Ardent Wolf RPG - Insomnia


We all go a little mad sometimes

A pack full of all kinds of chaotic souls. Likely erring on the side of Chaotic Neutral. (Though probably just some form of chaotic in general). Almost anyone is welcome here. Insomnia embodies the good, the bad, and the ugly. The misfits. The ones that don't seem to fit in anywhere else. The lawful, the neutrals, the goody two shoes. The disorderly. The chaotics. Medusa welcomes you as long as you do no wrong to her, or your new family. Sure, the laws here are loose, and she isn't one to rule with an iron fist, but there are still rules and expectations to follow. The morals of each insomnia wolf may vary, of course, as each member is unique and Medusa certainly encourages unique individuals. Despite potentially questionable morals, you can at least expect honesty from Medusa. You scratch my back, I scratch yours sort of deal.

Those who come seeking to make a home within Insomnia are expected to do their part. Work hard, play hard, and do whatever your black heart desires (with the exception of needlessly maiming, killing, or harming those who don't deserve it, all others are free game!) As long as you're pulling your weight, you're good.


Former Leaders

General Rules

The word of the Wraith and oftentimes the Daemon are final, and in some cases, the Grim Reaper. Failure to obey the laws, go against their rulings, or otherwise refuse to abide by Insomnias rulings may result in severe consequences, including but not limited to scarring, breaking of bones, imprisonment, or expulsion from the pack. The Wraith has the final say, however.

Whether or not you get along with your packmates is on you. Not everyone is expected to get along, and disputes between pack members may be settled with Dominance matches only! Maiming between members or using excessive force is grounds for punishment. You reeaally don't want Medusa to step in. Trust.

Visitors must stop at the borders and may not cross without permission from Medusa or another Tier 1 or Tier 2 member of the pack. Trespassers are free game, of course, and are subject to whatever the finder feels they wanna do. Call a Tier 1 or Tier 2 if necessary. This includes those from packs that are not on friendly terms with Insomnia. Trespassers from unfriendly packs are to be attacked on sight, and are to be challenged via dominance, maimed, or force claimed and expelled from Insomnia grounds (unless they're being force claimed) no exceptions! Allies are welcome, however, and are to be met with open arms!

Slaves are not a thing in Insomnia, but prisoners most certainly are. Insomnia prisoners and other members who have fallen to the rank of Cursed are treated with some degree of respect, though it does depend on why they were Cursed in the first place! Wolves who committed minor infractions are not to be mistreated, but those who are Cursed for more severe consequences don't deserve respect and must earn it once more! Cursed wolves hold no power within Insomnia. Any Insomniac found to be mistreating a Cursed wolf will face consequences, and may end up Cursed themselves! Cursed members are not allowed to go outside Insomnia lands. If found breaking this rule, they will be subject to the wrath of the Grim Reaper.

There are several ways for a Cursed to gain their freedom or otherwise becoming uncursed! Curses can initiate a freedom challenge, or release may be granted by Medusa after whatever conditions she has set have been fulfilled. Or maybe you were a good citizen and did some really good deeds?? She won't keep you here for longer than necessary, however, as long as you're actively working to get yourself out of your predicament. She won't hold your hand during this process, but she won't ignore your efforts either.

Insomniacs with the fighting skill are required to participate in a raid whether it's to attack or defend! Dominance & minor maims are fair game, it's your choice! (Just be aware that your opponent may try to return the favor!). On the other side of the coin, if Insomnia is being raided, nobody is to answer before Medusa, or whoever is assigned to lead the defense! Curses are absolutely not permitted to join the raid without prior permission, or unless there is a lack of other fighters! Raiding, whether attacking or defending, is a good way to fast track yourself to a promotion!

Treason & betrayal against your fellow packmates, as well as breaking the rules is a punishable offense. Anyone found to be giving Insomnia secrets and information to outsiders beyond what is acceptable for recruitment, trading, or alliance purposes, are likely to earn a punishment related to their offense (spies, for example, are likely to earn a maim for eyes, ears, or tongue. Deserters will be permanently exiled and not welcome back within Insomnia. In other words, should they try to return, they are attack on sight. These are just a few examples and are subject to whatever the pack feels fits the crime! The more severe the offense, the more severe the punishment! Crimes against children especially are a big no-no, and Medusa is very likely to become relentless when it comes to avenging a child, whether its hers or not!

Insomniacs are free to love whoever they want! Medusa doesn't care who you choose to love or what your sexual and gender preferences are. You do you. There are still rules to follow, however!
  • Romantic relationships between a member under 2yrs old, and a member older than 2 is not permitted!
  • Sexual advances towards minors (under 2yrs), those who do not consent, and toward relatives will absolutely not be permitted!
  • Insomnian members may not take a mate or reproduce with wolves outside of the pack. Especially with wolves from other packs! And even with loners can get messy. Either they join Insomnia, or you give up your life in Insomnia and leave. Medusa expects undivided loyalty to the pack, don't force her to have to clean up your mess!
  • Pups born from a member of Insomnia, will belong to Insomnia until they are 1yr old. If a member has broken the above rule and decides to conceive pups with someone outside of Insomnia anyway and does not bring them in, then the appropriate action will be taken.
  • Breeding requires permission from The Wraith. This is to make sure the pack has the available space to sustain more bodies.

Insomnia is home to many characters, all with a varying degree of morals, attitudes, and personalities. That being said, if you start shit, you best be able to handle it on your own! Medusa ain't gonna be very happy if she is forced to have to clean up your mess! This applies to both pack members, and visitors. Medusa isn't gonna hold your hand or micromanage (and neither will I), and you're free to do as you wish, but just know that your choices and actions may lead to consequences! Potential consequences will not always be discussed OOCly, either. You do you bro. Just don't whine about it later.

Activity Requirements

  • Pack members are expected to complete at least one skill thread, and one other thread each month within Insomnia lands, and with another pack member, to be considered active within the pack. Solo seasonals may count toward the one skill thread per month. Threads do not have to be a dozen posts, but they must be at least 3+ rounds or done to completion.
  • Raiding is mandatory for fighters, so whether we're going on the offensive or on defense, they are required to participate!
  • All mandatory training, hunts, or other such threads pertaining to your characters skill must be answered if the character is not yet a master in that skill (certain threads are mandatory regardless and will be marked as such), and must be done to completion. Three missed mandatory trainings, hunts, etc. will result in demotion. Continued failure to attend or not complete these may result in further demotion, or expulsion from the pack.
  • Pack meetings are mandatory! Not optional! All pack members must attend pack meetings. Failure to do so may result in demotion or expulsion from the pack.
  • If you are on absence or extended absence, and are not posting anywhere else, let me know and we'll work something out! If, however, you are posting other characters, then you are expected to complete these activity requirements as well.
  • If a pack member is inactive/doesn't post, or if they miss/fail two activity checks in a row for two seasons, they will be considered as having abandoned the pack, and removed from Insomnia. Exceptions can be made if on absence, again, just reach out!

Raid Board

Pack Resources

  • Exotic & non-exotic furs, feathers, and skins
  • Various kinds of bones, bone weaponry, and accessories
  • Dried & cured meats
  • Precious gemstones
  • Local medicinal and recreational herbs
  • Crafted poisons, medicines, and supplements
  • Local wildlife (Deer, Elk, Pronghorn, Zebra, Antelope, Geese, Pheasants, Wild Turkey, Birds of Prey, Prairie Chickens, Gophers, Prairie Dogs, Rabbits & Hares, Non-venomous snakes)

Den sites

Under construction

Festivals & Events

Game of Bones
Info coming soon!

The Starving Games

Info coming soon!


Testing 1

Under construction




WraithThe primary alpha of Insomnia. Her word is law, and everything she says goes. Even if it's a little wild. Responsible for most of the pack stuff, though may assign to other members. In charge of accepting and releasing members, creating and changing laws whenever she feels like it, and has the last say in any and all decisions, rank changes, promotion/demotion, etc. Probably don't end up on her bad side.
This rank can be challenged for via official pack challenge.

DaemonSecondary alpha of Insomnia. To attain this rank, Medusa must really trust you. Does not have to be the Wraith's mate. Has almost as much power as the Wraith. May accept/deny members, promote/demote members (with the exception of prisoners). The Daemon may step in when the Wraith is unavailable. Helps to oversee the pack and delegate duties, and is likely to handle the diplomatic affairs. Should the Daemon prove to be incompetent, they may be stripped of the rank. However, they may regain it should they prove themselves competent and capable, and can re-challenge for the position.
This position can be challenged for with approval from The Wraith!

Grim ReaperJudge, Jury, & Executioner. A wolf with this rank probably lacks morals, and empathy, and must be one of strong mind and claim the ability to be unbiased. The Reaper is the one that carries out punishment to those who break pack law. Most often, the Reaper ultimately decides if the accused is guilty or innocent after a vote has been made. His/Her rulings are final, and the only ones that may overrule their decisions are the Wraith and Daemon. Should the Grim Reaper fail to uphold his/her duties or falter in their ability to do what must be done, he/she will be stripped of the rank, and is unlikely to regain it unless they can prove they are capable enough to keep it.
This rank can be challenged for with approval by The Wraith.

NightmarePrimary Beta. Medusa's Right Hand Wolf. The Nightmare is one of The Wraith's most trusted. The Nightmare may step in and take up challenges should the Wraith or Daemon be unavailable (within reason, of course). The Nightmare works with Insomnia's Secondary Beta as a team in ensuring the pack is doing their part. The Nightmare may confront trespassers and execute maims upon them if necessary, force claim, or otherwise expel them permanently from the pack. They help oversee that proper training is being done within the pack, and that the pack is in fact, doing their part to both better themselves, as well as contributing to the pack. They have the authority to promote and demote members under Tier 2.
This position can be challenged for with approval by The Wraith!

DreamInsomnia's Secondary Beta, one of The Wraith's most trusted. He/She should work in tandem with the Nightmare, and has just about as much sway as the Nightmare rank. In charge of most diplomatic affairs, and overseeing disputes between pack members if necessary. Helps to ensure the pack is running smoothly, and guiding those that need it. Has the ability to confront trespassers and do what they feel is best for the situation. May promote/demote members under tier 2.
This rank can be challenged for with approval from The Wraith!

SoulMay or may not be a child of The Wraith! Inherits the pack should anything happen to The Wraith! Must be able to prove that they are the one who should be next in line! Medusa does not particularly care how you achieve this. The Heir has almost as much power as the other tier 2's, the only exception being they may not promote/demote members themselves. They must help in protecting borders, and learning what it takes to lead a pack. They may force claim trespassers, lead training sessions, and

This position can be challenged for via bi-annual competition!


Night WalkersInsomnia's best spies. Masters in this field, Nightwalkers know how to be discreet and hide their tracks. They are masters of deceit outside of the pack. Insomnia's infiltration force, Night Walkers tasks are gathering information about other packs, as well as individuals. They often work closely with Insomnia's bounty hunters, gathering as much intel as possible so that the bounty hunters may pursue and find their quarry. Night Walkers are in charge of training lesser ranked spies, and may lead spy missions.
This rank may be challenged for with approval from The Wraith!

Femme FataleA rank solely for two of Insomnia's best females. A rank for multiple skillsets, they are good at what they do whether it be fighting, hunting, or using their intellectual capabilities, using their skills and silver tongues for Insomnia's benefit. These girls are wickedly smart in the art of deception, have proven their power when it comes to strength, and they ought to not use their real names outside of the pack. Instead, they must use an alias, along with disguises (preferably) in an effort to protect their identity when conning others and while on missions. They are intellectually dangerous just as much as they are powerful, using their learned skills to grow Insomnia's wealth! These wolves are tasked with training those in the ranks beneath them. They will also be taking others along on missions requested by The Wraith. They may call mandatory trainings in whatever skill they see fit, and are allowed to issue punishments within reason.
This rank may be challenged for with approval from The Wraith!

NecromancersInsomnia's master healers. They oversee the wellbeing of the pack, and are masters in the craft of herbology. Whether their skills are to heal or to harm, Insomnia depends on them to keep the packs members healthy and always ready to go! They are in charge of the lesser ranked healers, and ensure that those interested in healing are getting the proper training!
This rank may be challenged for with approval from The Wraith!

RavagersInsomnia's best and most experienced hunters! These wolves are highly skilled in tracking down their prey and dealing the killing blow! These wolves are tasked with training the lesser ranked hunters, as well as overseeing pack hunts and ensuring Insomnia doesn't go hungry! They may lead larger scale pack hunts, call mandatory hunt training, as well as aid the packs bounty hunters in tracking down their targets!
This rank may be challenged for with approval of The Wraith!

HeartlessInsomnia's best fighters! The heartless are essentially the "heart" of Insomnia's fighting force. They have proven themselves skilled and merciless fighters on the field, and are often the first in line whether its to attack or defend. The Heartless are tasked with protecting Insomnia's resources, as well as protecting its borders and members from those seeking to harm them. They are often capable of holding their own in a fight, and should show no mercy to those that arrive with hostile intentions.
This rank can be challenged for!

PhantomsInsomnia's best trackers & navigators(?). WIP

HellhoundsInsomnia's best Bounty Hunters. WIP

WitchesInsomnian healers that have learned the basics and continue to grow their skills. Their role in the pack is to ensure the pack is healthy, and continue to grow their expertise when it comes to medicinal herbs be they of the helping kind or otherwise! Healers are important to Insomnia, just like any other rank, and their role is especially valued within the pack. Whether a Witch chooses to use their skills for good, bad, or for recreational purposes, as long as you know how to mend your packmates when things get serious, then this rank is definitely for you! The duties of a witch include but are not limited to: Tending to injuries and illnesses of your packmates, keeping your stores well stocked, teaching apprentices, working alongside higher ranked tiers, divination & guidance, and even making sure that those in the Cursed rank aren't dying of illness (unless otherwise instructed). Not all Witches like to use their skills for the purpose of helping others, and that's fine too! Must attend mandatory healer training, and may also hold their own training sessions for apprentices!
Advanced - Expert in Healing or a secondary skill is required!

ShrieksInsomnian hunters that have learned the basics of hunting & tracking and continue to grow their skills. Their role in the pack is to keep the pack's food stores as full as possible and ensure that the pack has plenty of food while continuing to grow their expertise in bringing down all sorts of prey, and tracking various targets (prey animal, or otherwise). Shrieks are definitely important to Insomnia, as they are the ones the pack relies on most for coordinated hunts. This skill is valued within Insomnia, since despite everyone's unique differences, cooperation is key, and the Shrieks learn this first and foremost! Teamwork makes the dream work after all, and these guys are pretty good at their jobs! Must attend mandatory hunt training, as well as pack hunts, and may also hold their own training sessions for apprentices and call them for hunts as well!
Advanced - Expert in Hunting or any secondary skill is required!

HauntersInsomnian spies that have become pretty good at navigating the lands, concealing themselves, and tracking things down. While not experts in their field, they continue to learn the skills they need in order to infiltrate what needs infiltrating and gathering information that benefits Insomnia. Their role in the pack is a crucial one, for it is their eyes and ears that are often necessary for Insomnia's deciding factors. Secrets and blackmail are their specialties, and while Haunters are not yet tasked with carrying crucial information the way Night Walkers are, they still play a vital role. Not only do they play the role of spy guys, but they aid in tracking and finding runaway Curses, and other wanted persons. Haunters are allowed to track and bring in ☆☆ - ☆☆★ bounties (depending on their skill level(s), without the help of a higher ranked Bounty Hunter. Must attend mandatory training related to their skills and may also hold their own training sessions for apprentices!
Advanced - Expert in Navigation, or in a secondary skill is required!

SpectersInsomnian crafters. These wolves love to dabble with materials and adore crafting things with their own two paws. From small and simple trinkets to extraordinary and extravagant structures. Specters are tasked with ensuring the pack's equipment is up to snuff and working properly, as well as outfitting their fellow Insomniacs. Their main duties are pretty much to better the packs quality of life with their builds as well as helping to fortify defenses. Though they are amateurs, their work only gets better and their crafts are certainly one of a kind! Specters are important to Insomnia, for they are the thinkers and tinkerers! Helping higher-ranked crafters in coming up with ideas to aid the pack with their creations! This includes but is not limited to: Pack defenses & fortification, creating tools to aid in deterring invaders and would-be thieves, and bouncing ideas off one another like the nerds they are.Must attend mandatory training related to their skills, and may also hold their own training sessions for apprentices!
Advanced - Expert in Intellect, or in any secondary skill is required!

FearsInsomnia's primary Guards. Their primary task is patrolling and ensuring Insomnia's lands are safe and secure against outside threats. Generally one of the first to meet and greet both visitors, and trespassers. Fears are often very aggressive against trespassers especially, as they take their duty as protectors seriously, and outsiders generally aren't trusted to begin with. They help to oversee prisoners and are also among the first line of defense against raids and sieges. True to their name, Fears should be...*ahem*, feared. While not all individual Fears are the same, their ideals and protective instinct likely are. Fears protect the pack against intruders and have no qualms about taking a piece off of them should the situation demand it. In other words, if hostile trespassers ignore the very obvious hint to leave, it is up to the discretion of the Fear to decide whether or not they wish to maim or scar the trespasser, or simply chase them out. The duties of a Fear include but are not limited to: Patrolling borders, ensuring the safety of the pack, keeping an eye on Curses & escorting them from point A to point B, and helping with general duties around the pack. Must attend mandatory fight training, and may also hold their own training sessions for apprentices!
Advanced - Expert in Fighting or any secondary skill is required!

HowlersInsomnian fighters that prefer a more aggressive approach when it comes to protecting and defending their home, as well as being the first line of attack when Insomnia goes on the offensive. Howlers are Insomnia's primary fighting force, and their primary task is pretty much like infantry. Not only that, but Howlers may also double as amateur Bounty Hunters. Howlers may work alongside Haunters to find and bring in ☆☆ - ☆☆★ (star level subject to change) bounties (depending on their skill levels) without the help of a higher-ranked Bounty Hunter. The role of a Howler is important within Insomnia, as they are the ones that not only go on the first line of attack but also serve as another line of defense against intruders. Like Fears, it is a Howler's discretion on whether or not they wish to maim/scar trespassers or send them packing. Though each Howler is their own unique individual, it would still be in your best interest not to cross them. Their attitudes can be quite nasty. A Howlers duties include but are not limited to: Border patrol, participating in raids when necessary, keeping an eye on Curses, helping to track down bounties, fucking up trespassers, and general pack duties. Must attend mandatory fight training, and may also hold their own training sessions for apprentices!
Advanced - Expert in Fighting or any secondary skill is required!

ReapersInsomnia's amateur bounty hunters. Reapers specialize in tracking down and finding those that wind up on Insomnia's Bounty Board. They work closely with the Hellhounds on most occasions, and may even tag along with a Hellhound when they go for higher-ranked bounties. They often work in groups to track down their targets and do whatever is necessary to bring those targets back with the help of a Hellhound or Nightmare. Reapers can be ruthless in their endeavor to get their targets, often by whatever means necessary to get the job done. In the event they find the target but are unable to bring them in, then they must request the help of someone who can finish the job. Reapers are also primarily in charge of those in the Cursed rank, and are tasked with keeping them from escaping by whatever means necessary (even if you have to hogtie them or dunk them in the pits). Reaper duties include but are not limited to: General pack duties such as border patrol, aiding other members, overseeing Curses, locating wanted targets, etc. Must attend mandatory training in their chosen skills, and may also hold their own training sessions for apprentices!
Advanced - Expert with any of their chosen skills is required!

FeralApprentice Fighters. Beginner - Intermediate Fighting skill. May rank up upon testing out, and there are a few ways to do this! Either the mentor thinks the apprentice is ready for the next rank-up and makes this case known to a Tier 1 or Tier 2. The apprentice challenges their mentor or a higher ranked warrior or a Tier 1/Tier 2 to a dominance challenge and wins, or the apprentice may wait until Insomnia's version of a battle royale where their skills are tested against other parties! The duties of a Feral include border patrol, intercepting trespassers, keeping an eye on Curses, and helping with general duties around the pack. Of course, they must also attend all fight training that is called!

CreepersApprentice Spies, Navigators, & Trackers. Beginner - Intermediate in Navigation, or any chosen skill. May rank up upon testing out, or if their mentor deems them ready! Duties are to help higher-ranked members around the pack, and must attend all training regardless of their skill! May not go on solo missions, and are only allowed to go on missions with a Tier 1, Tier 2, or with Night Walkers & Trick Masters unless otherwise specified! Often work alongside Charms to gather information!
Atticus Dunamis

HexApprentice healers. Beginner - Intermediate Healing skill. May rank up upon testing out, or if their mentor deems them ready! Duties are to help higher-ranked healers with whatever tasks are requested of them and must attend all healing training, as well as other training sessions that are requested of them. Must learn at least the basic knowledge of herbology. Basic duties include helping higher-ranked healers collect herbs, keeping medicinal stores stocked, tending to gardens, and ensuring pack members are healthy.

CharmApprentice negotiators, traders, envoys....and amateur con artists. Beginner - Intermediate intellect skill preferred, or any secondary skill. Charms are good with their words. They're not so much the fighty type, but they definitely can be (though should absolutely know how to protect themselves at the very least). Charms are tasked with learning how to negotiate, conduct trades, swindle others, and are tasked with taking not-so-important messages beyond Insomnia's borders when necessary. Charms should learn a wide range of communication skills. Learning how to talk to others, negotiating for smaller, basic trades (such as food supplies, medicine, and other materials that Insomnia might need), attending markets, and definitely learning how to be like that sleazy car salesman! Despite the ranks name, not all Charms are honest, but they certainly are charming.

WhisperApprentice hunters. Beginner - Intermediate Hunting skill. May rank up upon testing out, or if their mentor deems them ready! Duties are to help higher-ranked hunters with whatever tasks are requested of them, and must attend all hunt training (and any other training requested of them, unless otherwise specified). Duties include attending pack hunts when called, border patrol, ensuring pack food stores are stocked, and aiding in tracking down level 1 bounties.

MemoryMembers without a chosen rank or path. Have two IC seasons to figure it out, after that, you're automatically placed wherever you're needed. Unless you're old as dirt and just wanna retire, then this rank is also for you. Must help with general pack duties such as border patrol, helping hunters, helping healers, learning basic combat skills, and other basic skills necessary for survival (trust Medusa on this, you definitely wanna learn what you can!), watching prisoners, and a variety of other tasks. Again, unless you're old af, then just sit back, relax, and try not to murder your pesky packmates.

ShadowsApprentices that are less than 2 years old. Expected to work on their preferred skills in an effort to rank up...or else.

IllusionsWolves that have come from other packs for apprenticeship training in their desired field! To be respected and shown hospitality for the duration of their stay! Expected to help with general pack duties, and train in their chosen field(s) while they are here.

DarklingsInsomnia pups under 1yr

StraysTemporary guests. May only stay for one season. After a season, they must either join the pack or move on. Must contribute to the pack in some form in exchange for Insomnia hospitality. Failure to contribute, may result in being kept as a Curse until debt is paid.

CursedInsomnia prisoners. May not leave pack lands without express permission from the Wraith. Those who do are likely to have not nice things done to them. Who knows. I wouldn't test this if I were you. To leave this rank, one may choose to join Insomnia as a full member (only if you are trusted enough, however), fight for freedom, or fulfill terms and conditions set by Medusa for release.