Ardent Wolf RPG - Raiders Hollow

Raiders Hollow

Vicimus, Vincimus

The Raiders will raid and they will raid often. No one is safe.
Raider's Hollow is considered a Lawful Evil aligned pack.
Members range from nice to nasty so be careful where you tread.

General Rules

  • What Gilgamesh and Modesty say, goes.
  • Raider's have a 'fuck around and find out' policy for members and visitors alike. Players are encouraged to RP in a way that is true to their character. We won't micromanage our pack members, but be aware there may be consequences for your choices and actions and these won't be discussed OOC beforehand.
  • Trespassers on any land claimed by the Raider's regardless of proximity to pack borders run the risk of being force claimed or maimed.
  • Tier 2 ranks have the ability to accept members into the pack in the leader's absence (including via force claim).
  • The ONLY members not required to raid are Regents, Medics, and Moppets who do not have fighting as a skill.
  • Pups under the age of 1 are not allowed to drink until their first birthday.
  • Members who cause issues with other packs that Modesty has not put a bounty out against will be forced to deal with those issues themselves. Raiders are here to raid, not start wars, and unnecessary provocation may lead to expulsion from the pack without warning.
  • If a character does not align with the pack ideals or decisions, they are free to leave at any point in time.
  • Promotions are only available through winning BOTH raid fights - unless they are not of fighting rank then promotions will be gained via other methods.
  • Members are NOT allowed to have puppies unless approved by Modesty or Gilgamesh first.

NOTE: Just because the raiders are deemed “evil” does not mean they are inherently cruel or despicable.
Modesty and Gilgamesh live by a set of personal rules and as such, will save violence for necessary times or lessons to be learned.
Raiders will raid for resources unless a pack has made it clear they are their enemy.
If players create drama or issues OOCly, they will be removed from the pack or forbidden from joining.
As Modesty and Gilgamesh’s players, we keep all IC situations IC and never allow it to cross into the discord server or elsewhere.
Please DM NachoMumma directly if you don't feel comfortable asking questions in the Raider's chat relating to IC goings on.

Activity Requirements

  • If a member has Fighting as a skill, they will be required to join in the raids. Additionally, pups with fighting as a skill are expected to participate in raids from three seasons of age. If two consecutive raids are missed by a member with fighting as a skill, they will be removed from the roster.
  • Inactivity for 2 months may result in removal from the pack.
  • Pups are expected to reach a proficiency of Expert in both skill sets by the time they are 1 year old. Those who do not will be removed from the roster on their 1st birthday.

Current Raid List

⍟ RAID COOLDOWN ENDS: (Raid in progress)
⍟ Armada, Last Raided: August 2023, defended, Win/Lose: Lost
⍟ Ashen, Last Raided:, Win/Lose: ??
⍟ Avalon, Last Raided:, Win/Lose: ??
Ethne, Last Raided: March 2024, defended, Win/Lose: Win January 2024, attacked, Win/Lose: Win
⍟ Elysium, Last Raided:, Win/Lose: ??
⍟ Hemlock, Last Raided: May 2024, Win/Lose: Win
⍟ Insomnia, Last Raided: September 2023, attacked, Win/Lose: Win
⍟ Obscura, Last Raided: July 2024, Win/Lose: ??
⍟ Polaris, Last Raided:, Win/Lose: ??
⍟ The Syndicate, Last Raided:, Win/Lose: ??
⍟ The Hallows, Last Raided:, Win/Lose: ??
⍟ Tojo-Kai, Last Raided:, Win/Lose: ??
Valta, Last Raided: April 2021, attacked Win/Lose: Win
Initiated Wins
1, 2, 3, 4, 5

Current Bounties

  • Maims on Polaris wolves until Haydee is handed over to Gilgamesh per this thread.

Pack Information

Cryer's Ravine

Gilgamesh, Modesty & Jael's Treehouse: Central to the territory, overlooking the Moor and the Estuary, a treehouse has been constructed on the edge of Cryer's Ravine. Taking inspiration from Dread and Deluge's treehouse on Dove Island, this multi-level structure has plenty of room to house their furniture from Daager Isle (they've even managed to find some nice flat stones so they can safely light a fire). On the first floor is a large grizzly rug where the pups typically sleep. Up a flight of stairs is another level with a massive pile of soft and comfy pelts that make up their bed. The treehouse platforms are surrounded by half height walls, to allow plenty of airflow in the warmer months and the top portion is rolling shutters that can be dropped during colder weather to retain the heat.

Deluge & Dread's Treehouse: As far away from her mother as she could manage, Deluge and Dread have constructed their treehouse in a lone tree on the south-eastern edge of the Ravine (so far away it could almost be Faller's Fjord). The treehouse even faces away from central pack lands, instead looking out over the treacherous cliffs of the fjord and the unforgiving sea to the south. On a clear day, they have a great view of the Bifröst, Amron's castle and the Starlit Plains to the south. Like their previous treehouse, this one is a multi-level affair with half-height walls and shutters that can be dropped to maintain warmth in colder weather. The decor is homey (reminiscent of a log cabin, scattered furs and knick-knacks collected from various travels and friends) and they have utilised a hollowed trunk as a chimney to channel smoke out of their stone fireplace.

Druid's Moor

Veronica Plains

(image to come)

Avian Estuary

(Please DM descriptions if you'd like yours listed!)

  • A small herd of fluffy horned cattle purchased from the markets
  • A herd of goats collected free ranging where Valhalla once stood, reunited with the rest of their herd on their return to the moor.
  • Messenger pigeons collected from Dove Island before the move
  • Assorted waterfowl in the Avian Estuary, most notably ducks

Supplies: updating
Plants: updating
Prey: updating
Predators: updating




Raid QueenPrimary Alpha of Raider's Hollow

Raid KingMate of the Raid Queen of Raider's Hollow

The NightmarePrimary heir.
Lead Troublemaker of the Raid leader's offspring. Generally expected to scout out raid targets and cause mischief and mayhem.

The ScionSecondary Heir to the Raid leaders.
Typically an offspring of the Raid King & Queen, but can be appointed to anyone.

The Powder MonkeyExpected to be inflammatory.

The ProvokerSecond in Command to The Raid King.
Can lead raids and make decisions when Raid King is not present.
Cannot be challenged for unless given approval.

The CrowSecond in command to the Raid Queen.
Lead diplomat of the raiders and able to make political decisions in Raid Queen's absence.
Only 1 allowed with this rank, cannot be challenged for.

VIPsThese are the members that can no longer fight but must be treated with the utmost dignity and respect.
Members who hold this title must be treated like kings and have any request fulfilled ASAP.

The PrivateersTop tier fighters right below The Provoker
3 allowed in this rank, can be requested for.

The SawbonesLead Medics of the raiders.
They are in charge of making sure everyone is tended to after a raid.
Cannot be challenged for - this can only be appointed by The Raid King.

The AdvocatesEntrusted members to help make decisions
5 members allowed with this rank, can be challenged for.

The ModyguardsEntrusted with the protection of the Raid Queen, these fighters are expected to accompany her on diplomatic missions and just generally be around when she is out and about.

RaidersGeneric raiders with fighting as a skill
Calico Jack

RegentsGeneric members without the fighting skill and wish to pursue something other than fighting
Such things would be: being a medic, a hunter, a spy, or a diplomat

MoppetsPuppies under the age of 1
Lyra Rum-Spice

PetsA step above Sacrificial Lamb, these are wolves that Gil has claimed as his own. To be respected, but not necessarily treated as friendly until proven worthy.

Sacrificial LambsSlaves, captives, prisoners, trespassers, anyone who is not a real member
They must fight for their freedom
Members are NOT allowed to harm them unless told to do so by the Raid King
Finch II