Ardent Wolf RPG - Habari


The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing.

Habari is a chaotic Neutral - Evil pack, a branch of the Klein empire, though that is not necessarily openly discussed. Habari primarily functions as an informational hub and a spy ring. They strive to know what’s happening in the outside world as much as possible and use that information to further the Klien Empire. An unstated goal of Habari is to act as a new home for the Empire if its current leader (The Alpha of Ashen) is deemed unworthy of wearing the crown.


Former Leaders

General Rules

— The word of the Serpahim is law, anyone found disobeying their orders or the laws of Habari will receive immediate demotion, repeat offenders may find themselves demoted to Se’irim and assigned to the Seraphim or other high ranking officers with no change for promotion. Do not cross the Seraphim.

— Members will be expected to carry their weight, anyone found to be slacking or surfing by will face consequences.

— Spars, dominance and other fights are acceptable within reason and may be used to deal with personal issues instead of the Seraphim having to step in, however, petty infighting will not be tolerated.

— Don’t antagonize other packs without reason or order, while Habari may ask members to infiltrate packs they should avoid implicating Habari whenever possible and avoid picking fights that can reflect badly on the pack as they strive to maintain a friendly public face. Members who antagonize The Ashen Empire or Ashen Armada without order will be immediately demoted.

— Don’t start fights you can’t finish. Members will be given a fair degree of freedom to work outside the pack however they may find that Habari refuses to come to a member’s aid if it’s deemed to be too much work or to reflect badly on them.

— Breeding is not limited within Habari however Habari will request any pups born from their female members remain in Habari until at least 1 year of age. Non-Klein Males who impregnate other pack females must negotiate where the pups will go for themselves, any loners who are impregnated are to be brought to Habari and their pups raised within the pack. Habari will not go to bat for your horn-doggery. Any Klein litters from Habari members will be highly encouraged to be raised in Habari.

— Protect Habari with your life, trespassers are to be immediately attacked and taken as slaves when possible, Habari’s name is to be maintained and anyone found disrespecting the pack name will be demoted.

Pack Notes:

Information about Habari and the way it runs or information you can assume about the pack but that didn't really fit anywhere else.

  • Recluse is fully nocturnal and so any and all official pack business happens at night. While each member can choose their own sleep schedule they must be ready and available to attend to official pack business during the night. Additionally, any pack members who wish to contact Recluse personally may find she is less cranky if not called upon during the day. Any threads for Recluse that do not specify time will be assumed to be night and written as such.

Habari Location List:

Mount Volkan

Den Sites:

Recluse Ithuriel-Klein & Eraithus Zanthus Seraphim & Shujaa Hashmallim A large naturally formed cave in the mountain side, which has a skylight that allows for the sun and moonlight to seep into the rock without being too bright. A pile of furs in the center function as a nest for Recluse and Eraithus but with enough space to easily add more wolves, either children or additional lovers.

Macabre KleinMalakim Found on the base of the volcano, next to Ghoul’s den. Mac’s abode is dark and shrouded, a strange arrangement of various taxidermy snakes, raccoons, birds, and rodents perched all around the entrance. A few tanned pelts, furs and hides sag over the mouth of the den like a curtain, obscuring the contents within. His bed is a quilted pathwork of squirrel pelts, thick and warm. The den itself smells like a sickly lavender scent, obscuring the metallic stench of blood from his taxidermy work. Despite the sickly scent, though, it’s not very messy or filthy.

Redbud Nook

Den Sites:

Viscera Klein & Ichor KleinIshim Stepping off of the well worn paths through the nook, taking a turn towards the foot of the volcano, you’ll find this humble abode. Between the gnarled roots of a redbud, one may find themselves wandering into a large den. Hard packed walls of dark, loamy soil and intertwining roots have been carved into so that little hollows can be filled with trinkets. When it’s occupied, the sounds of barely contained laughter carry throughout the surrounding woods. Shoved into a small nook in the back of the den is a very tall, very smelly pile of furs where Ichor sleeps

Widow KleinIshim Centrally located around the nook, volcano, and a small stream sits a hut built in a clearing. It is small but contains three rooms; one larger room at the front for sleeping and two smaller rooms in the back for storage and preparing her potions containing shelves and a makeshift desk. Outside is a rather large garden in comparison, growing a plethora of different herbs, poisons, and other plants

Grave Sites:

Harbringr ✧ Below a large redbud tree, a small pile of stones mark the grave, though often flowers or other tributes can also be found, left by family.

Jigsaw✧ Below a large redbud tree, beside his father's grave.




SeraphimThe Highest rank within Habari, reserved for the founding Seraphim or her progeny only. The Seraphim holds the utmost authority and all agents under them must report to them. They will also serve as the new leader of the empire should the current leader be deemed unfit.

OphanimThe Second In command to the Seraphim they may be any wolf deemed worthy enough of the rank, and usually will be, but may not always be, the current Seraphim’s mate or a preferred consort. The Ophanim is expected to take on duties to help the Seraphim in their work, the rank is not challengeable but the Seraphim may choose to elect a new Ophanim whenever they please.

CherubimThe Heir to Habari this rank belongs solely to a child of the current Seraphim, it will involve training and the ability to take on further duties to help prepare the Cherubim for their eventual role as the leader of Habari and should the Seraphim and Ophanim fail in their duties the Cherubim will be expected to take over the pack. This rank may be challenged for but only by Malakim or otherwise ranked children of the current Seraphim though they ultimately hold the final say.

ShinanimThe closest advisors to the Seraphim, they are expected to be highly skilled members who have proven themselves as being particularly capable. All lower ranks are expected to answer to them and share any pertinent information with them so that it may be passed onto the Seraphim. This rank can be challenged for but the Seraphim ultimately holds the final say.

Shujaa TarshishimHabari’s senior warriors, members holding this rank are expected to be seasoned fighters and act as the first line of defense for the pack. Regular duties include holding and attending training, patrolling the borders and remaining prepared for combat. This rank can be achieved by active participation in the packs, training, raids, or challenging for a promotion.

Kuwinda TarshishimHabari’s senior hunters, members holding this rank are expected to be seasoned hunters and maintain the pack’s food stores. Regular duties include holding and attending training, holding hunts and tracking herds. This rank can be achieved by active participation in the packs, training, hunts, or challenging for a promotion.

Dawa TarshishimHabari’s senior healers, members holding this rank are expected to be seasoned healers and maintain the pack’s medicinal stores. Regular duties include holding and attending training, gathering herbs and conducting regular check-ups. This rank can be achieved by active participation in the packs, training, healing threads, and challenging for a promotion.

Ujumbe TarshishimHabari’s senior scouts and messengers, members holding this rank are expected to be seasoned navigators and be knowledgeable about the lands. Regular duties include holding and attending training, scouting locations, acting as messengers for higher ranks and working with other ranks to remain knowledgeable about resources. This rank can be achieved by active participation in the packs, training, navigation threads, and challenging for a promotion.

Maarifa TarshishimHabari’s senior spies, members holding this rank are expected to be seasoned scholars and keep tabs on the going ons in the world. Regular duties include holding and attending training, conferencing with other ranks and regular spy duties. They are expected to share any and all information gathered with the Shinanim. This rank can be achieved by active participation in the packs, training, spying, or information gathering and challenging for a promotion.

Mzee Tarshishim Habari’s retired ranks, this rank can only be obtained by members who earned a Tarshishim rank before their retirement. Retirement can be earned through injury or old age. The Seraphim can offer a retirement rank at their own whim or accept a request for retirement, however they will be on the lookout for anyone simply looking to get out of working for the pack. All Mzee Tarshishim will be expected to attend meetings and hold training when possible.

Shujaa HashmallimThe general population of Habari’s warriors. Regular duties include attending training, patrolling the borders and remaining prepared for combat, Hashmallim are expected to work with the Tarshishim of their rank closely and are to take orders from them. This rank can be requested.

Kuwinda HashmallimThe general population of Habari’s hunters. Regular duties include attending training, attending hunts and tracking herds, Hashmallim are expected to work with the Tarshishim of their rank closely and are to take orders from them. This rank can be requested.

Dawa HashmallimThe general population of Habari’s healers. Regular duties include attending training, gathering herbs and aiding in regular check-ups, Hashmallim are expected to work with the Tarshishim of their rank closely and are to take orders from them. This rank can be requested.

Ujumbe HashmallimThe general population of Habari’s scouts and messengers. Regular duties include attending training, scouting locations, acting as messengers for higher ranks and working with other ranks to remain knowledgeable about resources, Hashmallim are expected to work with the Tarshishim of their rank closely and are to take orders from them. This rank can be requested.

Maarifa HashmallimThe general population of Habari’s spies. Regular duties include attending training, conferencing with other ranks and regular spy duties. They are expected to share any and all information gathered with the Shinanim, Hashmallim are expected to work with the Tarshishim of their rank closely and are to take orders from them. This rank can be requested.

Mzee HashmallimHabari’s retired ranks, this rank can only be obtained by members who earned a Hashmallim rank before their retirement or have been demoted post-retirement. Retirement can be earned through injury or old age. The Seraphim can offer a retirement rank at their own whim or accept a request for retirement, however, they will be on the lookout for anyone simply looking to get out of working for the pack. All Mzee Hashmallim will be expected to attend meetings and training when possible.

MalakimChildren of the Seraphim under a year old. Malakim are to be respected but not coddled as they will carry the weight of the empire’s expectations on their shoulders. Upon turning a year old all Malakim will be expected to present themselves before the Seraphim to claim a rank, failure to do so within the first season after turning a year old will land the Malakim in the Ishim rank.

IshimUnranked members of the Klein family. Ishim are to be respected within a point but not coddled as they are expected to carry the weight of the expectations of the empire upon their shoulders. Family members who remain in this rank and do not strive for another rank are not to be respected as they are not fulfilling their expectations for the family.

ErelimChildren of the Klein family under a year old. Erelim are to be respected but not coddled as they will carry the weight of the empire’s expectations on their shoulders. Upon turning a year old all Erelim will be expected to present themselves before the Seraphim to claim a rank, failure to do so within the first season after turning a year old will land the Erelim in the Ishim rank.

Bene ElohimA rank that is meant to be a transitory role for non-family members. The general population will be put here upon joining until such time as they claim a rank. Failure to claim a rank within two seasons of joining will earn a Bene Elohim a lower rank as punishment for a lack of ambition.

NephilimMembers of Habari that have broken the laws and are being punished. Nephilim are expected to work for the higher ranks, doing as they are told until such time as their penance is paid. Nephilim may not leave the packlands without supervision and may not challenge for any other ranks until such time as they are restored to a higher rank. Nephilim are not to be respected, however, bodily harm may not come to them as they may serve Habari once they are promoted.

Se'irimSlaves of Habari, Members of rank 4 or above may keep a personal Se’irim if so desired however they must ensure they’re taken care of. Se’irim are not to be respected and if they are not being kept by a member personally may face physical harm from anyone as they are not expected to give their lives for Habari. If they are being kept by a member only their keeper may inflict harm on them. The pack must keep an eye on any Se'irim to make sure they are secured.

MazzikinPrisoners of Habari, Mazzikin are not to be respected however as they may be used as bargaining chips or traded in service to Habari no more physical harm than is needed to take them prisoners may come to them. The pack must keep an eye on any Mazzikin to make sure they are secured and must work together to assure they remain fed and cared for as they are the whole pack’s responsibility.