
By the colors

Alaric vs Nimue



Master Fighter (280)

Master Intellectual (270)

An icon representing the specialty Tactician Tactician

2 Years
Extra small

ScarredSnake EyesCritical Fail!
03-05-2024, 05:51 PM
As Nimue shot forward, wanting to grab the man by the hock of his left hind leg. He pivoted away, twisting his lower body away from her snapping jaws. This brought his tail close to her face instead- and with her built momentum, she couldn’t alter her course. She ended up biting down on his tail, in which she would immediately start to shake her head- attempting to rip through whatever she could, like a ravenous pup with a toy. Meanwhile, she kept her defenses in place- her ears folded against her head, her eyes narrowed to better protect them, and her tail aligned with her spine, waiving back and forth to keep her balanced. Her core was tight, paws digging into the soft ground, to add resistance and prevent herself from being thrown around.

The man kept twisting, following through with his momentum, striking at her neck- but with her shaking her head, his jaws fell short. They dug into her left shoulder, drawing blood to the surface and earning a snarl from her. Out of reflex, she released her hold on his tail- in sync, twisting towards him and jumping up to try and grab a mouthful of his broad chest. Her right paw also swiped at him, as she tried to smack him whenever it may land.  

Above them, the sky was alit in a beautiful array of colors- the northern lights reaching down into the western region, adorning their pelts in a rainbow-like hue. If Nimue cared for beautiful things, it may have been distracting to her. But she could honestly care less about pretty sceneries.


Nimue vs Alaric for Dominance
Round 2/2
Age: >1 year
Size: Extra small
Build: Light
Skills: Novice Fighter & Novice Intellectual

1235 / 1500

Caution: Nimue is unpredictable, ornery, & loves to fight!

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1. By the colors Druid's Moor 01:13 PM, 03-04-2024 08:12 AM, 05-06-2024