



6 Years
10-06-2016, 07:39 PM (This post was last modified: 10-22-2016, 11:32 AM by Poser.)
Hey, so here's some info about a pack that Poser wants. He's going to be taking over Amron's Castle and the Garden of the Gods, and he really... just wants a following of people who adore him. If you're interested, let me know. He's still got a ways to go in terms of posts and gems but hey, if you want to power post with me I'd totally love that. I'd like to have the gems for the second territory before I claim the pack as well. <3
xoxo gossip jake.

List your members and their intended rank.

Pack Name: Young God’s Club (YGC)
Territory: Amron’s Castle && Garden of the Gods
Pack Color: FF369B
Alpha Name: Poser
Link to Alpha's Account: here

Member Name & Rank: Arsenal & Hearth Warmer
Link to Recruitment Thread: still alive/barely breathing

Member Name & Rank: Safir & Pantheon
Link to Recruitment Thread: literal darkness

Member Name & Rank: Aeru & Cup Bearer
Link to Recruitment Thread: literal night

Member Name & Rank: Name & Rank
Link to Recruitment Thread: url

Member Name & Rank: Name & Rank
Link to Recruitment Thread: url

List what your intended ranks and laws will be.

Tier 1 Rank: Adonis
Description: The all ruler, the all father, the most attractive man in the pack. He sits at the top and he’s got no fucks left to give, because in his mind he doesn’t have anything left to lose.

Tier 2 Rank: Consort
Description: The chosen consort of the Adonis. Can be challenged for, but that doesn’t mean they’ll get the rank if they win the fight. They don’t actually have any power, they just have a title. The chosen one. They’re welcome to rub it in. If they prove that they should have power, it will be given with the explicit consent of the Adoinis. This will be updated if that is the case.

Tier 3 Rank: Cup Bearer
Description: The actual advisors to the Adonis, there will ideally be two that fill this role. They’re the ones he trusts, not the ones he’s sleeping with.

Tier 4 Rank: Hearth Warmer
Description: They’ve done something to catch the eye of the Adonis. He’s interested in his hearth warmers, be it sexually or intellectually. Or both. Both is also effective.

Tier 5 Rank: Pantheon
Description: Regular members of the YGC, haven’t really set themselves apart from everyone else. At least they don’t have any responsibilities either.

Tier 6 Rank: Mortal
Description: Those taken prisoner. Oh no. Whatever shall they do. Here’s a hint-- Poser will only keep interesting ones. The boring ones will be set free, because another mouth to feed is a burden. If they want to stay? Then they’re welcome to stay, pursue a different rank. They always have the option.

-- The Adonis is the only one allowed to be a douchebag.
-- Fucks are not required. In fact, if you exceed three fucks a day, you’re doing it wrong.
-- Take care of the members of the club. Feed them. Heal them. Don’t be a douche to those of us in the family.
-- Communication is key. If you’re unhappy, say something. If you want to leave, say something. -- -- The Adonis is your friend as well as your leader, he is to be treated as such.
-- If we have a club meeting, be there. Punishment will be unusual, and whatever the Adonis feels like at the time.
-- Mortals (prisoners) are to be treated like potential club members. Be polite. Be respectful. They’re only human. They can climb just like anyone else.

How do you intend to pay the gem cost? Copy/Paste the following code as is necessary.

Account Name: Poser
Gems Intended to Pay: all.
[Image: VVdK7m3.png]