
By the colors

Alaric vs Nimue



Master Fighter (280)

Master Intellectual (270)

An icon representing the specialty Tactician Tactician

2 Years
Extra small

ScarredSnake EyesCritical Fail!
03-04-2024, 11:45 PM (This post was last modified: 03-05-2024, 05:38 PM by Nimue. Edited 1 time in total.)
Was she really allowed to leave Ashen’s territory? Probably not. But, did she care? Not at all. Of course, she didn’t intend to run away or anything - she already knew that monochromatic old man would hunt her down to the ends of the earth - but she did want to get out and stretch her legs a bit. Besides, she was super curious about the foggy territory that bordered the pack lands- an ethereal land shrouded in mystery, and of course, a thick layer of fog. It didn’t matter the time of day either, it was always misty and foggy right at the borders. Like some ghost had cast a spell on the whole place, and was hiding some deep dark secret inside of its depths. This made her want to explore it even more.

Leaving Ashen might rock the boat a bit- she might even get disciplined by Chimera. But that’s only if he found out, right? Sneakily tip-toeing away from the borders, she broke out into a run once she met the fog- loping blindly through the tall grasses and heather, using her sense of smell to guide her through. There were a lot of scents here- almost like a pack lived here, but Chimera didn’t know of one. Maybe a band then? Ooo, the possibility of trespassing and getting to fight someone again was exciting. It brought a shockwave of thrill down her spine- causing her pelt to prickle, as she leapt over fallen logs and boulders in her way.

Beneath the moonlight, and the array of blues, greens, purples, and yellows of the northern lights, Nimue ran to her hearts content. And she would keep running, until she encountered something of interest. Speaking of. A voice rang out somewhere to her right- a male voice, asking if he had a visitor. Nimue slowed to a lope, and then a halt. Freezing in place, outstretching her snout to sniff the wet air. He beckoned her forward, wanting her to reveal herself. He sounded older than her, an adult for sure. Was this his home? Was he the leader of the Moor? Didn’t matter really- Nimue was gonna fight him anyways.

Sinking down into a crouch, Nimue stalks forward- her movements almost feline, as she slithered through the tall grasses. Trying to catch the man by surprise, she suddenly leaps forward when his silhouette appears. Her jaws opened and snapping at him, as she attempted to blindsight him. She’s tiny, and he’s pretty big in comparison to her. But that didn’t matter- she’d still lunge forward, trying to grab him by the hock of his left hind leg.  


Nimue vs Alaric for Dominance
Round 1/2
Age: >1 year
Size: Extra small
Build: Light
Skills: Novice Fighter & Novice Intellectual

643 / 1500

Caution: Nimue is unpredictable, ornery, & loves to fight!

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1. By the colors Druid's Moor 01:13 PM, 03-04-2024 08:12 AM, 05-06-2024