
Whooooo are you who who who who




Expert Fighter (215)

Advanced Hunter (60)

8 Years
Dire wolf

Critical Observation!Samhain 2022Statue 4 Worship
06-05-2024, 11:54 PM
Only a few days had passed since the official announcement of the change in leadership of the pack to the rest of Elysium's members, but he knew he would need to get to work quickly. Elysium had sat stagnant for far too long and while he didn't expect to radically change that overnight, he wanted to start laying the ground work at least. The first part of that was going to be establishing more firm opinions and connections to certain packs–starting with one that they had shared a border with for so long now, but had yet to really share more than a passing greeting with.

It was a very quick trip to go across the Rock Garden and find himself at the fringes of the Stone Steppe. It was early in the afternoon now so hopefully he was arriving at an agreeable time for the Hemlock alpha. After giving his coat a quick shake to make sure he looked presentable after a morning spent hunting and chasing young pups around the island, he lifted his head to call for Delphi. His tone was calm, wanting her to know this wasn't urgent even though he did wish to have an audience with her. He didn't know if much would come from this meeting, but if nothing else he wanted to put a face to a name.

"Deimos Mendacium"



Master Healer (285)

Master Fighter (290)

An icon representing the specialty Poison Master Poison Master

An icon representing the specialty Marauder Marauder

1 Year
Extra small

Rapid Poster - GoldWordyUnderachieverCritical Fail!
06-13-2024, 07:01 PM

As of late, Delphi felt that most of her time was spent running around. She was trying her damnedest to do something for Hemlock even if the others didn't seem to appreciate it. Sun up to sun down, she was out gathering, hunting, patrolling. Doing anything and everything she could think of to help keep the supply full through the winter and into spring until new life began to show its face.

By early afternoon, she was ready for something to eat or a nap or hell, even both. Anything to refuel herself for the rest of the day. As she arrived at her den that she shared with Astraios, a call echoes out from the border nearby. Stopping to look, her eyes narrowing, she notices a large purplish figure that she doesn't recognize as Avacyn whom she'd met at the Hallows alpha meeting. Well, if they were coming from Elysium territory, it was probably of some important - even if the note ringing out from the howl implied that it wasn't urgent.

Dropping her stuff at the door and leaving her companions to finish putting stuff away, Delphi makes her way toward where Deimos stands at the border. She looks him over once or twice before giving him a smirk that told more than any other alpha would care to show. But it was Delphi and reserved she was not. "I suppose you know who I am, but apologies that I have no idea who you are," she speaks with a friendly and humorous tone as her docked tail swishes behind her.



Expert Fighter (215)

Advanced Hunter (60)

8 Years
Dire wolf

Critical Observation!Samhain 2022Statue 4 Worship
06-15-2024, 05:50 PM
Deimos settled back on his haunches while he waited for Delphi to respond to his summons, peering across the Steppe in the mean time. He wasn't in a hurry and probably wouldn't have even been offended if she had sent someone else in her stead to speak with him, but luckily the Hemlock alpha appeared fairly quickly and he rose back to his paws to greet her properly. He gave her a polite dip of his head as she drew close, but after she examined him for a moment she gave him a smirk and he felt like he was able to relax a bit himself. The tiny alpha earned a deep chuckle from him as she commented on how she had no idea who he was despite the fact that he knew who she was. He certainly didn't expect anyone to know who he was, but that was precisely why he was here.

"That's quite alright. I'm Deimos Mendacium. A pleasure to meet you, Delphi." It did strike him just how drastic the difference in their heights was, making him have to look down at her no matter whether he was sitting or not, but a leader was a leader regardless of any other factors and he had met quite a few feisty and dangerous tiny wolves in his time. "My niece, Avacyn, mentioned meeting you at Artorias' recent meeting and spoke positively of you so I wanted to make sure I met you as well. She and I have agreed to split the duties of Elysium and the particular caretaking the Mendacium family requires into two jobs. Because of that I am now the pack's King and will be handling most things when it comes to the day to day running of the pack–which, of course, includes our diplomatic relations." He gave her a bit of a smile and added, "It occurred to me that our packs have been neighbors for some time now, but we still know so little about one another so I would like to remedy that if that's something you would be interested in."

"Deimos Mendacium"