
immaculate misconception

pup birth


Queen of Hell

Master Fighter (263)

Master Intellectual (250)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

4 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Statue 5 WorshipThe Ooze Participant
12-11-2023, 01:28 AM
How was this happening again? It must be that stupid weird wolf looking thing, that or she was cursed. She really wouldn't be surprised, truthfully. Widow had kept much to herself during her sudden pregnancy, only letting Medusa, Cryptis, and a few others in the den she'd made for herself in the gorge, a private cave that would become her new den. There were smaller, even more private caves within, and it was inside what would be her newest pups room that she laid atop furs with piles of herbs and dried meat. Her own dwelling was next door, close enough to leave the pups for a time and still be close enough to hear if they'd need her. Now it was just a matter of time, though her contractions were getting closer and closer together.

She couldn't keep herself from being afraid though. She couldn't even remember Cryptis' birth, but Medusa had told her that the other children in the litter hadn't survived... What if that happened again? Her heart already ached for any potential loss, even if she didn't know how or why she had become pregnant again.

Widow hissed as another contraction came suddenly. Her water had already broken earlier in the day so it would be sooner rather than later. She had everything she needed, except answers anyway. Laying out flat on her side as her breathing quickened, her body was telling her soon. Really soon, even. She wondered when someone would come by, if they would even. She was adamant about them not worrying about her and getting their tasks done, promising to call for help if she needed any.

She whined softly, letting her eyes close briefly as the contraction subsided for a few minutes. Though she wasn't given much reprieve before the next one started and was much more uncomfortable than the last. Nostrils flared as she breathed heavily before she started to pant, the stress getting to her as the pressure built. She gave it one last thought before calling out for someone, anyone to help. What if none of them were alive?! She wasn't so sure she wanted to be alone when she found out...

Art by SkeletonDragoness Code © Rex/Witchdogtor DO NOT USE WITHOUT PERMISSION
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PSA: I own widow's design as of 2/25/2022



Intermediate Healer (45)

Intermediate Intellectual (30)

2 Years
Extra small
01-09-2024, 01:05 PM
Mumma! She was heading home when she caught the scent of birthing and the sound of her mother's raspy breathing. She dashed inside, and found Widow in one of the smaller caves at the back. She crouched down beside her mother's side and put a paw on the other wolf's shoulder. It was time, her siblings were coming. She knew that a wolf being an only child was an odd thing. But she had been an only child all her life. She'd been the centre of her mother's attention. It was the two of them against the world. Today, all of that changed and she didn't know yet how she felt about it.

But no time for her complicated emotions to get in the way, her mother needed her. There was nowhere else in the world she would be. “You're doing great Mumms, breath, hold my paw if you need to” She said, looking further down to see how things were coming along. She was training to be a healer, and she had been taking some lessons just in case she had ended up in this situation. But was she really ready for this?

Thread Move Log
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1. immaculate misconception Whisperer's Gorge 01:28 AM, 12-11-2023 11:28 PM, 06-18-2024