
maybe i just don't know love yet, maybe i don't trust yet




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2 Years

LegendaryPride - DemisexualWordy
07-11-2024, 11:07 PM

Ignita was indeed a bit of a rapid-fire highly intelligent, won't-stop-talking-once-you-get-her-started type of gal.

The Steward drew her lips in as she perceived Yara's confusion and overwhelm. "Ah... yes... uhm..." Don't apologize... Don't do it. Her own heart was rapidly beating in her throat, she wanted to make a good impression, a confident impression, a dont-fuck-with-me impression but she was honestly more of a rabbit herself than Yara to begin with. Calm. Find the calm.

She froze for a minute, a sorry just hanging by a thread behind her lips just from force of habit. She took a breath in and found that small quiet flow of calm, just beneath the surface.

"sss--soor-" She bit her lip, this was a lot harder than it looked, it was like she couldn't say any one word without a sorry waiting to slip out. She closed her eyes for a minute more, calm the brain, calm the brain, her mind was already on its daily roller coaster and the social pressure of literally owning someone was making her bones feel like lead within her body.

"I don't mean to talk fast. Son of a sphinx-" Fucked up already. Good job.
Slowly she breathed. One thing at a time, not her usual forte, but she'll figure out a way to manage.

"You know what, fuck it. I'm sorry, I am not used to this position in the least." She let out a breath of air and the tension in her body finally relaxed and she sighed, "Oh, that's so much better. Okay-" She slowly and gently took the piles of furs back from Yara and placed them to the side. Then sat down at an easy distance.

"Let's start at "misplaced". I'm glad it's not a habit! Thank you for telling me. I believe you when you say you won't." Ingita was, somewhat, unfortunately, an overly trusting wolf, "Next reading!" She brightened, "We do a lot of reading here and we find it helps our members serve the pack. The big stone thing in the Col, that's the Obelisk. It has the pack rules etched into it." Ignita had slipped into her kind and gentle teacher tone, always eager to have an attentive student, "If he's made it a challenge for you to learn how to read so you can read the obelisk, then no, we're not going to read it to you, that would defeat his challenge." He doesn't appreciate his challenges getting circumnavigated. Ignita was kind, but she wasn't going to undermine The Warlord if she could help it.

She was about to keep going toward Yara's purpose and even made to open her mouth but popped it back closed with a smile instead, "With me so far?" She asked, leaning her head forward expectantly.


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1. maybe i just don't know love yet, maybe i don't trust yet Dreamer's Col 12:45 PM, 07-11-2024 12:27 AM, 07-14-2024