
I'm jealous, I'm overzealous




Expert Fighter (205)

Expert Healer (140)

1 Year
Dire wolf

WordyOoh La LaRapid Poster - Silver
09-12-2024, 07:53 AM
Why did it have to be so hot out? Atreyu felt the sweltering heat down in her bones, even the nights were hot. The area around the shrine was humid and the air felt wet, almost like she had to swim through it to get anywhere. Early morning was her best time, while most stayed sleeping, Atreyu sought to center herself in relative silence. Bigs stayed sleeping in the den they had found, laying on his back and snoring. Sitting in a clearing full of wilting purple flowers, Atreyu began her morning rituals and prayed to the ancestors and great spirits alike for a good day and a productive one as well. She had a lot of work to do and what felt like limited time to do it in.

Watching the sky begin to streak with colors as the sun peeked through the trees, Atreyu smiled and took in the beauty of the world for a moment before she had to get to work, her schedule for the day beginning in a short hour. It wouldn't be long before she had to start working with her newly founded band of siblings and friends. She couldn't believe it, but things were beginning to look up for Judila once again.

"Azriel" || "Atreyu"
code by bird, art by asena

Atreyu can be rated M for mature, not always, but expect it to pop up.
Her companion, Bigs, is assumed to be with her unless otherwise mentioned.



Advanced Fighter (75)

Intermediate Intellectual (30)

2 Years
Dire wolf
09-12-2024, 10:14 AM
Atreyu rising had not escaped the notice of her dark knight. He had more than been awake already. He had already sought out some of her siblings and spoken with Alaric. He felt things went well. He had foreseen things going worse but he didn't mind the more pleasant route things seemed to be taking.

He moved silently through the undergrowth and moved to follow her like a shadow. The light of the morning had already started warming the land and Azriel disliked the heat but he wouldn't complain. The scent that lingered as well was nose wrinkling. He'd smelled whore houses that smelled better than this. His tail lashed at the thought, it had been a long time since he had been intimate with another, how would Atreyu take that knowledge? His paws thudded lightly and a dry dust came up with each step.

He wasn't hiding himself, there was no point. But he did sit down in the shade of a tree on the edge of the shrine's clearing. His eyes stayed on Atreyu's form as she stretched and prayed. He wouldn't interrupt but he would watch. Routines were important to learn for each other. Perhaps this morning he would see if she wanted to go for a hunt or swim together. He was thinking hard about what to do when a shape caught his eye slinking towards Atreyu. He was up faster than one would think. He darted past Atreyu as the cat lunged for her, colliding with the black cat mid air and taking its element of surprise. A loud snarl ripped from it as he also let out a deep guttural growl. Claws gripped into his chest and his fangs sank into its leg. Its canines aimed to sink into his neck but he inwardly grinned seeing this, his quills were standing at full attention in the moment.

"Azriel" || "Atreyu"
code by bird, art by asena

1/3 fought a large predator(jaguar)

Azriel can be a mature and volatile character, please proceed with caution. His threads can contain triggers and mature content please be aware of this when threading with him.



Expert Fighter (205)

Expert Healer (140)

1 Year
Dire wolf

WordyOoh La LaRapid Poster - Silver
09-12-2024, 11:50 AM
With her holographic eyes closed, Atreyu was completely unaware of the cat stalking her. That is, until Azriel sprang out of the shadows behind her to collide with the would-be predator. Shock froze her for a moment before she saw the cat going for Azriel's neck, protected as it may be. Snapping into action, Atreyu moved with a blinding speed to grasp the cat by it's nape and give it a vicious shake, punishment for daring to lay tooth or claw on her betrothed.

She meant what she said, nothing would harm them again, and if it did...may the gods have mercy on their souls. The jaguar then aimed to swipe its claws at her face, and Atreyu was forced to let the cat go or lose an eye. She snarled and dove back in for another bite, careful to avoid her future husband's efforts to kill the creature. She would not let him face this threat alone, he wanted to be equals, that meant she fought as well. Her youth had her convinced that their mothers wanted them together for a reason, and his fierce valiant nature was almost magnetizing. This was no time to get distracted by thoughts of their future, though it did flash through her mind. This creature had meant to kill her, she had the urge to get it before it got her.

1/3 Fought a large opponent - Jaguar
"Azriel" || "Atreyu"
code by bird, art by asena

Atreyu can be rated M for mature, not always, but expect it to pop up.
Her companion, Bigs, is assumed to be with her unless otherwise mentioned.



Advanced Fighter (75)

Intermediate Intellectual (30)

2 Years
Dire wolf
09-12-2024, 03:54 PM
He hadn't cared that it had tried biting or clawing him. No, it's transgression had been to attempt Atreyu. It wasn't making out today alive. His eyes narrowed and he went to shift his shoulders when it went to bite only to jump to the side to keep from having a quill fiasco in Atreyu's face. That was the last thing they needed. The quills on his nape could be deadly tools when wielded right.

He should of guessed that she would of jumped in but he hadn't counted on it. He had had some ladies who would of sat there looking at him and getting hot and bothered watching him work. Guess Atreyu wouldn't be like that. It brought a smirk to his face. Good at least he wouldn't have to worry about ever fighting alone. She had meant it then, they would be equals. It would mean he would need to step up her training to make sure she had every ounce of training he had had. As well as to have her give him lessons in pack running and politics.

It tried to claw her face and Azriel Gave a roar of a snarl as he launched back at the cat. He tackled it and threw it to the ground with him on top of it, their forms rolling a few feet. The dire man wouldn't take the cat harming her and it had made a mistake trying to blind her. How dare the creature. His fangs aimed and landed on the cats face on the left side while the cat's own landed on his shoulder between the leg and his chest. though it let go fast as its paw was stabbed by the quills on his nape, its pained cry music to Azriels ears.

"Atreyu" || "Azriel"
code by bird, art by asena

2/3 fought a large predator(jaguar)

Azriel can be a mature and volatile character, please proceed with caution. His threads can contain triggers and mature content please be aware of this when threading with him.



Expert Fighter (205)

Expert Healer (140)

1 Year
Dire wolf

WordyOoh La LaRapid Poster - Silver
09-13-2024, 09:32 PM
The roar and snarl she heard didn't come from the jaguar, instead, the animalistic noise came from Azriel. She could only assume it was because of the jaguar's attack, and there was a part of her that quivered - but not in fear. He grappled with the cat and Atreyu waited for an opening to grab the animal by its throat. When Azriel bit into the jungle cat's face it yowled with pain and Atreyu found herself smiling despite the dire situation. She knew he was a soldier, and it was nice to see him working, but she wouldn't get worked up over him working alone.

Jumping in to distract the cat, Atreyu bit into its hind leg, shaking her head ferociously. Working side by side with him was a new thrill in itself, and Atreyu wanted more in spite of the dangers it posed. She had truly meant what she said, she was not some powdery princess, not anymore. Atreyu had reshaped herself to be a titan in her own right. He would see that eventually, maybe then he would relax his guard just a bit knowing she could handle herself if need be. That was doubtful, it had been his job to protect them, his life, and he would not give that up so easily.

"Azriel" || "Atreyu"
code by bird, art by asena

Atreyu can be rated M for mature, not always, but expect it to pop up.
Her companion, Bigs, is assumed to be with her unless otherwise mentioned.