
IC Announcement History


02 • 21 | GHOUL is challenging KOTORI for VALTA here! Who will emerge the victor?!

01 • 30 | ARMADA is raiding VALTA here! Take a look at the current Scoreboard!

01 • 29 | RAIDERS HOLLOW is holding a mandatory meeting here. Posts due by February 5th.

01 • 11 | HEIðINN is raiding NORAD here! Take a look at the current Scoreboard!

01 • 11 | RAIDERS HOLLOW is raiding ETHNE here! Take a look at the current Scoreboard!

01 • 05 | SPARROW has challenged RUBY to a DEATHMATCH! Who will emerge the victor?!


09 • 13 | RAIDERS HOLLOW is raiding INSOMNIA here! Take a look at the current Scoreboard!

09 • 01 HEIðINN is raiding AVALON here! Take a look at the current Scoreboard!

08 • 31 | RAIDERS HOLLOW Is holding a mandatory meeting here The first round is due September 7th.

08 • 13 | ARMADA is raiding RAIDERS HOLLOW here! Take a look at the current Scoreboard!

06 • 16 | Three random events have popped up! One, two, and three!

03 • 14 | ETHNE is holding a mandatory meeting here. Posts due by March 27th.

02 • 15 | PIRATES PLUNDER is raiding VALHALLA here!

02 • 15 | PIRATES PLUNDER Yearling Party here! Well-intentioned pack wolves and loners are welcome! No pups under 1 year please!

02 • 01 | THE HALLOWS is hosting their annual Bonfire Festival, open to all allies and friends! Any who would like to join the celebration can make a joining post here.

01 • 17 | The only constant is change... ETHYRIA has fallen and their pack land lies abandoned. Who will be the next to rise in their place?


12 • 09 | ASHEN is holding a mandatory meeting here! Posts due December 15th.

12 • 06 | Medusa has won her challenge and is inviting anyone who would like to join INSOMNIA here!

11 • 2 | As the second week draws to a close, a large bonfire is lit in celebration, burning a vibrant and unnatural green, the sky lighting up in similar dancing colors and Auster and Boreas feel suddenly much closer to the realms beyond mortality. It seems the lines between life and death are blurring and the familiars are once more asking for help with the final week's celebrations. But they warn that they cannot promise anyone's safety at this point in the festival.

10 • 24 | The preparation phase of Samhain has come to a close and the familiars thank you all for your hard work and assistance. The feast has begun and with it, various activities are now open for participation!

10 • 11 | PIRATES PLUNDER is raiding ARMADA here! Here's the raid scoreboard.

10 • 10 | As the random weather events draw to a close, five statues have materialized across Boreas and Auster. Word is on the wind of an upcoming festival in the Stone Steppes, but before the main event, preparations must be done. The familiars leading these festivities have requested help from the denizens of Boreas and Auster so that their Gods can be properly honored come Samhain. Why don't you consider lending them your aid?

10 • 10 | Across both Auster and Boreas a series of localized thunderstorms have broken out battering certain parts of the continents, within each storm strange weather phenomena has cropped up, intrepid adventurers may find themselves in unusual situations should they approach the storms. There is something strange in the air but fortune may just favor the bold.

10 • 2 | As packs rise, others do fall. FENMYRE has dissolved and abandoned their claim in Auster. Are there any who are courageous enough to step up and attempt to claim their pack slot?

09 • 20 | VALTA is holding a party starting 9/30! Please see info here. Respond to post with who is competing in games. Pack Alphas state who will be championing for your pack.

09 • 20 | Two new packs have risen in place of those recently fallen, VALTA is staking their claim to Monument Rapids and Sunset Falls, while ETHYRIA is settling in Illusions Oasis.

09 • 15 | A pack has fallen! What will rise in its place? Menagerie has been disbanded and is now up for claim! Will you be the one to claim it?

09 • 08 | MENAGERIE'S SUMMER FEST IS LIVE! The event goes from September 1st to November 1st. See this thread for event schedule and prompt tracking.

08 • 20 | FENMYRE is hosting a storytelling contest and festival! Rules and signups can be found here!

08 • 19 | AVALON has emerged victorious from their challenge and has laid claim to the lands of The Range and The Orchard! Corbie is inviting anyone interested in joining her pack to join her Here

08 • 18 | MENAGERIE is hosting an OOC contest for IC Festival Prompts! OOC Closes on August 31st with IC sign-ups closing on September 1st! OOC Contest & IC Sign-ups!

08 • 15 | Medusa is challenging for HABARI here.

07 • 19 | PIRATES PLUNDER is raiding HABARI here! Here's the raid scoreboard!

06 • 29 | ABAVEN has been disbanded and is now up to be claimed.

05 • 27 | FIRESIDE has been disbanded and is now up to be claimed here.

05 • 15 | THE HALLOWS wedding celebrations have begun! Pack borders are now open to all through May 21! See this thread for posting rules!

05 • 04 | ELYSIUM is holding a festival! Sign ups for the events can be found here. Cut off for the sign ups is May 11th!

03 • 15 | ARMADA is raiding HABARI here! Here's the raid scoreboard.

03 • 06 | PIRATES PLUNDER is raiding FENMYRE here! Here's the raid scoreboard.

02 • 21 | ELYSIUM is holding a mandatory meeting here! Due date is 2/27.

02 • 09 | ASHEN is holding a mandatory meeting here! Due date is 2/20.

01 • 18 | ELYSIUM is raiding FENMYRE here! Here's the Raid scoreboard!


12 • 17 | PIRATES PLUNDER is raiding THE HALLOWS here! Here's the Raid Scoreboard!

03 • 16 | THE PIRATE BAND is kicking off their Pirate Party and all loners, Fireside, Abaven, Habari, and a select few others are invited!

03 • 02 | ASHEN Begins their practice raid against THE HALLOWS here. View the scoreboard.

02 • 26 | VALHALLA Begins their practice raid against AERIE here. View the scoreboard.

02 • 25 | HABARI is holding a mandatory pack meeting here.

02 • 07 | ASHEN is holding a mandatory meeting here.

01 • 02 | WINTERFELL is now known as INCENDIUM!



12 • 30 | Harbringr is calling the warriors and warriors-in-training of ASHEN together for a meeting here.

12 • 17 | WINTERFELL is hosting the Spring Equinox Festival for all packs and rogues to attend!

12 • 16 | Acere is calling an important WINTERFELL meeting here! Replies due by 12/20!

12 • 10 | LIRIM is holding a mandatory meeting here. Deadline is 12/18.

11 • 24 | HJARRANDI BAND is having a raid meeting here. Deadline is 10/25.

11 • 06 | ABAVEN is having their spring pack meeting here. Deadline is 10/29.

10 • 17 | ASHEN is having a meeting held by Deathbelle here! Deadline is 10/28.

08 • 15 | VALHALLA is throwing a festival for all that will last at least a week here! There will also be a trade fair, so bring yer goods!

08 • 12 | Acere is calling WINTERFELL together for a mandatory meeting here!

07 • 23 | HJARRANDI BAND is holding a festival, and everyone is invited here!

07 • 08 | ASHEN is calling a meeting for all new and prospective members interested in joining here!

06 • 09 | Acere is calling those who wish to check out his new pack WINTERFELL here! Open to potential members looking to join!

02 • 19 | Ignatius is holding a meeting for current and prospective FYRI members here!

02 • 15 | LEGION is holding a mandatory meeting for all healers and healer apprentices here!

02 • 15 | LEGION is holding a mandatory training meeting for all warriors and warrior apprentices here!

01 • 25 | Acere is calling all the ABAVEN apprentices for mandatory training here!


11 • 18 | RISEN EMPIRE is having a mandatory meeting here!

10 • 28 | ABAVEN is holding a series of trainings. It is mandatory to attend at least one of the following: Healer Training, Fighter Training, or Hunter Training.

10 • 18 | Brandr is holding a pack hunt for CELESTIAL here!

10 • 15 | The LIRIM is is having a mandatory pack meeting here.

09 • 28 | Shaye is calling pre-existing members of ABAVEN to a meeting here! Attendance is mandatory.

08 • 19 | The RISEN EMPIRE is is having a mandatory meeting here.

08 • 19 | Acere is holding a mandatory fight training here for all RUINA members!

08 • 18 | CELESTIAL is having a mandatory social here! All wolves are expected to attend.

08 • 10 | ABAVEN is having a mandatory birthday party here!

07 • 30 | RISEN EMPIRE is going to look for survivors of the canyon flood here.

07 • 23 | NIENTE is holding a mandatory but somewhat informal meeting here for all pack members.

07 • 23 | CELESTIAL is holding their mandatory spring meeting here.

06 • 10 | Torin is calling for a pack meeting for LIRIM here, it is mandatory for all members.

05 • 31 | Elias is hosting a seasonal meeting for RUINA here. This meeting is mandatory for Purgatorians.

05 • 31 | ABAVEN is holding a meeting here!

05 • 16 | Gwenevere is calling any members of CELESTIAL who are interested in honing their fight skills to join her in training.

05 • 02 | Ashiel is beginning the Full Moon Festival Hunt here. Non-healers of ECLIPSE EMPIRE and RISEN EMPIRE are encouraged to join!

05 • 02 | Fortune is calling a hunt for LIRIM here. While not mandatory, large prey hunts are fun!

04 • 29 | Elias is performing a rushed blood oath during his claim over Mount Volkan. Onlookers are allowed to keep their respectable distance and witness these events take place, and interest in joining the ranks of RUINA may be discussed afterward.

04 • 24 | ENRICO is staking his claim on his territory and inviting anyone interested in his pack Niente to join him here

04 • 22 | Two new packs have risen! RUINA has laid claim to Mount Volkan and Fenrir's Maw while NIENTE is established at the SS Antiox.

04 • 19 | It's time for the Full Moon Festival celebrating the healers of THE RISEN EMPIRE and THE ECLIPSE EMPIRE. All members of both packs are encouraged to attend and join in the festivities!

04 • 14 | Sparrow is holding an URGENT meeting for ABAVEN here!

04 • 14 | Ashiel is calling the THE ECLIPSE EMPIRE to a meeting here!

04 • 12 | Mask is seeking to call CELESTIAL together for a sheep hunt at the Oasis! Look out, predator attacks are possible!

04 • 09 | Frostbite is calling a mandatory LIRIM meeting, all must attend here!

03 • 28 | Zephyr is holding fight training for the youngsters of ABAVEN and any other interested pack members here!

03 • 17 | Let's kick off the warmer weather! Brandr is calling a pack hunt for ABAVEN here!

03 • 17 | Ashiel is calling THE RISEN EMPIRE and THE ECLIPSE EMPIRE together to discuss plans moving forward here.

02 • 16 | THE ECLIPSE EMPIRE has emerged victorious from their challenge and laid claim to the Bent Canyon

02 • 05 | LIRIM is having a mandatory meeting here!

01 • 29 | DAUNTLESS has been abandoned! Will any brave souls step forth to claim a new pack in its place?

01 • 28 | PALADIN is holding a Birthing Lesson for Celestial Healers here!

01 • 20 | PYRALIS is calling all ranked members to a quick meeting for assignments here

01 • 19 | TALIS is holding a festival Here! Mandatory for all Talis wolves to attend!

01 • 18 | ZELL is calling a mandatory fight training Here! All members must attend!

01 • 16 | ASHIEL ABRAXAS is challenging DRAGON ANCORA for control of TALIS! Watch the drama unfold here!

01 • 15 | DAUNTLESS is holding a vote. Participation is required.

01 • 13 | DAUNTLESS is holding a moose hunt here. Attendance is highly encouraged.

01 • 13 | ABAVEN is holding a pack meeting here.


12 • 06 | LIRIM is holding a packwide hunt, mandatory for all ranks. Post here!

12 • 03 | CELESTIAL is holding an unusual fight training here! Be prepared to get messy!

11 • 28 | TALIS is holding a festival here! All Talis members are encouraged to attend!

11 • 24 | DAUNTLESS is having a mandatory meeting here.

11 • 19 | DRAGOSTE is having a mandatory pack meeting here!

11 • 13 | DAUNTLESS has claimed Mile-High Woods as a new territory.

11 • 07 | A new pack calling themselves DAUNTLESS has risen to claim Waterfall Peak.

10 • 23 | LIRIM is holding a pack hunt, mandatory for hunters, here.

10 • 23 | ABAVEN is holding a bison hunt here.

10 • 18 | The kingdom of FIORI has fallen. Will another rise to take it's place?

10 • 17 | Loner TORNACH is organizing a trade fair here. Invitations have gone out to all packs via falcon. Anyone is welcome!

10 • 03 | ABAVEN is having a mandatory meeting here.

09 • 22 | TALIS is having a pack meeting here! Attendance is mandatory!

09 • 05 | FIORI is having a pack meeting here.

09 • 03 | DRAGOSTE is having a pack fishing jamboree here!

08 • 24 | LIRIM is holding a mandatory meeting here!

08 • 11 | DRAGOSTE is having a mandatory pack meeting here!

07 • 26 | All CELESTIAL healers not in the raid, or wounded from the raid, come HERE to be treated at Celestial's Healing camp! Both are mandatory unless IC circumstances (guarding children) take the healers elsewhere.

07 • 26 | All CELESTIAL wolves too young to fight, or choosing to guard the young, old, and disabled, come HERE to guard them in Celestial's main den. This is mandatory.

07 • 22 | TALIS is raiding CELESTIAL here! Who will be the victor?

07 • 10 | KHARNAGE has called all fledglings to an optional fight training session here

07 • 10 | FROSTBITE is holding a hunt training session for Lirim's youth here!

07 • 10 | FROSTBITE is holding a pack hunt here!

07 • 08 | CELESTIAL is holding a mandatory pack meeting here! First round is due by July 18th.

07 • 04 | FIORI is having a mandatory meeting here. First round due July 14th!

07 • 02 | SOLVEIGA is holding a lesson here for all members of Celestial interested in healing!

06 • 28 | ABAVEN is having a mandatory meeting here.

06 • 27 | DRAGOSTE has been successfully raised and has claimed Weeping Woods as their territory.

06 • 12 | CREW has been disbanded and the pack slot opened for claim.

06 • 11 | TALIS is calling a mandatory meeting for ALL members here. Failure to show will result in punishment. First round due by 6/15!

06 • 05 | FIORI is holding a mandatory pack meeting here!

05 • 30 | Calling all of CELESTIAL! Acapella has called the pack together for a pack hunt. Join her in bringing down some white-tailed deer here!

04 • 23 | CELESTIAL is holding a mandatory pack meeting Here. Come see what Regulus has to say!

04 • 22 | ABAVEN is having a pack hunt here. Come meet the new Cacciatore and spend some time with your fellows!

04 • 11 | CREW is opening the Stone Steppe to outsiders for a Harvest Fair. All characters are welcome to come trade and celebrate passed loved ones with the Crew. Opening thread here!

04 • 10 | FORTUNE is holding an optional pup hunt training event here!

04 • 08 | CELESTIAL's lands have switched to Vericona Plains and Druid's Moore. LIRIM's lands have switched to Emerald Valley and Whistling Willows.

04 • 08 | TALIS is having a mandatory meeting Here for all members and any others wishing to join!

03 • 24 | ABAVEN is having a mandatory meeting here!

03 • 18 | LIRIM is holding a meeting here! Attendance is absolutely mandatory.

03 • 05 | AVALON has called a mandatory fight training for all apprentices (and anyone else wishing to join) here!

03 • 04 | IVORY RIDGE is having a mandatory meeting here for an official announcement.

02 • 25 | FORTUNE is holding a non-mandatory hunt here!

02 • 22 | ATTENTION IVORY RIDGE: Dagmær's been poisoned! Karabela is calling the pack together to heal their packmate and to hunt down the culprit. Here

02 • 13 | FIORI is holding a pack hunt here! Attendance is highly encouraged, especially of those with a hunting rank.

02 • 07 | TALIS is holding a hunt here! Attendance is highly encouraged.

01 • 29 | ABAVEN is holding a fight training for all wolves with a fighting rank here! Anyone else wishing to join in is welcome.

01 • 21 | IVORY RIDGE is invited to battle training here

1 • 16 | FIORI is having an important spring meeting here!


12 • 31 | IVORY RIDGE holding a mandatory pack meeting here!

12 • 19 | LIRIM is holding its very first meeting here.

12 • 18 | LIRIM has been established and lays claim to the Dancefloor of the Gods and Emerald Valley.

12 • 05 | VYPER is holding a non-mandatory hunt here. Attendance is encouraged!

11 • 21 | FIORI is holding a mandatory meeting here!

11 • 20 | IVORY RIDGE is welcoming winter in a fun way! Go join in the pack sledding here!

11 • 18 | Under its new alpha, IVALICE has changed its name to TALIS and has moved to Amron's Castle and The Starlit Plains in Auster.

11 • 15 | STORM is holding a basic healer training for all ABAVEN healers here! Anyone else wishing to join in is welcome.

11 • 15 | LIAR has challenged REGULUS for his pack here! Who will reign triumphant?

11 • 11 | FIORI is holding a hunt here!

07 • 19 | YFIR is called together for a spring hunt here.

07 • 08 | MYRIAD is holding a mandatory meeting here!

07 • 08 | RIVAXORUS II and ZEPHYRA are getting married. Friends and family are invited to attend!

07 • 01 | Váli is holding an optional healer training thread for ABAVEN here!

06 • 20 | RIVAXORUS II has called a new member meet'n'greet here.

06 • 14 | FIORI is holding a mandatory meeting here, which is also open to members wishing to join.

06 • 14 | FIORI has let go of their claim over the Hot Springs, and has instead added the Sunset Falls to their claimed territories.

06 • 14 | MYRAID is holding a mandatory fight training here.

06 • 11 | IVALICE is holding a mandatory healer training for the yearlings here!

06 • 02 | IVALICE is holding a caribou festival here! All invited friends and allies are welcome to show up.

05 • 29 | KARABELA is holding a mass joint training here! This is not mandatory, but highly encouraged!

05 • 22 | MYRAID is holding a hunt here.

05 • 22 | MYRAID is having a mandatory meeting here.

05 • 14 | IMPERIUM has been disbanded and is now up for claim.

05 • 14 | IVALICE has laid claim to the Northern Mines.

05 • 11 | IVALICE is holding its first meeting. It is mandatory for all members and is open to anyone wishing to join the pack.

05 • 11 | MYRIAD has claimed Sea's Plain.

04 • 11 | A new pack has risen from the old: MYRIAD has joined the packs of Alacratia under the direction of Rivaxorus II and claimed the Weeping Woods.

04 • 11 | FIORI is holding mandatory training spars here!

04 • 11 | YFIR's fall þing and blót are happening here and attendance is mandatory for all Yfir members.

04 • 11 | ARGEAD has been disbanded and is now up for claim.

04 • 04 | BOREALIS has been disbanded by Ren, and is now up for claim. Come say your final goodbye to Borealis here.

04 • 04 | CELESTIAL is having a mandatory hunt here!

04 • 02 | ABAVEN is holding a mandatory meeting here!

03 • 22 | FIORI's lead hunter is holding a training for all of its younger pack members here!

03 • 14 | ARGEAD is having a healing lesson, led by Amalia! Come join them here!

03 • 02 | FIORI is holding their mandatory summer meeting here.