
Can you meet me half way..




Master Fighter (290)

Master Healer (250)

An icon representing the specialty Berserker Berserker

3 Years
Dire wolf

ScarredOoh La LaPride - Sapiosexual
10-07-2024, 08:34 AM (This post was last modified: 10-07-2024, 08:34 AM by Érebos. Edited 1 time in total.)

É R E B O S .

he went off on a very long journey to find her. bast, his hawk companion, gave news of her recent arrival in boreas. that she approached from the Northside. as painstaking as it was for him to go so far from home, Érebos made it a mission he had to complete. with news from the elders, everything was going according to plan. slowly, the dunamis would swell into boreas like a rippled wave. however, he was pushed to secure a top leading rank and soon. nike didn't leave out her sharper expectations.. nor did father. a norm it was to feel the pressure of family on his shoulders- the golden boy after all. at least father said he loved him.

and with anticipation in his heart, the dire wolf came to approach the far island known as Atlantis island. his journey had taken him days and he was sure everyone went wondering where he was. a note in his den laid there, informing his solo journey, not wanting to be slowed down by anyone else.

its then, as promised, starchild dunamis came into view. her black and white form a welcoming site. child of margo dunamis and Lukas dunamis. their first litter, he remembered her fantastically crafty nature. a valuable asset nike sent their way, knowing that star would not only be a welcomed addition, but a greatly needed one. this truly sent the wave that the head dunamis back in Cyprus desired a more speedy timeline here on out. yet Érebos saw to it that things were done correctly and with time.. as long a he could.

"You must be weary." he trotted forward, a faint smile plastered on his handsome face as he came near her had she not moved. he dipped his head, not offering a hug or kiss as the dunamis often times did not show such a nature too much. "Starchild-, welcome to boreas."

Made for Alo by Skelle !
Warning: Mature themes for this character are frequent.
[Image: h1wr1OO.png]



Expert Navigator (140)

Advanced Intellectual (60)

2 Years
10-08-2024, 08:01 PM

Despite being used to running long distances, Starchild was tired. Her poor little paws were sore and desperately needed a soothing soak and probably some sort of oil to make them soft again. That would come in time. At least she had time to make herself clean after her journey. The woman's white patches were pristine, like freshly fallen snow. Her black mask was inky as midnight. Just how she was supposed to be.

After reaching the edge of her old land, Star bought passage on a ship, sailing to the island that her cousin had directed her to in his missive. The island was massive, a great mountainous volcano situated at the center. She could smell the tang of pines beyond number before she could even set her cerulean gaze upon them. The clouds above seemed to blanket the place until you were right up on it. Color her interested.

Leaving the ship, the slender woman took a rest on the beach, the gentle waves lapping at her greyish pink padded paws. A circling bird up above looked familiar and so the fae rose, giving her coat a shake to rid it of clinging debris. After casting one last look at the cool, murmuring waves, she turned and moved towards her approaching cousin. He greeted her with a smile and she returned the gesture, giving a nod as well. "Erebos," she purred in soft, mellifluous tones, utilizing their native tongue since it was just the two of them. "How goes the building of an empire?"


Starchild has mild Haphephobia, so please don't touch her unless you know her very well and she gives permission.

She is always accompanied by a peregrine falcon named Merlin and a very nasty Tasmanian devil named Dundee who will bite you.



Master Fighter (290)

Master Healer (250)

An icon representing the specialty Berserker Berserker

3 Years
Dire wolf

ScarredOoh La LaPride - Sapiosexual
10-09-2024, 07:41 AM

É R E B O S .

it was as if the dunamis only cared for one thing besides family: power. but the two got twisted and often times, turned into itself. the family was powerful. and their power involved their clan as a whole. so of course star's second sentence was pertaining to his progress versus one of reunion & delight. a year away from one another, both had grown in their own ways. and how stylish it was for both to tend to one another like business wolves at best. their familial sentiment nearly absent. a simple, agile minded woman-, star was refreshing to hear. to interact with. "It's coming along. A delay, but it's evened out." his hawk then screeched in the air high above him, swooping over to quicken their pace of greetings. he sighed then, a face of stoicism and not much else besides the partial smile that faded by now. "We take residency in a pack called Insomnia. West of here," he filled her in. "Under a queen named medusa. My mate." he shuffled his weight, expecting some form of an aversion to the news of his bending to a female- yet his catch of a politically high woman shouldn't of come to a surprise as Érebos always did attract big names; important wolves he could always be found fucking. "Rest assured, I am making moves to secure our foundation & framework. Paving our path so to say, to greatness." he knew it was best to explain himself-, seeking not approval for the way he went about things but for her compliance. it was required nonetheless, as both played important roles in their evolution.

he sat, muscles twitching. "We claim our own hold soon; but even then, I intend to take over insomnia in due time." patience, Érebos was always patient. he spilled plans no one else had heard of yet. expecting and tagging starchild with the significant task of keeping her lips sealed, to never share their agendas outside the clan. why not even his mate knew his exact plans. Érebos moved in the shadows and planned his attacks. a scorpionic style to his every doing. it was safe to say these types of things were expected from the dunamis patriarch of boreas. "Come goddess." he rose slowly then, leading her through the journey that would take them days. they had to be quick, making sure to appear as if he never left from the territory in the first place.

Made for Alo by Skelle !
Warning: Mature themes for this character are frequent.
[Image: h1wr1OO.png]



Expert Navigator (140)

Advanced Intellectual (60)

2 Years
10-09-2024, 05:38 PM

Straight to business was indeed Star's way. Perhaps it was from the lack of physical tough and therefore the lack of closeness with others, but the striped woman didn't like to beat around the bush. She liked to get straight to the point so that business could carry on. Aside from the emotions of others, there was no reason for fluff when speaking.

Erebos filled her in on his work and Star nodded as he spoke, accepting his words as truth. If it wasn't true, well... she would see soon enough, wouldn't she? Star trusted her cousin, however. Dunamis didn't lie to one another. Not about a thing like this, anyway. Despite being patriarchal, it was a common understanding that Dunamis looked out for one another and could be relied upon to not only do what needed to be done, but to back one another up. Support, if you will. Starchild was very much a Dunamis.

The pair began to make their way back towards the land that Erebos would soon claim. He called her goddess and the woman's aqua eyes crinkled at the corners as she grinned at him. Ah, she enjoyed flattery. Sweet little names like that were right up her alley. As they moved along, their pace steady and distance eating, Star questioned her cousin. "What should I focus on? I definitely want to get to know the land. I already send Merlin ahead to scout." Business. Always business. Star needed to know what area she was expected to handle so that she could get a jump on it and show that she was indeed a master of her craft.


Starchild has mild Haphephobia, so please don't touch her unless you know her very well and she gives permission.

She is always accompanied by a peregrine falcon named Merlin and a very nasty Tasmanian devil named Dundee who will bite you.



Master Fighter (290)

Master Healer (250)

An icon representing the specialty Berserker Berserker

3 Years
Dire wolf

ScarredOoh La LaPride - Sapiosexual
10-13-2024, 12:18 PM (This post was last modified: 10-13-2024, 12:18 PM by Érebos. Edited 1 time in total.)

É R E B O S .

as much as he loved enyo, it was true & sure who shined as a traditional dunamis woman should. in all her feminism and submission, she had glory that never wavered. a trophy to be cleaned and bear up in the paws of her founder for as long she lived. a royalty to lead. and starchild was just that; an empress of the dunamis, a living organism worthy of all they had to offer. she was to be held up, never down. despite the assumptions that the women were below them.. being a lesser powerful member in the clan did not equate to being less valued, as enyo perhaps saw it. in fact, women in the clan were precious and selectively chosen. starchild was poised, sensual and suave. elegant in her walk and the words she spoke had been refined like perfected dark chocolate & tart plum. an expensive taste to lick. a devious siren, she was the brand of the dunamis. the dark divine feminine. capable of birthing such men that stood before her like Érebos. "I suggest focusing on making the world yours." it wasn't a joke,- Érebos urged them all to take and assert their influences over boreas and beyond. it was their nature & birthright.

as they went on, progressing further, Érebos would keep his focus on the path ahead whilst occasionally glancing at the slender woman. "And how is everyone back home? Good I hope." he knew they were good. better than, actually. thriving was all they ever could do. a gluttonous family, taking and raiding near by lands and enslaving those who rejected the dunamis doctrine. starchild was accustomed to this lifestyle, as they all were. the original dog eat dog family.

Made for Alo by Skelle !
Warning: Mature themes for this character are frequent.
[Image: h1wr1OO.png]



Expert Navigator (140)

Advanced Intellectual (60)

2 Years
10-13-2024, 01:13 PM

Star moved along beside her cousin. Long and lean, she seemed to float over the terrain, the pads of her paws barely touching down before lifting off once more. She was a machine used to traveling long distances and it surely showed. Though he moved gracefully as well, Erebos' bulk didn't quite allow him to soar like Starchild. Everyone had their different talents, she supposed.

Erebos answered her, suggesting that she make the world hers. A soft chuckle of amusement pulled from the dark and light woman and she shot her cousin a sidelong glance. "So my usual, you mean." Star was very businesslike, but she was also rather playful when it came to family. It was a side that most outsiders would never see and the Dunamis fae was quite fine with that. There were some things that no one outside of her blood deserved to see.

The line of questioning then shifted to home and those remaining behind. "I firmly believe that there's no situation in the world that we can't turn around for our benefit." Again she smiled at her cousin. "So yes, everyone at home is fine. Ready and willing to conquer all, just like us." Though not remotely close to being a fighter, Star still had that conquerors mindset. She wanted to take, overpower, enslave, reap and own. The culmination of their different skills coupled with their "All for one and one for all" attitude would deliver the world to the Dunamis on a silver platter.


Starchild has mild Haphephobia, so please don't touch her unless you know her very well and she gives permission.

She is always accompanied by a peregrine falcon named Merlin and a very nasty Tasmanian devil named Dundee who will bite you.

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1. Can you meet me half way.. Atlantis Island 08:34 AM, 10-07-2024 04:50 AM, 11-19-2024