
Recovering From The Shades of You [Zalie]


01-14-2024, 01:38 AM

I love you like I've never felt the pain

The clatter of rocks was the only thing that gave way to the fact that the tigress was upon the mountainsides in the light of the cold mountain sun. Her pelt a dead give away if one could see her but the tigress prowled confidently and like she might have walked the mountains and forests of auster her whole life. That was the truth of the woman though. She had grown up in Auster, known the forests and mountains here since birth. Her mother had vanished when she was young sure but the woman had made it along just fine.

She avoided most the packs after her unfortunate run in the last time with wolves. Hanging from a snare as a cub was a less than dignified way to have been found. But that had now been over a year and a half ago. The ghost of Auster had grown massive in her time. She stood at a whopping forty-three inches, almost matching many of the wolves of Auster. Her muscles had also developed nicely, making her a proven hunter and if she really needed a fighter though she would prefer to just avoid any conflict in general.

She moved quietly and gracefully up the side of the mountain, coming to the top and cresting the top of the mountain like she had been here millions of times. The wind blew through her fur bringing her a pleasant chill causing her to close her eyes and emit a small purr to it. She always had enjoyed the cold. Though swimming was also just as nice as being in the cold. Hence her love of the lands of Auster. Though she wasn't acquainted with the places beyond the landbridge, as she had never seen a need to leave her home. She opened her eyes though and came to the realization that she wasn't alone up here. Though the figure she saw in the distance was unusual, since she had never really seen a cat with spots before. Her head tilted sightly but she didn't approach , seeing as most cats enjoyed their personal bubbles and well she knew she was massive so it could be seen as a threat if she came close to the other. Instead a sound was made from her, one only made from her knowledge by her own kind. A chuff sent to the other. She made sure it was loud enough to be heard but not loud enough to blow either's cover in case the spotted cat was hunting some goat or something way up here. Her cyan gaze was bright as she made it clear the other was seen, also in case she had been trying to track Zalie down. She lowered her haunches though and sat upon the brim of the volcano. She would wait and see. Though inside she really wanted to bound over and meet the other.

Walk, "Talk", Think

I love you like I've never been afraid

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1. Recovering From The Shades of You [Zalie] Brimstone Lake 09:38 PM, 01-13-2024 05:35 AM, 05-01-2024