
Stir the coals



Advanced Navigator (110)

Master Intellectual (255)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

2 Years

Pride - DemisexualWordy
06-25-2024, 06:07 PM (This post was last modified: 06-28-2024, 11:17 PM by Ignita. Edited 1 time in total.)

Ignita stirred, warm and comfortable. She never wanted a night to pass her by, alone, again. His arms were still around her as morning had not yet started. She had yet to tell him about her meeting with Spider. Surely he had gathered the clues as he came back to the den later that awful day. Her eyes were raw, but she couldn't bear to tell him everything. That Spider was so very very angry with her that they needed time and space away from her. She had been able to get them to at least... take time instead of... hating her forever. But if they did indeed never get around the idea of her love for their dad... She'll cross that bridge if it even gets built.

For now, she was awake, this time before her Lord. She carefully squirmed out of his embrace and placed a kiss over his black ink and vibrant blue brow. She went to the hearth, swept the ashes out into a metal bucket, and carried it out of the den, she walked across the Col, placed the bucket inside the storeroom, and grabbed an empty one. She had plans to use the ashes for many different things.

On her way back across the col to the den she paused at the obelisk, and finally, her eyes scanned over the words. Her golden eyes roved over the stone-etched words and wondered how old and how long the obelisk had stood here. It needed a good scrubbing. She should get back and start a fire in the hearth.

She noticed the bonfire was low behind the obelisk, wasn't one of the night patrols supposed to add a log or two? Someone wasn't doing a duty somewhere. She dropped the pail and ducked her head to grab and throw a log into the fire. She used a long iron stick to stir the old coals, casting embers to fly up into the brisk air.

Morning light streamed through the col, finding Ignita adding a few more logs and stoking the bonfire back to a suitable strength.


[Image: xjgqzZS.png]
Basilisk may enter her threads without warning.

[Image: bU9k2tE.png]