Ardent Wolf RPG - The Hallows

The Hallows

Standing on guard for the ones that we shelter

The Hallows is a good aligned pack generally open to the public. Our ideology is to aid those who need help. Those that have nowhere to go. The broken. The downtrodden. Upon promise of peace, all are welcome.

General Rules

• No bloodshed of any kind will be tolerated on Hallowed lands. Any blood spilled by accident or in the course of trainings or approved combat does not qualify.

• All are welcome in the Hallows without discrimination. Alignment, beliefs, and lineage matter not so long as a wolf comes peacefully into the territory. Individuals who have threatened or done harm to the Hallows or its members are excluded from this protection.

• Within the pack, each wolf must pull their own weight and contribute based upon their skillsets. When wolves become Advanced in a skill, they are given the option to take on a role-specific title as well as additional duties in the pack.

• Members are expected to be reasonably active to stay in the pack. A wolf that does not pull its weight will be removed.

• Litters are not allowed without the express permission of the Lord/Lady. Characters that become pregnant or sire children without permission run the risk of being ousted from the pack.

• Although open for public service, anyone seeking to enter Hallowed lands must call for admittance before setting foot over borders. Medical emergencies are the only exceptions. All others will be considered trespassers and will be treated as threats.

• The Lord/Lady of Cinder must approve any wolves looking to become members of the pack. All Hallowed wolves are allowed to bring guests into the pack, but to become a permanent member they must speak with the Lord/Lady.

• The Lord/Lady of Cinder must approve of all members wishing to leave the Hallows, whether temporary or permanently.

• The Lord/Lady of Cinder has the final word in all things. If needed, the High Council will be convened to offer advice and guidance to the Lord/Lady, or to cast votes on matters.

• Treason is considered especially heinous. Those that would do harm against their own pack are held culpable to the crimes their betrayal caused and are subject to extreme forms of punishment. This can include sentences up to severe/debilitating maiming, imprisonment, or execution.

Festivals & Special Occasions

* based on Auster seasons



Summer Bonfire Festival: A bonfire celebration between friends and family to remember and celebrate the ones that have been lost, toasting to their lives with good food and drink.


Harvest Ball: A special party hosted by the Hallows for wolves two years or younger to come mingle and meet others from around the world. Open by invitation to all friends and allies of the Hallows.


Feast of Unity: A great feast where every wolf of the pack contributes either a meal or something else for the entire pack to share. Bringing together of minds and hearts, promoting unity amongst The Hallows.


Weddings within the Hallows will be presided over by the Lord/Lady of Cinder. If the Lord/Lady is unavailable, an appropriately ranked or ordained wolf may substitute at the approval of the marrying pair. Any part of Hallowed lands may be used for wedding ceremonies for pack wolves and friends of the Hallows alike.


When a wolf passes on, their body will be tended to in two ways: a Return to Fire and a Twilight Song. A wolf with special or religious preferences may specify a different means of funerary rites. All funerals are to be held in the late afternoon to early evening and may last through the night. Burials are strictly forbidden in the Hallows.

  • Return to Fire: The departed is wrapped in fine cloth and placed on a pyre doused in flammable oils, along with any personal mementos and sentimental gifts. After eulogies have been delivered, the Flamebearers will then ignite the pyre with torches.

  • Twilight Song: The entire pack is invited to join in a howl to sing in remembrance and honor of the departed. Either the Lord/Lady of Cinder or a wolf close to the deceased initiates the howl.

  • Pack History

    The Hallows' Theme
    Game of Thrones Main Theme - Ramin Djawadi


    Quests & Missions

    Winter means the rainy season, and even the strongest castles can spring leaks. Help patch up any leaking windows, drafty doors, or other damp conditions in Hearthstone.

    Location: Hearthstone
    Reward: 25 gems

    What better remedy for the cold, dreary weather than a hearty meal? Help keep the masses of the Hallows well fed and warm with some winter meals. From soups and stews to comfort foods of any kind, help prepare and cook some wholesome home cooking for all to enjoy.

    Location: Hearthstone
    Reward: 25 gems

    Bears are becoming an ongoing problem in Auster. After several attacks on Hallowed wolves, Artorias is issuing a bounty on all bear kills. Fight and kill any type of large bear in Auster, then either bring its head or pelt back to Artorias to claim the bounty.

    Location: Anywhere in Auster
    Reward: 100 gems

    Resources & Treasures


    Common Rooms Descriptions

    Grand Foyer — A wide open entryway with two corridors branching off to the east and west wings of Hearthstone. A huge wooden staircase with plush rug runners lead up to the higher levels. A set of stone stairs tucked behind the grand staircase leads down into the prisons.

    Great Hall — A feasting hall with high ceilings and beams. Long wooden tables sit around the hall. A single long table sits atop an evaluated platform with two mahogany thrones at the center of the table. Tall windows tower up to the ceiling and look out over the western sea and the castle gardens. The Great Hearth is built into the inner wall, where a roaring fire is always burning. The pelt of Oxx Carpathius hangs above the hearth.

    Kitchen — A decent-sized kitchen with plenty of countertop space for prep, wood-burning ovens and ranges, and a natural spring producing water. There is a walk-in pantry in the back for storing dry goods. It also leads to the cellars for storage.

    Forge & Armory — A large workshop with weapons and armors lining the walls. A massive coal forge, anvils, grindstones, and workbenches fill the room, all in various states of use and wear. A locked armory in the back safely houses all the higher quality weapons and armor. Only the Lord/Lady of Cinder and Commander can unlock this door.

    Lounge — A cozy little lounge filled with cushioned furniture. A single fireplace keeps the room illuminated and warm. A liquor cabinet and bar sit on the far wall, fully stocked. Tall windows look out over the plains.

    Infirmary — A large hall filled with cots for patients. An attendant's desk sits beside the door. Shelves of medical supplies, medicines, and other knickknacks line the walls. Windows look out over the gardens, allowing fresh air and sunlight into the room.

    Baths — A room of marble tiled floors and frosted glass windows. Two massive in-ground tubs sit at the heart of the room. A network of underground aqueducts allows the pumping of hot water to fill the baths from a natural hot spring beneath Hearthstone, and drains in each tub empty the water back out to the ocean. Cabinets filled with towels, furs, oils, and perfumes line the walls.

    Council Chamber — A secluded room sealed behind two heavy mahogany doors to isolate conversation within. The room is dominated by a grand stone table, upon which a detailed map of Ardent has been carved into its surface for strategizing purposes. The map is best seen when lit from underneath by firelight to illuminate the topographical details. Cushioned chairs surround the Carved Table, the amount equal to the number of High Councilors, the Lord of Cinder, and the Lady of Cinder.

    Guest Rooms — Decent-sized bedrooms for guests of the Hallows to rest in. Each room comes with a full-sized bed, a fireplace, and a window looking out over the plains.

    Artorias' Dojo — The room contains nothing but a padded arena that takes up most of the space. Training dummies encircle the ring. Racks of wooden sparring swords hang on the walls.

    Living Quarters Descriptions

    Rooms on the second floor of the castle.

    Artorias and Briar's Room — The largest bedroom in the castle, reserved for the alphas. It has a massive king-sized four-poster bed with sheer and privacy curtains situated against one wall with a fireplace across from it. A thick patchwork quilt lies across the sheets for added warmth during the winter. There are a set of double doors that open out onto a spacious balcony overlooking the sea. Several luxuriously soft furs are laid out in front of the grand fireplace. Above the bed is a tapestry hung on the wall and the bed is covered with many pillows, furs, and silk sheets.

    Bowen's Room — A decent-sized bedroom, able to fit a couple of wolves comfortably, with large windows and a balcony facing out towards the sea. A fireplace is set into the far wall, a coat of arms featuring a howling wolf hanging over the mantle. A large four-poster canopy bed with an old chest are tucked into the corner, and the stone floors are covered with dusty and tattered rugs. Faded paintings of landscapes and battling knights dot the walls.

    Gwynevere's Room — A small library that has been converted into a bedroom and storage place for many herbs and healing supplies. The far wall is made up of a large picture window that stretches nearly to the ceiling while both walls on either side are lined with bookshelves. Under the window is a long bench that has been piled high with pillows and furs to make a bed. The lower shelves have been cleared of their books to make room for healing supply storage. In the middle of the room two pallets have been set up for any patients that need close, overnight monitoring or for any family that wants to stay.

    Rudyard and Fern's Room — A king-size bed sits with a short distance away from the door. There are some furs draped over it, offering warmth and softness. The bed faces two wide, wooden doors to let the sea air in or to let wolves out to sit on the balcony. Some of Rudy’s most prestigious hunting kills have been carefully stuffed and mounted, placed in various spots around the room. A weapon rack and armor stands are against the side wall. Multiple thick furs are laid in the middle of the room. In the far right and left corners of the room are two baskets, each with a soft fur inside for Puff and Savage to rest in. A wooden perch allows Reddy to rest inside on rainy, cold days.

    Mercury's Room — Furnished with a plush bear rug on the floor, and a bed big enough to house two sitting perpendicular to the fireplace. Heavy curtains give the option to blot out the sunlight, and a small table with a collection of odd trinkets sits in a corner. An empty sword stand is the only decoration on the wall.

    Ezra & Syanna's Room — A king-sized bed strewn with furs and blankets sits against the middle of the northern wall. The far wall is made entirely of windows looking out over the Starlit Plains and open to a spacious balcony. A fireplace is set into the wall furthest from the bed. Rugs of soft furs have been spread throughout the room. A coatrack is set up near the door to hold Ezra's armor and Syanna's satchel. Syanna has set up a desk as a workspace, its surface strewn with herbs, flowers, and extracts.

    Solaire's Room — No description provided yet.

    Silas' Room — No description provided yet.

    Grimshaw's Room — No description provided yet.

    Rooms on the third floor of the castle.

    Ciaran's Room — No description provided yet.

    Sota's Room — A roomy kinda room without much in it. A simple bed and storage chest make up the only furniture. Its inhabitant clearly uses it for functional purposes alone.

    Talyssa's Room — A handmade wreath hangs outside the door that changes with the season. Windows overlook the ocean directly across from the door. On the left side dominating the middle of the room is a queen-sized four-poster canopy bed with white sheer curtains bundled on each corner. The headboard is against the exterior wall situated between two floor-to-ceiling windows. An end table on either side hosting a vase of flowers or a similar item of interest. At the foot of the bed is a small trunk for storage. On the interior wall closest to the door is a small fireplace. Pushed back into the corner is a small desk with several half-completed projects on it, usually a book she’s in the middle of or a near-completed map. Within reach is a small bookshelf. Around the room, various maps of Auster and Boreas are hung up.

    Claire and Greed's Room — No description provided yet.

    Rooms on the fourth floor of the castle and in the central tower.

    Bramble's Room — A spacious room with a queen-sized bed covered in blankets and pillows. A large bear skin rug is sprawled out in front of the fireplace. A full-length mirror made of sea glass and adorned in a silver frame with inlaid gemstones sits against the far wall. Draping curtains cover the tall windows and the door leading out to the balcony. A wolf mannequin acts as a stand for her armor and weapons.

    Ember's Room — The bedroom is a blend of traditionally feminine and masculine tastes. An expansive canopy bed is covered in deep red silk sheets with matching curtains for privacy. A desk stands up against the far windows facing the ocean, strewn with old books and papers written in Carpathian. A vase of jasmine or wisteria flowers is always on the desk. Above the fireplace, a stand for her sword rests on the mantle, and a mannequin for her armor sits close to the door. A vanity stands against the innermost wall, a semi-organized clutter of brushes, fur oils and perfumes, as well as her jewelry.

    Clove's Room — No description provided yet.

    Nelu's Room — No description provided yet.

    Vendrick's Room — No description provided yet.

    Ellara's Room — Ellara's bedroom is a serene and functional space. The king-sized bed, draped in soft, earth-toned linens, sits near a warm, stone fireplace. Shelves filled with healing herbs, potions, and medical tools line the walls, interspersed with hooks holding her battle armor. A cozy perch by the fireplace and a spacious aviary near the balcony provide homes for her owls.

    Thorn's Room — A functionally decorated room with a modest bed and a workbench against the wall. Schematics and details diagrams of weapons poster the wall along with maps of Auster and Boreas. A rug made of alpaca wool lies in front of the fireplace.

    Dusk and Sitri's Room — No description provided yet.

    Dens built out on the plains surrounding the castle.





    Lord of Cinder

    Alpha of the Hallows, harbinger of sanctuary and justice, and the protector of the realm of wolves. Also known as the Firekeeper. Formerly known as the Aegis.


    Lady of Cinder

    The mate to the Lord of Cinder and highest ranking female in the Hallows. Responsible for domestic life within the Hallows and frontrunner for all diplomatic efforts.



    The heir apparent of the Hallows, chosen by the Lord/Lady of Cinder. A leader in training with great responsibility and authority.

    High Councilors

    Members of the Lord's/Lady's exclusive high council, their most trusted wolves. Responsible for helping to manage the pack, casting votes on judicial orders, and advising the Lord/Lady on all important matters.



    A battle-tested warrior without peer. The leader of the Vanguard and Knights, responsible for overseeing all combat training and pack security.

    Limit of 1 position, Master Fighter and secondary Master skills required.


    Chief Physician

    The most skilled medic within the Hallows and head of all medicine within the pack. Responsible for keeping medical staff on call and ready at a moment's notice.

    Limit of 1 position, Master Healer skill required.


    Lead Hunter

    The most experienced hunter and chief provider of food for the pack. Responsible for keeping larders filled year round.

    Limit of 1 position, Master Hunter skill required.


    A master navigator and adventurer, leader of the Scouts and Explorers. Responsible over all incoming reports and intel to the Lord/Lady.

    Limit of 1 position, Master Navigator skill required.


    Head Scholar

    The headmaster of academics and learning over the Hallows. Responsible for ensuring quality education to all, as well as maintaining histories and records of the Hallows.

    Limit of 1 position, Master Intellectual skill required.

    Ember Carpathius


    The ambassador to the Hallows. Responsible for all inter-pack relations and affairs, and outreach to allied packs and prospective allies.

    Limit of 1 position, Master Intellectual skill required.



    The most capable warriors of the Hallows and elite bodyguards to the Lord/Lady of Cinder and the Carpathian family.

    Limit of 4 positions, Master Fighter skill required.


    Expert Physicians

    Highly skilled medics trained to work in specialized areas of medicine. They help mentor other Physicians and assist the Chief Physician in daily tasks.

    Limit of 2 positions, Expert Healer skill required.


    Veteran Hunters

    Hunters who have demonstrated keen skills in the field for bringing down prey of all sizes and caliber. Responsible for mentoring other Hunters and assisting the Lead Hunter in organizing hunts and providing for the pack.

    Limit of 2 positions, Expert Hunter skill required.

    Rookery Ranger

    A specialized individual adept at handling and caring for the Hallows' ravens. Responsible for their care, upkeep, and breeding.

    Limit of 1 position, Expert Hunter skill required.



    Nimble and highly skilled pathfinders, often tasked with challenging explorations or missions. Responsible for mentoring Scouts and reporting intel to the Wayfinder.

    Limit of 2 positions, Expert Navigator skill required.


    Scholars that have shown an aptitude for a particular craft or field of study. Responsible for mentoring Scholars and aiding the Head Scholar in any research projects.

    Limit of 2 positions, Expert Intellectual skill required.


    Warriors and defenders of the Hallows.



    Healers and caregivers of the Hallows.



    Hunters and providers of the Hallows.


    Explorers and wayfinders of the Hallows.



    Teachers and tutors of the Hallows.



    General population of the Hallows. All of them under the protection of the Lord/Lady of Cinder.

    Avalon II


    Hallowed children. Characters under the age of 1 year.



    A temporary rank for individuals who have come to attend Artorias' swordsmanship school. They are afforded the same protections as Hallowed wolves.


    Males in servitude to members of the Hallows. To be treated with the same respect and dignity as Hallowed wolves.


    Females in servitude to members of the Hallows. To be treated with the same respect and dignity as Hallowed wolves.


    Wolves who have committed crimes, injustices, or acts of violence against the Hallows and its members. These individuals retain no rights nor freedoms. They are confined to the dungeon cells unless otherwise ordered by the Lord/Lady of Cinder. They do, however, receive the same degree of protection from the Lord/Lady until they stand trial, their punishments are carried out, or their sentences are served.

    What Ranks Can Be Challenged For?

    Ranks may be challenged for once per season. The winner of a rank challenge will be ineligible to challenge or be challenged for two OOC months.

    Lord of Cinder - Can be challenged for. Must follow official pack challenge rules.
    Lady of Cinder - Cannot be challenged for.
    Warden of the Hallows - Cannot be challenged for, but may be reassigned by the Lord/Lady of Cinder if given a compelling reason.

    High Councilor - Cannot be challenged for, but may be reassigned by the Lord/Lady of Cinder if given a compelling reason.
    Envoy - Cannot be challenged for, but may be reassigned by the Lord/Lady of Cinder if given a compelling reason.

    Commander / Vanguard - May be challenged for. Will be determined by a trial by combat.
    Chief Physician / Specialized Physician - May be challenged for. Will be determined by a medical test chosen by the challenged.
    Lead Hunter / Veteran Hunter - May be challenged for. Will be determined by a trial by combat or hunting/fishing competition.
    Wayfinder / Explorer - May be challenged for. Will be determined by a race chosen by the challenged.
    Head Scholar / Specialist - May be challenged for. Will be determined by a crafting competition.
    Rookery Ranger - Cannot be challenged for, but may be reassigned by the Lord/Lady of Cinder if given a compelling reason.