
Recovering From The Shades of You [Zalie]



Master Hunter (249)

Master Fighter (240)

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

4 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022
01-13-2024, 09:38 PM
I'm Tired of Looking for Answers

Birna retreated from the heat of Boreas summers down south into the winter of Auster. The lowlands were wet and rainy but as she gained altitude she was soon greeted by the familiar site of snow and the icy breath of wind she was so accustomed to. Her usual haunts had been claimed by wolf packs so she opted to climb up an unfamiliar mountain, a mountain that boasted a ring of snow around it yet the upper most part was bare. Still she needed a place and time to think. So many plans had fallen through, so many she'd met suddenly gone.

As Birna climbed it became apparent why, even along the mountain side there were vents of steam, harkening to volcanic activity and greater heat toward the top. Her blue eyes narrowed. Hopefully this giant was deep in slumber. For the moment all was quiet except for the wind tossing snowflakes around in the sky, a few clinging to her whiskers.



01-14-2024, 01:38 AM

I love you like I've never felt the pain

The clatter of rocks was the only thing that gave way to the fact that the tigress was upon the mountainsides in the light of the cold mountain sun. Her pelt a dead give away if one could see her but the tigress prowled confidently and like she might have walked the mountains and forests of auster her whole life. That was the truth of the woman though. She had grown up in Auster, known the forests and mountains here since birth. Her mother had vanished when she was young sure but the woman had made it along just fine.

She avoided most the packs after her unfortunate run in the last time with wolves. Hanging from a snare as a cub was a less than dignified way to have been found. But that had now been over a year and a half ago. The ghost of Auster had grown massive in her time. She stood at a whopping forty-three inches, almost matching many of the wolves of Auster. Her muscles had also developed nicely, making her a proven hunter and if she really needed a fighter though she would prefer to just avoid any conflict in general.

She moved quietly and gracefully up the side of the mountain, coming to the top and cresting the top of the mountain like she had been here millions of times. The wind blew through her fur bringing her a pleasant chill causing her to close her eyes and emit a small purr to it. She always had enjoyed the cold. Though swimming was also just as nice as being in the cold. Hence her love of the lands of Auster. Though she wasn't acquainted with the places beyond the landbridge, as she had never seen a need to leave her home. She opened her eyes though and came to the realization that she wasn't alone up here. Though the figure she saw in the distance was unusual, since she had never really seen a cat with spots before. Her head tilted sightly but she didn't approach , seeing as most cats enjoyed their personal bubbles and well she knew she was massive so it could be seen as a threat if she came close to the other. Instead a sound was made from her, one only made from her knowledge by her own kind. A chuff sent to the other. She made sure it was loud enough to be heard but not loud enough to blow either's cover in case the spotted cat was hunting some goat or something way up here. Her cyan gaze was bright as she made it clear the other was seen, also in case she had been trying to track Zalie down. She lowered her haunches though and sat upon the brim of the volcano. She would wait and see. Though inside she really wanted to bound over and meet the other.

Walk, "Talk", Think

I love you like I've never been afraid



Master Hunter (249)

Master Fighter (240)

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

4 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022
01-16-2024, 06:13 PM
I'm Tired of Looking for Answers

Birna continued her trek until she reached the top of the strange mountain. As she peered down in its depth she was greeted with a bubbling pool of water and steam stretching into the sky until the cold air brought it back down as snow. It had a strong and strange smell and was clearly volcanic in nature. Hopefully it did not intend to erupt again any time soon.

Her icy blue eyes scanned the lip of the mountain, resting on a golden tigress. Birna froze for a moment, assessing the other cat. She had had tangles with tigers before and it was always a gamble to if it would be a friendly encounter. Birna was considerably large for a snow leopard but even at her unusual height she was still dwarfed by the tiger. Her ears flicked forward as she picked up the chuff. A friendly greeting that Birna swiftly returned. While a smaller cat, she was still of the panthera lineage.

Birna got to her feet, her long tail bobbing along lazily behind her as she approached the tigress. "Hello there, my name is Birna. What brings you so high up on this strange mountain?"



01-17-2024, 03:54 AM

I love you like I've never felt the pain

She waited, breath baited for the other to determine what they would both do with this meeting. And once the other woman moved her way Zalie gave her a smile that reached her eyes. She enjoyed having company that wasn't trying to gnaw her tail off. And to make things better the other was another feline. Her cupped ears pressed forward and she waited until the other cat came close and spoke.

She wasn't worried about attack once the other had chosen to move to be in speaking distance from one another, not that she really should of worried in the first place. She answered the other, her voice soft and gentle. "Azalea, but you can just call me Zalie. As for why im up here, well I live in Auster and this is the coldest place in the winter as well as the driest with the wet season. So it's a nice break from being soaked. How about you?" she turned the question on the other now, curious of what the other feline was doing up here.

Walk, "Talk", Think

I love you like I've never been afraid



Master Hunter (249)

Master Fighter (240)

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

4 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022
01-20-2024, 12:14 PM
I'm Tired of Looking for Answers

The tigress explained her name was Azalia though she preferred to be called Zalie. It seemed the other was here for much the same reason as herself. Birna nodded. "The same reason, actually. I live nowhere in particular but move with the seasons. I much prefer the mountains but my old hangout has been claimed by a pack of wolves." She wrinkled her nose in disdain. Wolves were everywhere these days and in considerable numbers, claiming the choice territories. There wasn't much she could do except try her best to adapt.

"I might try the far north of Boreas later though. I hear if you go far enough there is snow all year around. Have you been to Boreas before?" If the other woman lived primarily in Auster it was possible she hadn't ventured to far. Being a stranger to both lands had pushed Birna to migrate extensively, having no place she really felt she could call 'home'.


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1. Recovering From The Shades of You [Zalie] Brimstone Lake 09:38 PM, 01-13-2024 05:35 AM, 05-01-2024