
seasonals don't need cool titles




Master Healer (250)

Advanced Intellectual (85)

An icon representing the specialty Fertile Fertile

6 Years

11-02-2023, 05:26 PM

It was lotus processing time, lotus harvesting time. Had it really been nearly a year that Kiriko had lived among them already? What a strange thought. She supposed it had been nearly autumn when she’d arrived, and it was only now that things were… things were beginning to look bad. Her heart and head were both heavy with too many thoughts, all coming too fast. Were the whispers true? Had they really found her? It had taken them nearly a year, but the strange not-quite wolves were knocking on their door. Kiriko knew. She knew what it all meant.

If she knew, why was she so frozen with it? Like she couldn’t leave, like she didn’t want to leave. Was she done running? To bring such misfortune on Tojo-kai was something she hadn’t wanted. It was something she’d never wanted. Kiriko felt the slip of her paw on something beneath the surface of the water, giving a soft yelp at the sting. Lifting it from beneath the surface, it was only a mere heartbeat before she could see blood bubble to the surface. Sighing heavily to herself, she could see the jagged razor clam shell under the water now. How could she be so careless?

Careless mistakes like this got you killed when they were under fire like this. Kiriko pulled herself from the shallow water, a hissed breath escaping between her teeth as she found herself trying to use the injured paw. It became all the more clear that she’d need to tend to it, if she wanted to get anything else done today. Gaze flickering across the beach for a moment, the woman thought on her feet. She just needed something to wrap it in, so she wasn’t walking across the sand with an open wound.

Hastily, Kiriko reached to grab a broad, flat lotus leaf. As long as she was careful, it would hold for the short walk. Carefully, the woman began to wrap the wounded paw. Grumbling a bit at the pain, this was the moment she realized that the wound may be deeper than she’d initially anticipated. Still, she needed to get back to her den within the bamboo before she could do anything else about it. With the help of her teeth, she wrapped the wound with the lotus leaf, securing it with a few errant strands of kelp that had washed up on the beach. Not ideal, but she’d at least be able to keep the sand out.

While the walk back to the Maze wasn’t long, it certainly felt that way. Kiriko found the going to be slow, painful on her wounded paw. The slice in the pad was clean, but deeper than she’d originally thought. An ache radiated through the whole paw at this point. It would slow her down significantly… another knot formed in her stomach, to accompany the pit that had been there for days. Kiriko considered what she’d need on her walk up, and wondered if she should call for Sedna. If she needed stitches, would she have the guts to apply them herself? Probably not.

Arriving in the little pocket of the Maze that had been set aside as an infirmary, Kiriko breathed life back into the fire that had gone to embers in the pit. Waking it from its slumber, and putting some water on to boil. It’s beside the fire she finally settles to examine the wound, grumbling softly as she did. Did it need stitches? Maybe, but she would at least give it some time before bothering Sedna with the injury. She was busy enough as it was. No, Kiriko could and would handle this on her own.

The cleaning would come first. Carefully rinsing it in a bowl of clean water, despite the stinging. Unfortunately, that meant disturbing the parts of the wound that had already stopped bleeding. Though the girl winced, she’d handle this with grace. Gritting her teeth, she next applied a salve of staphisagria, and she’d continue to, throughout the healing process. Considering her options for wrapping it… hm. It had to stay together, keep her wound safe, and not be too bulky. She had things to do, and with the strange things that had been going on… yeah. Not having the option to run was going to make her far too anxious.

First, a wrap of salvaged cloth. That would be enough to keep any debris from the rest of her contraption from impeding too much. On top of that, two layers of clean, dry moss. If she managed to re-open the wound, or if it kept bleeding, then that would be enough to provide some absorption and comfort. Finally, for the bottom of her paw, a small piece of hard bamboo. That should be enough to protect it from further injury, and to keep everything in place. Kiriko secured it carefully, though she flinched at the pressure. Maybe she’d be better off taking it easy for the rest of the day.


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1. seasonals don't need cool titles Bamboo Maze 05:26 PM, 11-02-2023 04:42 PM, 02-28-2024