
Claiming and Challenging For Packs

General Challenging/Claiming Rules

  1. The purchase for the challenge or claim must be requested in the Gemstone Store before the challenge or claim will be valid.

  2. Challenging for or claiming a pack with the intention of passing it to a character who does not meet the minimum requirements is not allowed and will be grounds for immediately invalidating the claim or challenge. The alpha must remain primary alpha and the pack must remain in their possession for at least 2 OOC months before the pack may be passed to another character, regardless of whether that occurs through IC interactions or through failing activity checks.

  3. Characters challenging for or claiming a pack must not already be members of another pack - if they are, they must receive permission to leave the pack before they can post a challenge/claim.

  4. Whether challenging for or claiming a pack, the new pack information must be edited into the pack’s thread within 1 OOC week of the official changeover or the pack will be dissolved and put back up for claim.

Challenging for a Pack

  1. When challenging for a pack, characters must meet the minimum requirements of 400 gems and 100 posts in total and be at least 1 year old. They must have existed on the site for at least the last two months without being set inactive, and have posted at least 20 times in the last month, spread out over the entire month in a pattern of five posts per week. Like alpha activity requirements in general, some leeway will be given for weeks where the requirement was not met (if one week is off a few posts, they can be made up the next week, BUT every week needs to have some posts - all 20 cannot be spreed out over a week or two). Please be prepared to show proof of this.

  2. Pack challenges are Tier 1 fights and are judged according to that system.

  3. Pack challenges have 2 to 3 rounds max, and may only have 2 participants.

  4. Pack challenges must be made in the Battlefield OR The Boneyard where the challenger is to summon the alpha of the pack they intend to challenge for.

  5. The alpha has 3 days to respond to the challenger's post, or the challenger wins by default. This timer applies regardless of whether a fight has started. Either the primary or secondary alpha can answer the challenge, as decided by the players.

  6. If the current alpha wins, they remain in leadership of their pack. If the challenger wins they gain control of the pack and its members, and can change anything about the pack: its name, the way it's run, its alignment, and so on. An alpha can choose to let all members go, or keep them as prisoners, or any combination. When a player wins a pack they should have their pack page set up within a week or the pack will immediately be dissolved.

  7. The winner of the fight receives two weeks immunity in which the pack may not be challenged for again. The loser of the fight may not challenge, claim or form a pack for two weeks. Please note that a pack challenge - whether successful or not - cannot be used as a reason for laying siege to that pack.

Claiming a Disbanded Pack

  1. When the alpha of a pack becomes inactive, that pack will immediately go to the heir or to another rank as specified in the pack's page. If there is no designated heir, or if the heir turns down the position, the pack will be dissolved. Please note: Secondary alphas are not considered "heirs" of the pack as they are an equal part of the alpha check.

  2. When claiming a disbanded pack, characters must meet the minimum requirements of 400 gems and 100 posts in total and be at least 1 year old. They must have existed on the site for at least the last two months without being set inactive. There is no prior post activity requirement for claiming an abandoned pack.

  3. When a pack is dissolved, the pack slot becomes open for claim to any char over 1 year old, provided they have 400 gems and 100 posts. The new claimed pack does not necessarily "take the place" of that older pack, but simply fills up a site slot.

  4. Pack claims may have more than 2 participants, but each participant must be of a different party. This means that two characters can't gang up on one character, but if three different characters want to take the same territory they can fight each other at the same time.

  5. Pack claims are managed on a first come, first served basis. Those who reply to the disbanding first may claim the pack. When a character claims a pack there is a one week waiting period in which the claim may be contested before the pack is actually given to the claiming character. If a claim is contested it is considered a pack challenge and follows the rules outlined for that challenge type apart from the exceptions discussed here.

  6. Those who successfully claim a pack, whether the claim was uncontested or they won a battle against the contestant, receive two weeks immunity in which the pack may not be challenged for. The loser(s) may not challenge, claim or form a pack until two weeks have passed.