
Beating hooves

solo seasonal half word count



Master Fighter (240)

Master Hunter (250)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

2 Years
Dire wolf
09-22-2024, 05:15 PM

Astraios didn’t like to go too far from the pack at the moment. He knew Delphi needed his support, and wanted to be there for her. But too much time cooped up in the pack's borders got to him. His paws itched to travel, to explore, to be somewhere else. It was a flaw inside of him that eventually got the better of him. In the early hours of the morning, he decided to travel. Moving swiftly to the South as he let his paws take him. He didn’t care where, and paid little attention to his surroundings. He knew he would be able to find his way home again. He was always able to find Delphi.

Eventually, some time later, he found himself at the bottom of the continent. Here, the Bifrost bridged the two lands, but the scent in the air was strange. He could smell the ice from the chill blowing up from the South. He moved forward, investigating the strange phenomena.

He wasn’t the only one here. As he approached the land bridge, he saw a herd of deer race across the slippery, half frozen land mass. Escaping the frozen South. He didn’t realise Auster could even get that cold! He watched the deer as they raced across the landmass. Perhaps fleeing the chill from Auster. It almost seemed too easy to him, and he waited, crouched in the shadows as they got closer.

He took his time to pick out his chosen prey. An older, slower deer at the back of the herd. Thinning the stock in a way that wouldn’t ruin them in the future. A good choice, and an easy one. He let the first deer race past him, and then the next. Crouched, still as he could be. Hoping the wind didn’t change, and make this suddenly difficult. Finally, the prey he had chosen approached. Much more slowly, its hooves slow and unsteady on the sand as it raced to keep up with the herd. He waited until the very moment it was racing past him, and then he launched himself at it. He knocked it over with the force of its body and it screamed. Its hooves flailed dangerously around him. He slid between them, aiming for its throat. Not easy, thrashing as it was. With a snarl, he pressed his elbow into its ribs, trying to pin it as he at last latched his teeth to its throat. The moment his teeth sunk in, it was all over for the deer.


[Image: Au67KGz.png]