Ardent Wolf RPG - Elysium


I would rather walk with a friend in the dark, than alone in the light.

Elysium is a place for safety and enjoyment, a place where any walk of life is welcome without judgement or persecution. Though Elysium is led by the Mendacium family, being a part of Elysium means you become extended family of the Matriarch and you will be treated as such.

General Rules

  • Elysium is led by the King along with his Council which is made up of the Queen, Matriarch, Commander, Heiress, and Volhv. While the King has the final say in all matters, he will meet regularly with the Council for guidance and opinions on important matters.

  • While the pack will always be a place that is free of judgement for its members, if you maliciously cause harm to another wolf or create trouble with another pack, the safety of the pack as a whole will be more important than the individual. You will be responsible for the consequences of your mistakes.

  • Ranks are earned based on proficiency in a chosen skill. All members with less than in intermediate level of knowledge in a given skill will remain in the Amateur rank. In order to be eligible to challenge for higher ranks, a member must have a full mastery of their chosen skill.

  • All loners or members of packs that are not allies of Elysium must wait at the border to be greeted by a member of the Elysium Council before they are allowed to enter Elysium's territory. Members of allied packs may enter the territory unaccompanied, but must announce their presence at the border before they enter. Anyone found breaking these laws will be considered a trespasser and risk being attacked on sight.

  • Any member of the pack that wishes to have pups and raise the litter within Elysium must receive the approval of the King to do so. Anyone who breaks this law risks removal from the pack.

  • Anyone that is a member of Elysium must respect the Mendacium beliefs even if they do not follow them themselves. Information page on Mendacium family beliefs and laws.


  • Mountain dwelling prey

  • Lake and ocean fish

  • Precious stones and metals

  • Herbs and local plant life

  • Crafted medicines and supplements

  • Furs and leather

Pack Events

The Founding Feast

Each summer there will be a feast to celebrate the pack's founding. This is a time for all Elysium wolves to come together and reflect on the home they have made here. Elysium's allies will also be invited in order to celebrate and thank them for their continued support.

Elysium Festival

The festival is a bi-annual celebration hosted by Elysium and held in autumn. The event includes a variety of games and challenges of skill for the attendees as well as a large feast. All citizens of Boreas and Auster are welcome at this event unless otherwise stated.

Weddings & Funerals

While the Mendacium traditions for these events are fairly private, Elysium honors all ranges of traditions. Should any of its members wish to hold a public event of any kind for a milestone like a wedding or would like to remember one of their fallen with a funeral, the King would be happy to arrange any of these things for them.

Land Descriptions & Land Marks

Alias Island

Lake - A large lake sits at the center of Alias Island and provides an abundant source of fish as well as fresh water. It is fed entirely from rain water so the depth of the lake varies depending on the recent weather.

Mountain Caves - The mountainous island is full of caves that have been repurposed into dens and storage. A cluster of dens in the mountain range north of the island's lake contains the bulk of the pack's utilized caves and paths have been formed between them that wind down to the base of the mountains.

Meeting Spot - At the northern edge of the lake, a large clearing has been made for the pack to gather and hold meetings. A smooth piece of shale sits on one side of the clearing to act as a stage for whoever is speaking.

Training Area - To the east of the lake near the island's shore is an area dedicated to training and spars. The land has been cleared and two large, rectangular arenas have been marked out for this purpose. There is a wooden shed near the arenas to store various training materials such as dummies and wooden versions of generic weapons.

Garden - To the west of the lake, between a few clusters of pine trees, is a garden for growing essential herbs and plants that would not otherwise grow naturally on the island.

Medical Den - Near the base of the mountain, close to where the mountain paths lead to the pack's meeting area, is a large cave that has been built out into an infirmary. There are shelves of medical supplies built along the back of the cave and several cots fill the space for patients.

The Rock Garden

Land Bridge - A thin strip of land connects The Rock Garden to Alias Island when the ocean is at low tide. A floating bridge has been built along the land bridge so that the passage is crossable no matter the state of the tide. At low tide this bridge simply rests on the sand and when the tide is high the planks connected by ropes float along the surface of the water.

Guard Post - At the far side of The Rock Garden, half way between where the pack's border connects to The Polar Sound and The Stone Steppe, is a simple hut where patrolling Warriors can pause to rest. There is a set of stairs that leads up to the roof of the hut to use as a vantage point. It is typically stocked with dried meats and water as well as furs and materials for a campfire in the colder months.

Firefly Lake

Lake - A large lake makes up the majority of this territory. It's a plentiful source of fish and is surrounded by thick clusters of cattails and foliage. At night huge swarms of fireflies come out and dance across the lake. On the west side of the lake, on the side closest to Alias Island, a large, flat rock juts out over the surface of the lake, creating the perfect spot for sunbathing.

Guard Post - At the far side of Firefly Lake, overlooking the border that connects to the Rustling Thicket, is a simple hut where patrolling Warriors can pause to rest. There is a set of stairs that leads up to the roof of the hut to use as a vantage point. It is typically stocked with dried meats and water as well as furs and materials for a campfire in the colder months.

Lounge - A section of the lake shore near where the rock sits over the surface of the water has been cleared out to make space for a covered lounge area. A wooden platform with a canopy hanging above it is covered in comfortable furs and pillows for anyone that would like to relax by the lake side.

Den Locations and Descriptions

Manea, Alastor & Irilyth - The largest cave on the island that has been shaped to fit the large family that occupies it. The main chamber at the entrance of the cave is used for congregating and meals. A small alcove of a room off of this main chamber serves as Irilyth's bedroom with a simple bed and a table for her work. At the far end of the chamber is a curving path that leads to the largest den that Manea and Alastor use as their master bedroom. Around the various chambers of the cave are shelves carved into the stone for storage, comfortable furs in sitting arrangements, and covered storage for supplies and food.

Avacyn & Saracyn - A large branching cave with a main living chamber, a separate space for Avacyn's workshop, a large bedroom for the pair, and a couple smaller dens for guests. The main chamber contains a sizable sitting area, a fire pit for warmth and cooking, and storage for their daily supplies and food. The bedroom is cozy with many plush furs and pillows that are piled together to form a massive bed.

Malico - TBD

Mariah - TBD

Deimos & Ikigai - The pair share a sizable cave with a few smaller chambers branching off of it. The main chamber is furnished with a low dining table, shelves for various trinkets and supplies, and many comfortable furs and pillows. Their sleeping chamber is blocked off from the main living area with oiled skins to provide privacy and to block out the light. Inside is a large, plush bed covered in layers of soft furs and chests to one side of the room to store Ikigai's finer belongings.

Chade & Ricin - The brothers share a comfortably roomy cave with a few, smaller rooms attached. The entry area is spacious and has some furs spread around for guests who may drop by. A hallway branches off at the back of the room and it leads to two smaller caves that are personalized for each brother. Chade’s is set up for tanning hides and crafting things related to hunting while Ricin’s is set up for making maps and jewelry. At the very end of the hall is the largest room, which serves as the brothers’ main sleeping area. In it are two elevated beds that Chade himself, crafted for the brothers.

Fiametta - TBD

Desponia - TBD

No one has made their home within the Rock Garden.

No one has made their home within the Firefly Lake.




KingThe ruler of Elysium. He has the final say in all pack related decisions and acts as the head of the Elysium's Council.

MatriarchThe head of the Mendacium family and second in command in Elysium's Council. She is responsible for upholding the family's laws and customs and passing these traditions on through the generations.

QueenThe mate of the King and his main advisor. She is a member of Elysium's Council. While she does not have the power to make decisions on behalf of the king, her opinion and voice are highly valued in all matters and can act as the face of Elysium in diplomatic matters.

CommanderMate of the Matriarch, commander of all fighting forces, and a member of Elysium's Council. He is responsible for coordinating Elysium's defenses and will direct the pack's Warriors in the event of a raid or siege.

HeiressHeir to the pack and member of Elysium's Council. Typically a child of the King and Queen, but can be any Mendacium family member most well suited for the role.

VolhvThe future Mendacium Matriarch and member of Elysium's Council. Typically a child of the current Matriarch and Commander, but can be any female Mendacium family member most well suited for the role.

LieutenantElysium's lead Warrior that is entrusted with the training of the pack's fighting forces. They must be a master of fighting skill with a preference given to those who are also a master in intellectual pursuits. This rank must be earned through combat trial and may be challenged for. One allowed in this position

AdvisorsFormer Kings, Queens, Matriarchs, and Commanders that have stepped down from their previous roles. While they do not have any designated powers and are not a part of Elysium's Council, their opinions are highly valued and they are trusted advisors in all pack and family endeavors.

EmissaryAmbassador of Elysium and head of external affairs. This rank is assigned by the King, but it can be challenged for by any Elysium member that is a master of intellectual pursuits and is an active part of the pack. One allowed in this position

PhysicianElysium's lead healer that is entrusted with the training of the pack's Nurses. They must be a master of healing techniques. This rank must be earned through test of knowledge and may be challenged for. One allowed in this position

PredatorElysium's lead hunter that is entrusted with the training of the pack's Hunters. They must be a master of hunting skills. This rank must be earned through test of skill and may be challenged for. One allowed in this position

WayfinderElysium's lead navigator that is entrusted with the training of the pack's Trackers. They must be a master of navigation. This rank must be earned through test of skill and may be challenged for. One allowed in this position

TacticianElysium's lead intellectual that is entrusted with the training of the pack's Philosopher. They must be a master of intellectual pursuits. This rank must be earned through test of knowledge and may be challenged for. One allowed in this position

WarriorsElysium's ranked fighters. Must have at least rudimentary levels of knowledge in fighting to hold this rank.

NursesElysium's ranked healers. Must have at least rudimentary levels of knowledge in healing to hold this rank.

HuntersElysium's ranked hunters. Must have at least rudimentary levels of knowledge in hunting to hold this rank.

TrackersElysium's ranked navigators. Must have at least rudimentary levels of knowledge in navigation to hold this rank.

PhilosophersElysium's ranked intellectuals. Must have at least rudimentary levels of knowledge in intellect to hold this rank.

ProgenyChildren of Elysium's members. At one year of age they will chose their preferred specialized rank within the pack or will be moved to the Amateur rank if they have failed to prove proficiency in any particular skill.

AmateursElysium's unranked members. All members will remain in this rank until they have at least an intermediate knowledge of the skill they have chosen to specialize in.

PrisionersPrisoners of the King. They are not to be interacted with unless directed to by a member of Elysium's Council.