
Ghosts and Somnium


  1. The ability to become a ghost, both temporarily (via. Ethereal Somnium Pass) or permanent (via. Permanent Somnium Pass) is a relatively new feature on Ardent.

  2. These characters will not necessarily be acknowledged by everyone, depending on a character's specific beliefs.

  3. Ghosts must have permission of all characters in a thread in order to join. If abused, their pass will be revoked.

  4. Ghost characters cannot join packs or bands.

  5. Ghost characters cannot participate in T1 fights, raids, maim fights, breeding challenges, ownership challenges, or pack claims/challenges.

  6. While their physical presence is up for interpretation, it can often vary - they may not always have the energy to manifest as a physical being for long and may need time to recover afterwards.


  1. Somnium is the forum/land where characters who have officially died (and been set to Deceased) may interact with other wolves in the afterlife, including the living.

  2. Living characters must initiate dream threads by falling asleep, fainting, having a religious experience, hallucinating, etc.

  3. Somnium is a dreamlike state, though most of its existence is up to personal interpretation depending on the character. Most view it as a hazy, dreamlike state, often without pain.

  4. Deceased cannot predict the future, nor can they see or know of what happens outside of Somnium. While they might have some perceived "divine" knowledge, they cannot use that knowledge to see IC events that your character is not involved in.

  5. Deceased characters in Somnium are not required to have any of their disabilities/maims/scars if they choose not to.