
Aw dam

solo hunt fail



Master Fighter (280)

Expert Hunter (165)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

2 Years
Toy size

Pride - Bisexual
09-28-2024, 01:59 AM
Bellatrix Ravenwood

Trixy moved back into Auster early that morning. Her destination was to move towards what had been her home once, before she would make for the other side of Auster. She had a few souls she wanted to see before she finally did it, but first she had in mind to prove to herself she was just as capable alone as her dad. Though she knew strength was in numbers she knew he couldn't fight all her battles and her next battle was all for her. It would shape the future of her and Norad. Would they finally have a home? Or would she fail and prove to her dad that she had never learned anything?

She was determined. Her nose on the ground, Frank behind her and her newest companion granted to her from a profitable trade with Sir Artorias above. The pied raven was trained and ready to defend her. He was everything she wanted when she had asked Artorias about the birds. Loyal, brave, watchful and above all brilliant. Like Frank he was pied which only made her happier. The three of them definitely stood out and for that she was happy. At least anyone could pick them out in a crowd and no one could mistake them for anyone else.

She was tracking beaver right now. She knew how dangerous the adults could be, but if she could catch a yearling or pup off guard she might be able to get a good fatty meal out of it. Her paws crunched across the fresh snows of Auster's winter and the ponds made from the dams of the beavers were icing over. The waters smelled fresh and crystal clear. The air of the area crisp and refreshing as she took in every breath and scent. The musk of beaver was all over the place here and along the edges of the pond she could see the entry points that had been worn into the shoreline of the lake, intertwined between reeds and cattails. There were dams that held the water in the lake and made for good bridges but she had been lurking for a few now and had seen where the beavers seemed to be lazily going in and out. She would have to break into that dam and hope the adults were gone, and that she did not end up soaked.

She hopped up on a damn and cut across, keeping her eyes on the waters for any sign of the adults. Though she couldn't see any activity from the adults. Gods she hoped they were not in the damn dam. She gave a flick of her half tail to Frank who gave a grunt before moving around to the other side of the pond from the shore. The plan was simple, Frank would keep watch for the adults to come back while Trixy would break into the dam slowly but surely. All the while her raven, Charlie, would would stay air-born and watch for anything like coyotes or bears that might be looking to steal her prey from her or make a meal of Trixy herself.

She moved with confidence, maneuvering towards the home dam. Her eyes were set with determination, even as she jumped the small gap onto the dam and felt a few branches give. She was quick to correct her footing from that slip up and climb to the top of the rounded structure. She was certain this would work. The pond had been quiet all morning long and she had thought this through thoroughly. She ducked her head down and started taking pieces of branches in her mouth working on tearing them away from the dam. She wasn't intending to do permanent damage to the dam but she did need to get inside in order to get ahold of a beaver. She would have to be quick if she did not want to fight an adult.

She worked the sticks and twigs and mud free little by little. One bit at a time. A sudden crack and a snort had her turning her eyes in the direction of the noises and disturbances. Frank alerting her and the crack of a tail on the pond. She'd been had! She waited though, watching for what the beaver would do. The form of two large beavers slid into the water from the shore near the crossing dam. Her eyes caught on them as they quickly approached. Shit! She needed to get off the dam. She turned and hastily jumped for the shore, barely landing getting her back paws soaked in the icy water. Yet the beavers still kept coming. And from the dam she had just been on came out the pups she had been working so hard to get to. Dam there was no chance now. Their guards were up.

She took off dashing into the nearby woods, with beavers after her a small ways from the pond. Only once she was in the tree line did they relent and go back to the water. Damn it, she had wanted to do this so bad. She shook her head and gave a sigh, calling frank after her. She turned ad started back towards the falls, she might as well go see her dad and let him know what she was up to.

Say come on and show the world who you really are

Word count: 890
1/1 failed solo hunt

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1. Aw dam Aspen Dam 01:59 AM, 09-28-2024 11:30 AM, 09-29-2024