
Wicked Little Thoughts



The Syndicate

Master Fighter (380)

Master Healer (245)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Poison Master Poison Master

3 Years
Extra large

Double MasterBest BudsCritical Dodge!Rapid Poster - SilverOoh La La
03-03-2024, 07:50 PM
As she leaned into him, the warmth of her body rolled into his amethyst pelt, sending a shockwave of carnal lust down his spine. Even now, he still wanted to fuck her. He was an adult male brimming with testosterone, and although that rush of teenage hormones had morphed into something more… sinister, in nature. His greed and gluttony were almost insatiable- but Kaino had a way of easing it. The way she danced in front of him, crooning in that sultry, siren-like voice of hers. Dishing out compliments, that he greedily ate out of her paws.

His chest inflated a bit- savoring her acknowledgment of his strength, and moving in tandem with her as she stepped away. He sought to leave only a few inches of space between them- his body almost curling around hers, as he stood within her proximity. “Yes, I have.” He said, eyes narrowing and a single brow furrowing. “I’ve made enemies with The Armada and The Hallows- Fathers, being overprotective of their daughters.” In truth, Sephiran had been fantasizing about fucking the life out of them- but that was insignificant to him. “Mothers and Fathers would move the heavens to save their children- alphas are no different.” Of course, this didn’t apply to all parents- which Kaino already knew, given their upbringing. They’d witnessed their elders rape and mutilate the pups their Sidi produced, only to satiate their own twisted depravities. “What are you getting at?” He ends with, already becoming impatient. She was acting like she had a grand scheme brewing up her sleeve- and Sephiran wasn’t one for mind games.

I’ve stolen an alpha’s child for you. For us.

His ears perked in her direction, brows furrowing as a contemplative expression morphed his features. In truth, Sephiran hadn’t considered this tactic, while in pursuit of a kingdom- he’s always imagined breaking into someone's corridors in the middle of the night, slaughtering their men, pillaging their women, and enslaving their children. But this- this form of extortion that would result in another enemy- he wasn’t sure how to process it.

Tail flicking behind him, Sephiran’s expression hardened further- the gleam in his eyes minacious in nature. “And if they don’t- are you prepared to wage war against these wolves?” He questions, taking a step forward- a step into her. “If this ploy of yours does not come to fruition- if I lose members of my brood, because of miscalculations-“ A short pause, as he practically breaths down the small of her neck. He didn’t have to finish- Kaino already knew the price she would pay if this plan failed.

Pulling back suddenly, Sephiran intakes a sharp inhale of air- filling his lungs with the mist of the Moor, and Kaino’s intoxicating scent. “But if this is successful-“ Of course, he couldn’t just throw threats around- especially in the face of his preferred cousin. She’s gone through the work of deploying this scheme after all, and that deserved acknowledgment. “You will earn a rank in my inner counsel- a reward, for your hard work.” But whether or not they would have a kingdom, was yet to be known- they needed to see how this alpha would respond to the kidnapping of their child. “Where is it?” He says, wanting to know where she’s stashed their prisoner away.  

Caution: Sephiran is a rated M character. Viewer discretion is advised.

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1. Wicked Little Thoughts Druid's Moor 02:27 PM, 03-02-2024 08:11 AM, 05-06-2024