
By the colors

Alaric vs Nimue


Judilian Band

Master Fighter (305)

Beginner Hunter (0)

An icon representing the specialty Berserker Berserker

4 Years
03-04-2024, 01:13 PM (This post was last modified: 03-04-2024, 01:18 PM by Alaric. Edited 1 time in total.)
The night sky was alive. Dancing in the skies were waves of blues, greens, purples, and yellow. Alaric had never seen such a beauty and his orange gaze was alive with an appreciation for the beauty. The nights were getting colder as autumn was here and soon would be winter. He knew his winter came in preparation for the colder weather.

It was in his enjoyment of the natural light display did a new smell enter his nose, causing it to wrinkle. Company. He got up from his seat position and turned to face the source of the smell. ‘Do I have a visitor?’ He thought to himself, rather unamused by the fact of someone coming in to potentially ruin his light show. By the smell of it, they were young. Much younger than he. Oh great, kids. He felt his eyes roll in their sockets.

“You might as well show yourself. I can already smell you.” He said out loud, waiting calmly as he flicked an ear. It was hard to see them due to the mist that seemed to engulf the moor. He didn't want trouble. For the first time he wanted peace and to watch the light show.

Word count: 201



Master Fighter (280)

Master Intellectual (270)

An icon representing the specialty Tactician Tactician

2 Years
Extra small

ScarredSnake EyesCritical Fail!
03-04-2024, 11:45 PM (This post was last modified: 03-05-2024, 05:38 PM by Nimue. Edited 1 time in total.)
Was she really allowed to leave Ashen’s territory? Probably not. But, did she care? Not at all. Of course, she didn’t intend to run away or anything - she already knew that monochromatic old man would hunt her down to the ends of the earth - but she did want to get out and stretch her legs a bit. Besides, she was super curious about the foggy territory that bordered the pack lands- an ethereal land shrouded in mystery, and of course, a thick layer of fog. It didn’t matter the time of day either, it was always misty and foggy right at the borders. Like some ghost had cast a spell on the whole place, and was hiding some deep dark secret inside of its depths. This made her want to explore it even more.

Leaving Ashen might rock the boat a bit- she might even get disciplined by Chimera. But that’s only if he found out, right? Sneakily tip-toeing away from the borders, she broke out into a run once she met the fog- loping blindly through the tall grasses and heather, using her sense of smell to guide her through. There were a lot of scents here- almost like a pack lived here, but Chimera didn’t know of one. Maybe a band then? Ooo, the possibility of trespassing and getting to fight someone again was exciting. It brought a shockwave of thrill down her spine- causing her pelt to prickle, as she leapt over fallen logs and boulders in her way.

Beneath the moonlight, and the array of blues, greens, purples, and yellows of the northern lights, Nimue ran to her hearts content. And she would keep running, until she encountered something of interest. Speaking of. A voice rang out somewhere to her right- a male voice, asking if he had a visitor. Nimue slowed to a lope, and then a halt. Freezing in place, outstretching her snout to sniff the wet air. He beckoned her forward, wanting her to reveal herself. He sounded older than her, an adult for sure. Was this his home? Was he the leader of the Moor? Didn’t matter really- Nimue was gonna fight him anyways.

Sinking down into a crouch, Nimue stalks forward- her movements almost feline, as she slithered through the tall grasses. Trying to catch the man by surprise, she suddenly leaps forward when his silhouette appears. Her jaws opened and snapping at him, as she attempted to blindsight him. She’s tiny, and he’s pretty big in comparison to her. But that didn’t matter- she’d still lunge forward, trying to grab him by the hock of his left hind leg.  


Nimue vs Alaric for Dominance
Round 1/2
Age: >1 year
Size: Extra small
Build: Light
Skills: Novice Fighter & Novice Intellectual

643 / 1500

Caution: Nimue is unpredictable, ornery, & loves to fight!


Judilian Band

Master Fighter (305)

Beginner Hunter (0)

An icon representing the specialty Berserker Berserker

4 Years
03-05-2024, 03:45 PM
It wasn't long until someone graced themselves with their presence. Alaric could keep their footsteps a mile away, despite their efforts to keep quiet. His orange gaze was focused intently as he listened to the ever encroaching footsteps. He was bracing himself for them to jump out, as they had not willingly showed themselves. What was their intention? He wasn't sure it was a friendly one. His ears perked forwards in alertness. His tail rose in a display of assertion. Though he was no king, the thought made him laugh bitterly in his head, he still knew he was worthy of respect. He was a grown wolf who had lived through hell and back. He killed his old Master. He broke the chains that both physically and metaphorically bound him.He had delivered himself to freedom when no god nor man could. He was Alaric. He deserved respect. Something this brat didn't seem to want to give just yet. When they emerged from the tall grass, jaws snapping at him, he raised a surprised but annoyed brow. It was just as he had thought. She wasn't here to do anything but fight and cause trouble.

‘What the-’ There was little time to think. Soon the little brown wolf was going for his left hock. Alaric would twist his lower body away from her maws. His tail dropped from this movement and only to find a sharp pain go up his spine as his tail was secured instead of his left hock. He let out a snarl, pinning his ears to keep them from being shredded. His throat tucked to protect his vitals as he launched himself at the youngster. His tail was now sacrificed to the girl’s maw so to replace it his hackles soon raised along his shoulders and spine too. His black maws splayed open and aimed to attempt to grasp the left side of their neck that they had carelessly left open.

Word count: 323.

Alaric vs Nimue for Dominance
Round 1/2
Age: 3 1/2 years
Size: Large
Build: Heavy
Skills: Intermediate Fighter
Specialty: None



Master Fighter (280)

Master Intellectual (270)

An icon representing the specialty Tactician Tactician

2 Years
Extra small

ScarredSnake EyesCritical Fail!
03-05-2024, 05:51 PM
As Nimue shot forward, wanting to grab the man by the hock of his left hind leg. He pivoted away, twisting his lower body away from her snapping jaws. This brought his tail close to her face instead- and with her built momentum, she couldn’t alter her course. She ended up biting down on his tail, in which she would immediately start to shake her head- attempting to rip through whatever she could, like a ravenous pup with a toy. Meanwhile, she kept her defenses in place- her ears folded against her head, her eyes narrowed to better protect them, and her tail aligned with her spine, waiving back and forth to keep her balanced. Her core was tight, paws digging into the soft ground, to add resistance and prevent herself from being thrown around.

The man kept twisting, following through with his momentum, striking at her neck- but with her shaking her head, his jaws fell short. They dug into her left shoulder, drawing blood to the surface and earning a snarl from her. Out of reflex, she released her hold on his tail- in sync, twisting towards him and jumping up to try and grab a mouthful of his broad chest. Her right paw also swiped at him, as she tried to smack him whenever it may land.  

Above them, the sky was alit in a beautiful array of colors- the northern lights reaching down into the western region, adorning their pelts in a rainbow-like hue. If Nimue cared for beautiful things, it may have been distracting to her. But she could honestly care less about pretty sceneries.


Nimue vs Alaric for Dominance
Round 2/2
Age: >1 year
Size: Extra small
Build: Light
Skills: Novice Fighter & Novice Intellectual

1235 / 1500

Caution: Nimue is unpredictable, ornery, & loves to fight!


Judilian Band

Master Fighter (305)

Beginner Hunter (0)

An icon representing the specialty Berserker Berserker

4 Years
03-06-2024, 03:23 PM
Alaric's mouth and fangs had found flesh, but it was not the soft flesh of the neck. Underneath his form grip was the flesh of the shoulder, he could feel the bone underneath him. This annoyed Alaric, but it would do. He tore into the shoulder mercilessly. His fangs tore at the delicate skin and fur flew, leaving behind a blood mauled shoulder in the process. He felt the youngster shift underneath him, causing his grip to relent. He let go unwillingly, now seeing as she propelled herself forwards for his chest. Alaric rose to his hind feet and this luckily helped him avoid being his by her paw, but not by her maws. He felt the thud of her weight clash into him, the sharpness of her fangs digging into his chest.

A deep threatening snarl rippled from Alaric's throat. “Let go, pup. Or else I won't be very kind.” Was he holding back some? Oh, yes. He was. Because this girl was far younger than he and obviously far less mature. He was teaching her a lesson, sure, but he didn't need to brutalize her for that. The damage to her shoulder could've been a lot worse, and his next attack clearly demonstrated his self control. His eyes squinted in the dark. While the beautiful array of colors did in fact help him see better in the dark, it wasn't foolproof. He thought about how his peaceful night had been ruined. Damned pup. Maybe this fight will be a lesson he won't forget, but he doubted it. He'd seen the gleam in her eyes through the dark. She enjoyed fighting, even if she'd clearly lose. Alaric paws attempted to wrap around Nimue’s neck and he would then try to use his massive heavy weight to throw her to the ground onto her side.

Word count: 305

Alaric vs Nimue for (Dominance
Round 2/2
Age: Greater than one year
Size: Large
Build: Heavy
Skills: Intermediate Fighter
Specialty: None

The Judge


03-14-2024, 06:13 PM

And the winner is...


NIMUE must give up by submitting, fleeing or passing out.


Attack Roll: 38
Defense Roll: 70
Agility Roll: 68
Perception Roll: 24
Total: 200
Attack[38] + 0% Bonus[0.00]: 38.00
Defense[70] + 10% Bonus[7.00]: 77.00
Agility[68] + 0% Bonus[0.00]: 68.00
Perception[24] + 0% Bonus[0.00]: 24.00
Total[207.00] + 10% Bonus[20.70]: 227.70

Attack Roll: 10
Defense Roll: 61
Agility Roll: 57
Perception Roll: 8
Total: 136
Attack[10] + 0% Bonus[0.00]: 10.00
Defense[61] + 0% Bonus[0.00]: 61.00
Agility[57] + 15% Bonus[8.55]: 65.55
Perception[8] + 5% Bonus[0.40]: 8.40
Total[144.95] + 0% Bonus[0.00]: 144.95



Master Fighter (280)

Master Intellectual (270)

An icon representing the specialty Tactician Tactician

2 Years
Extra small

ScarredSnake EyesCritical Fail!
03-17-2024, 09:41 PM
Grabbing onto his chest, Nimue was ready to hold on for dear life, his words going in one ear and out the other, as she blatantly ignored his warning. Her shoulder throbbed, inflammation setting into the wound he’d given her. Growling through the pain, she tried to be that fearless, and relentless girl she dreamed of being, Because those kind of girls couldn’t be manipulated by the evils of the world. But when his paw hooked around her neck and he used his weight to save her down, she faltered.

Pulling a chunk of fur with her, Nimue was thrust against the ground, hard. The wind rushed our of her lungs, causing her to cough and gasp while she fumbled to her paws. It was obvious she was no match for the older male, her only choice now, being to submit or flee. And she wasn’t gonna openly submit to this stranger. Gritting her teeth, she shot off into the underbrush the moment she regained her footing. Wanting to vanish into the mist of the moor, guided by the ethereal canopy of lights above her.



Caution: Nimue is unpredictable, ornery, & loves to fight!


Judilian Band

Master Fighter (305)

Beginner Hunter (0)

An icon representing the specialty Berserker Berserker

4 Years
03-19-2024, 07:01 AM
When his attacked landed and he had successfully thrown the girl to her side, he could hear the gasp as air left her lungs. He backed away, giving her space to breathe and see what she would do next. Much to his surprise and her relief, instead of continuing to fight, the girl fled into the moor. His chest throbbed from her bite mark, but he knew it would heal in due time. He had won, she wasn't too badly injured, that's what mattered. He hoped she learned a lesson. If she had been older, he would not have been as merciful. Alaric sighed to himself and began licking what he could of the wound that trickled blood upon his white chest.

Once the wound was clean, Alaric ventured to a different spot in the moor. He still wanted to watch the amazing light display but hopefully this time in more peace.

-Exit Alaric-

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1. By the colors Druid's Moor 01:13 PM, 03-04-2024 08:12 AM, 05-06-2024