
Getting Started

If you've decided to join Ardent, the first step is to start reading through the Guidebook. Don’t get overwhelmed by the number of sections; the most important pages are the ones under "The Basics" while the rest are there to reference as needed.

Once you're done, you'll want to fill out your profile, as outlined in the Character Creation Guide. After you're finished, please post in the "Approvals" forum which can be found on the Maintenance tab. Keep an eye on your post just in case anything needs to be fixed before you're accepted - if you need to fix anything, we will post to let you know.

Once your account is ready to go, you can either jump straight into roleplaying by posting in the forums (beware of trespassing; pay attention the land descriptions with a colored pawprint on them!), or by posting a plot thread of your own, or replying to another user's plot thread to come up with some ideas before getting started!

If you need help with anything, feel free to ask in the Discord! This is the fastest way to get immediate assistance.

New Member Promotion New, first-time members can get one Gemstone Store item worth up to 400 gems to be used on their first character only. These gems cannot be saved for a future character. You do not need to do an official Gemstone Store purchase for this first item, simply list the details out completely in your application.

New Member Checklist

Having trouble deciding where to start in the Guidebook, or do you feel overwhelmed and just want to jump right into roleplaying? Follow this handy checklist to get started. If you need more detailed instructions on how to set up an account and get it approved, please read the more thorough New Player Guide.

  1. Have you read the General Rules yet? If not, now's the time to do it!
  2. Ready to make a character? Read the Character Creation Guide. Feel free to ask a staff member for help on Discord if you're lost.
  3. Register your OOC account first, then any character accounts next. Under the User CP, attach them to your OOC account as the Master account.
  4. Fill out your character's profile. Review the Character Creation Guide to make sure you're meeting the application requirements.
  5. Once you are ready, copy the Character Approval Form. Please be sure to use the right version of the form, and don't delete any fields unless they aren't applicable. Once complete, post it in the Character Approval Forum (also found under the Maintenance tab of the navigation bar).
  6. Wait for your character to be accepted by staff before you start roleplaying. If there are any issues, staff will communicate with you via. your application thread. If your application disappears from character acceptance, don't be alarmed! It has probably been accepted and moved to the archives. Check the Player Database to see if your name has been added.
  7. If you're bored and want to get started before you're accepted, feel free to dive into plotting with other members and coming up with ideas! Post on the Plotting board or reply to other members' posts there, or join the Discord to begin plotting right away.
  8. Once you're ready to post, go for it! If you're open for anyone joining you, toss your thread into the all-welcome-threads board on Discord too!