had already seen the afterlife once. He nodded though and gave a silent understanding to the man. He wasn't about to ask him to worship his gods or seek to convert him, if he wanted more on the religion Oath was definitely the one to have speak with him. "I can respect your atheism, though i do invite you to listen about the gods from Oath or Atreyu. It may even help you learn more about them. I'm not as silvered in the tongue when I speak of them." he gave a chuckle at his own short coming of religion. He wasn't able to spin a beautiful sermon or make one envision the gods like he knew Oath might. His ears tipped to the man and he tightened his neck muscles for a brief moment, letting his quills briefly rise before laying flat once more.

Walk, "talk", Think

I grew up to be the gravedigger

Art and code by Asena; lines by Srynix

Azriel can be a mature and volatile character, please proceed with caution. His threads can contain triggers and mature content please be aware of this when threading with him.



Master Fighter (305)

Beginner Hunter (0)

An icon representing the specialty Berserker Berserker

4 Years
09-13-2024, 04:55 PM
Alaric listened to Azriel as he responded him. Azriel wanted to know if his skill set and ambition. Alaric had never thought of ambitions. He saw anyone in any seat of power to be corrupt, power hungry, abusive, because that's all he'd ever witnessed. He never thought to see himself in those seats of power. Until now. His gaze shifted to meet Azriel's as he spoke. "I would have to say I have some ambition but not enough for a throne for myself. Yet, enough to be more than a simple foot soldier." He has already played that role and got out alive, barely. The Freeman's Guild was a criminal guild turned foot soldier for war, they were expected to die in order to have their crimes pardoned. Jackdaw had died before he could be set free. Alaric had managed to survive the war and was pardoned for the murder of his ex master. No, he wanted more than to be just another soldier now. Something of heavier weight. Of greater meaning. Something less disposable, as he had been treated before. "As for my skill set...." He paused, thinking for a moment. He knew everyone saw his scar and immediately thought him as a great warrior. He didn't see himself as great, only as a survivor who did what he had to do when the time called for it. If the time called to fight, he fought. And he fought to win. To live. The truth behind his scars was a shut tight memory. He doubt anyone alive would ever know the real history behind them. His mind drifted to Atreyu. She had commented on them a few times. Would she accept the truth behind them? He didn't want to think of what would happen if she didn't. Would she think him a fraud? A weak man? Those thoughts were enough to snap the door shut for now. "Would you like to test them? A friendly spar, that is." He offered Azriel this much. "If not, I can respect your decision."

"I would pry deeper into your religion and maybe I will, one day. But for now I don't think I need to hear more of it." He told the man. "If you understand that is." He didn't want to listen to a sermon. He didn't want to hear any grand tales of loving gods. It would only run the deeper wound in mind and cause some loosely held back rage to boil. Flashbacks would happen, a mess would happen. He would make a fool of himself no doubt.



Advanced Fighter (75)

Intermediate Intellectual (30)

2 Years
Dire wolf
09-13-2024, 09:27 PM

It's not sin

A smirk placed itself upon his lips as Alaric spoke. Good no ambition to be a king, which meant his own position would not be in danger and neither would Atreyu's but he would still be ambitious enough to be more than a soldier. He could foresee himself getting along well with this male, so long as Alaric kept in mind that Atreyu was someone else's betrothed and future wife. He nodded though as Alaric spoke of his skills and ambitions and yet again when he spoke of not wanting to listen to sermons or learn more of their gods or customs. He could respect the decision but he would later maybe when the male was more comfortable and settled. He wanted to make sure he knew the offer was always open though so he left it with a quick word on the matter. "Very well, just know if you ever grow curious or find yourself wanting to learn more the offer will still stand. As for a spar.... I can think of no better way to test your strengths and to refresh my own skills." He gave a grin and stood shaking his pelt before moving to stand at a respectable distance from the man and his hounds.

His head moved in one direction then another as he gave a crack to his neck before lowering his head to be even with his spine and his eyes narrowed. Lips peeled back in a half grin half baring of his fangs. His shoulders rolling as he let those dangerous quills stand on end. His hackles rose in the same moment providing a buffer between his skin and any teeth that might seek to grab his scruff in front of the quills. His tail rose to be level with his hips to act as a rudder and a balance for the demigod. He would give Alaric the first move. "Your move." it was the only words he gave to the man now turning all business and into the soldier he had been taught to be.

Walk, "Talk", Think

or a murder for carnal disgrace
Art by Asena; lines by Bio-Zev

Azriel vs Alaric for spar
Round 0/x
Age: over 1 yr
Size: Dire wolf
Build: Heavy
Mutation 1: Quills - Defensive
Mutation 2: Elongated canines - Offensive
Skills: Advanced Fighter & Intermediate Intellectual

Azriel can be a mature and volatile character, please proceed with caution. His threads can contain triggers and mature content please be aware of this when threading with him.



Master Fighter (305)

Beginner Hunter (0)

An icon representing the specialty Berserker Berserker

4 Years
09-15-2024, 08:42 PM
Alaric was happy to hear Azriel’s agreement to a spar. He watched as the man before he got ready in his defenses and decided to do just the same. He looked dover to Maul and Cinder. “Sit this one out.” He told the pair of cane corsos. To which the dogs agreed and sat obediently as they watched their companion get ready for the spar. Alaric then refocused back on Azriel as he readied in his own defenses. His legs widened for balance and stability. His claws dug into the earth for extra stability. His chin tucked to protect his vitals. Alaric's tail rose to meet his spine equally to ensure more balance.

Azriel was giving him the first move. “Got ya.” He nodded towards the quilled wolf. He would make this first move count. He charged forwards, as if he was facing the brute head on. However, last minute he white male would dart to the side and towards the side of Azriel. His head would lower and his black maws splayed open and attempted to latch onto the lower stomach of Azriel and push forwards and up. He hoped, with his combined momentum the nasty bite and force would topple Azriel onto his side.

Alaric vs Azriel for spar
Round 1/2
Age: Over 1 year
Size: Large
Build: Heavy
Companion 1: Cane Corso, Male - Battle
Companion 2: Cane Corso, Male - Battle
Skills: Master Fighter & Beginner Hunter
Specialty: Berserker
Alaric has two cane corsos, Maul(back with red eyes) and Cinder(grey with brown eyes) that are always with him unless stated otherwise. Alaric is a mature character known for violence. Proceed with caution.



Advanced Fighter (75)

Intermediate Intellectual (30)

2 Years
Dire wolf
Yesterday, 02:27 AM

It's not sin

Alaric began rolling on his own defenses and Azriel, ever the soldier took note of each of the man's as he rolled them on. His own stayed as they were and he waited. It was moments in time as Alaric began. A smirk came to Azriel's face as he watched the man come at him and dart to the side, but already Az was moving his paws. Back legs pivoting and twisting as the man came in with mouth aiming to grab, the grab landing instead on his chest as his own teeth came towards the man, aiming to bite into the scruff behind the man's head.

He would need control of the other to win, and military training had him ready. A paw simultaneously came up aiming to wrap around the man's shoulder's, keeping three on the ground and splaying his back legs further to balance and avoid going down on his ass. He was much larger than the other though so an attempt to brute force him might be futile. While the paw came up and his jaws came down his tail adjusted again to keep his balance and center of gravity. He didn't act on instinct, instead he was cold and calculating in his fights, and he was much more experienced than Atreyu had been. What would the man do with that? He was likely used to a yearling that didn't know what to do with her own body when he met her, but Azriel was years of honed muscle and discipline in a massive package.

Walk, "Talk", Think

or a murder for carnal disgrace
Art by Asena; lines by Bio-Zev

Azriel vs Alaric for spar
Round 1/2
Age: over 1 yr
Size: Dire wolf
Build: Heavy
Mutation 1: Quills - Defensive
Mutation 2: Elongated canines - Offensive
Skills: Advanced Fighter & Intermediate Intellectual

Azriel can be a mature and volatile character, please proceed with caution. His threads can contain triggers and mature content please be aware of this when threading with him.