
Tier 2 Fight Guide

General Rules

  1. Tier 2 fights are the most common type of fight on Ardent. They are dice-rolled, which means that the content of your posts does not determine the result of the fight.

  2. In Tier 2 fight posts, you must be actively fighting an opponent in your posts; you cannot be running away, trying to flee, or just lying there. However we do highly encourage creativity in these posts.

  3. When you initiate a Tier 2 fight, you must post the fight form that can be found on your character's profile. You cannot add anything that hasn't been added by staff (post in Maintenance if anything is missing!), but you may retract any information you don't want rolled. The fields you can remove if desired are: Accessories, Companions, Mutations, Specialty. Disabilities may not be removed from a fight form.

  4. Removing any other information from a fight form, or changing it, may result in a fight being automatically defaulted in your opponent's favor.

Tier 2 Rolls

  1. Tier 2 fights have 4 rolled categories: Attack, Defense, Agility and Perception.

  2. Attack is how well you deal damage, Defense is how well you can take a hit, Agility is your ability to evade and move quickly, and Perception is your knowledge of the terrain/observational skills during a fight.

  3. A 100-sided die is rolled for each section to determine base scores. Character-specific bonuses are then applied as a percentage of these scores. The adjusted scores are summed to give the final score for the entire fight, not per round. So, don't wait for judges to decide each round before proceeding!

Tier 2 Fight Bonus Table

Age Under 1 year: -15% total score
Under 6 months: -30% total score
Size Toy height: +10% Agility
Extra-small: +10% Agility
Small: +5% Agility
Medium: +5% Attack
Large: +5% Defense
Extra Large: +5% Defense
Dire wolf: +10% Attack
Small species: +10% Agility
Large species: +10% Attack
Paleo species: +10% Attack
Build Emaciated: -5% Defense
Light: +5% Agility
Balanced: +5% Attack
Heavy: +5% Defense
Obese: -5% Agility
Accessories Offensive Battle Accessory: +10% Attack
Defensive Battle Accessory: +10% Defense
*Creepy Contacts: +10% Perception

(Max of 1 each, subject to staff approval. Note that creepy contacts take up an Offensive or Defensive Accessory slot.)

Companions Battle companions: +10% Attack per
Flying companions: +10% Perception per

(Max of 2 total, unless a third is gained via specialty or item. Any combination of the above is allowed. Large companions or companion upgrade pass must be purchased. Winged companions can be considered battle or flying companions. Boosted companions add 10% additional bonus per.)

Mutations Offensive Mutation: +10% Attack for the first mutation, +5% Attack bonus for each consecutive
Defensive Mutation: +10% Defense for the first mutation, +5% Defense for each consecutive
Perception Mutation: +10% Perception for the first mutation
Agility Mutation: +10% Agility for the first mutation
(3 max per character for fight bonuses, earned via. donation/site event, subject to staff approval.)

Disabilities (Permanent) Moderate Disabilities: -15% total score
(Partial blindness, partial deafness)

Severe Disabilities: -30% total score
(Full blindness, full deafness, missing limbs, spinal deformities)
Items (One time use) 5% Bonus Fight Score Pass: +5% total score
10% Bonus Fight Score Pass: +10% total score
Black Cat's Foot: Increases chance of rolling lower numbers in a fight (Lowers luck)
Equalizer: Copy's an opponents fight form and uses it as your own
Lucky Rabbit's Foot: Increases chance of rolling higher numbers in a fight (Raises luck)
Mushroom Based Acid: Negates one accessory or companion of an opponent's
Pungent Potion: +10% Attack
Skill Modifiers Fighting Skill
Intermediate: +10% total score
Advanced: +15% total score
Expert: +20% total score
Master: +25% total score

Hunting Skill
Novice: +5% Attack
Intermediate: +10% Attack
Advanced: +15% Attack
Expert: +20% Attack
Master: +25% Attack

Healing Skill
Novice: +5% Defense
Intermediate: +10% Defense
Advanced: +15% Defense
Expert: +20% Defense
Master: +25% Defense

Navigation Skill
Novice: +5% Agility
Intermediate: +10% Agility
Advanced: +15% Agility
Expert: +20% Agility
Master: +25% Agility

Intellect Skill
Novice: +5% Perception
Intermediate: +10% Perception
Advanced: +15% Perception
Expert: +20% Perception
Master: +25% Perception