
Help Me (not) Lose My Mind



4 Years

08-19-2016, 05:50 PM (This post was last modified: 08-22-2016, 10:02 PM by Peregrine.)
Hey all!!

So I've got a lot goin on right now but I still have my muse and want to keep posting! Unfortunately due to the absolute posting chaos of this past month I'm not 100% sure where I stand right now. SO! I'm requesting a bit of help with that!!

I will be keeping up with an active list of my threads in this post. I cannot promise any sort of posting order or anything but I would like a way to keep everything sorted. If you HAVE A THREAD you would like added here, IF WE HAD A THREAD that you would like archived or dropped or whatever, or if you would LIKE A THREAD and have a plot idea please post below! I'm down for plot ideas, questions, random bits of tinfoil and dramallamas and whatever have you. Feel free to do both!! I'll put some bios and summaries of those I'm most interested in posting with right now.

PEREGRINE: She's my go getter, what else is there to say? She's kind of an asshole sometimes, takes nothing too seriously, and is only rarely prone to deep introspection. She wants what she wants and she's not afraid to go get it. Has also been amassing a small troupe of body guards to protect her big mouth. (It's not probably enough.) Expect her to try and convert you to her whole gathering thing those damn youngsters are smoking or injecting or whatever these days. Just chase this one off your lawn at first sight, you'll be better off that way I swear.
GIDEON: Oh man, this one is kind of a jerk too. More of one of those 'prickly outside, gooey inside' sorts except even I haven't seen the latter yet so idk what to tell you, man. Good news is he's not the sort to pick a fight either so he'll likely just quietly grump around and snark at you until you leave. Good guy to talk to if you can get him going though. Hint: He's a sucker for manners and charm, but... refined. Think beautiful southern belle. Just his type. (Creep.)
SERAPHIM: Essentially a teddy bear. A slightly more mopey teddy bear now that Imp is gone but hey, he needs to get over that some how. I'm planning on tossing him in with Tea's hippies if those get going, or... well, idk. But he'd never harm a fly, total gentle giant, however also super duper loves his family and will bite faces for them. Still very enthusiastic about going new places. I miss writing his dopey self, someone give me something to do with him.
SIGLEIF: My Xani yearling!! Currently babysitting a million pups (or close enough) and has no time for anything and could honestly use a hand right now. This is prep for her 'Lazy AF' adult life arc I think >.> Anyways she just wants to not die of plague or starvation, honestly. I'd love to get some skill threads going with her, really looking to post with her family members and love on them a bit, maybe make fun of some strangers or poke frogs with sticks, idk? Total babe though. Love her.
RÆSA: My Finnvi baby!! When she's not terrorizing the countryside with her siblings, Ræ enjoys quiet walks on the beach while getting harped on by her clouded leopard companion, Bo. Generally revelry and merriment with this one, when not trying to raise hell. She's going places, this one. Expect some pep in her step, I'm excited to thread her more and would really really love some committed plots here. Hit me with your best shot!